
Children's room of the police, Moscow: address, phone. Registration in the children's room of the police

In the eyes of parents, children are always angels, but sometimes this is not true. The Ministry of Internal Affairs brought out terrible statistics for 2015, according to which, the level of child crime increased by 5%. No one is immune from the situation when a child gets in touch with a bad company or because of his hot-tempered nature commits a criminal act, is addicted to drugs. That is why today asking questions about what the children's room of the police is not ashamed of, but necessary.police room

What is she and what does she do?

Such a harsh name actually hides a department that helps children who are under the influence of adults. The children's room of the police, or, correctly speaking, the juvenile department, is a pedagogical police post. From all other departments, it is precisely the use of pedagogical measures against juvenile offenders that distinguishes it. In other words, the department’s goal is not so much punishment as re-education and help at the time of difficult life circumstances.

In addition to educational issues, the work of the Juvenile Affairs Units (PDN) includes: the prevention of offenses, assistance in protecting the legitimate rights of children, identifying violations of the law, and suppressing immoral behavior. They exist at the city and district police departments, in such rooms you can meet hooligans, children who committed a crime, vagrants, young drug addicts.

The children's rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov once said: “There are no children's problems. There are adult mistakes. ” So it is quite logical that in PDN you can meet not only minors, but also their parents.

A bit of history

Prevention of child crimes in our country dates back to the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. At that time, there was a special institution in the city of Novgorod, of course, then it did not bear the name "children's room of the police", street boys were brought up there. Further, already at all historical stages, to some extent, there were some institutions reserved specifically for minors at risk.what does the children's room of the police do

In 1910, the first court appeared in St. Petersburg to examine offenses committed by children. In 1918, the first juvenile commissions began to appear. Many do not know, but the phrase “children's room of the police”, once so frightening to Soviet schoolchildren and their parents, has long been removed from the structure internal affairs bodies. Today it is a juvenile police department.


People working in the children's room of the police are not just ordinary employees. First of all, these are teachers who have sufficient skills for proper communication with minors. It is difficult to work in this department of internal affairs: salaries are small, children can come across different. With some you need to be tough, with others, on the contrary, soft.children's room of militia Moscow

Minors at risk

There is a certain group of minors at risk. Their lifestyle, character, the situation in which they found themselves, and their family contribute to the fact that sooner or later they are still overtaken by registration in the children's room of the police or at least close attention from the PDN employees. These minors include:

  1. School bullies.In each class there is always one who lifts everyone up, disrupts lessons and keeps students and teachers at bay. The nature of these guys just leaves them no other choice. Sooner or later, they cross the line and end up in the juvenile department. With competent specialist work, all the energy of such children can be directed in the right direction, and then people will be useful for society.
  2. Children who began to "indulge" in drugs. Drugs immediately affect the behavior of adolescents. If adults still manage to hide their addictions for a while, then children are not able to do this. Even when parents are constantly at work, changes in behavior can be noticed by neighbors or teachers, in addition to the behavior, the loss of money will also be noticeable.address of the children's room of the police
  3. Exempted from liability for a crime in connection with the age of liability. Exemption from liability for this reason does not at all entail complete freedom of action. Such children are immediately registered with PDN and are subject to close monitoring.
  4. Juveniles in respect of whom an administrative or criminal case has been instituted, who have served their sentences, who have been granted amnesty or are on a suspended sentence. In addition to control and educational measures, they are helped to take the right path and sometimes get jobs.
  5. Wandering children. The so-called children of train stations and dungeons do not remain without supervision. The bulk of these minors are sent to boarding schools, orphanages, foster families, but not everyone wants to live like this. Some of the children get used to life on the street and constantly runs away. The tasks of PDN include working with such individuals.register in the children's room of the police
  6. Children from dysfunctional families. Children of families with low incomes, drinking parents, and convicts in the family are under close attention. Together with the guardianship authorities, a juvenile inspector visits them.

Registration in PDN

Many parents and even minors themselves are interested in the question of who can be registered in the children's room of the police. Such a prospect does not please anyone; therefore, it is forewarned, which means it is armed. This happens as follows:

  1. All records of administrative offenses within three days after they have been drawn up are sent to the juvenile commission.
  2. After the commission carefully examines and considers all the documents, the minutes of the meeting and all related papers are sent to PDN.
  3. Employees of PDN provide the head of the ATS, to which they belong, proposals that indicate all the reasons for registering a minor.
  4. Registration can only be carried out if written permission is given to this from the head of the police department or his deputy.

It is important that only those who committed an act for which responsibility is established either in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation or in the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can be registered.

At what age can they register?

Registration can have negative consequences, since after that a children's room of the police will become a frequent place of visit for children and their parents. "At what age can they register with PDN?" - a question that interests many, but there is no definite answer to it. No legal acts enshrine any particular age. Practice shows that in most cases this affects adolescents aged 14–16 years.children's room militia from what age


In the work of the juvenile affairs department, legislative acts occupy a key place; it is on them that all actions of employees are based. These legislative acts include:

  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of October 15, 2013 No. 845 “On approval of the Instructions for the organization of activities of units for minors of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”.
  • Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-ФЗ (as amended on November 23, 2015) “On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”.
  • The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses of December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ.

Children's room of the police, Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers

Children of any age can easily fall under the evil influence. Therefore, the address of the children's room of the police can always come in handy. No one is safe from attacks by minors, that your friend will begin to behave badly and, as a result, will need the help of qualified specialists. Of course, in one city there can be several, but you need to know only the room that relates to your area of ​​residence.

In most cases, they are located in local departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, just go there and tell the duty officer that you need a children's room for the police. Telephone is another sure way to find the necessary organization, each district issues its own directory and you can find the necessary number in it. For example, residents of the Yakimanka district should call +7 (495) 951-47-64 or go to the address: st. Bolshaya Polyanka, 33/41.

Deregistration in PDN

There are a number of reasons why a person is deregistered, namely:

  • The attainment of the age of majority (18 years).
  • Correction.
  • Stopping the use of narcotic drugs (if there is confirmation from the health authority).

In fact, there is still a situation in which a minor will be deregistered - if it is proved that he did not commit the act that led him to it. It so happens that children cover up the bad deeds of friends and relatives, and sometimes they are completely slandered. In the event that the court proves the innocence of the child, the minor will be deregistered.

What measures can be taken to prevent this problem from affecting your family?

The children's room of the police is a place that all parents fear. It’s not that it had any consequences, it’s just a small, but still a stain on the reputation. To prevent this from happening, you should always be aware of what your children are doing.children's room police phone

Here is a standard example. There are three people in the family: father, mother and son 15 years old. The head of the family is such only in words, in fact he doesn’t work anywhere and sits at home, occasionally drinking in the classics of the genre. Mom disappears all day at work, either during the day or at night, the child is left to his own devices. Growing up with complete indifference, the child himself begins to make important decisions, not knowing at the same time what is good and what is bad. The outcome of such a story is most often the same - a bad company, drinking alcohol and crime.

Children need parental attention, upbringing and love. Deprived of all this, children become potential criminals, without their own fault. And if you are so sure that this does not concern your family, answer the question: “Do you know what your children are doing now?”

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