
The internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation: concept, tasks, system. Regulation on service in the internal affairs bodies

The internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation belong to the executive branch. They form a holistic institution that implements the function of protecting order and ensuring security in the country. Let us consider in more detail what constitutes a system of internal affairs bodies. internal affairs bodies


The activities of the internal affairs bodies are based on the principles of:

  1. Respect for and respect for freedoms and human and civil rights.
  2. Publicity.
  3. Humanism.
  4. Legality.
  5. Accountability.

The regulation on service in the internal affairs bodies formulates the limits of authority, and also defines the key tasks of the institute. The latter, in particular, include:

  1. Ensuring the protection of freedoms and rights of citizens within their powers.
  2. Organization within the competence of the prevention, suppression, detection, investigation and disclosure of crimes.
  3. Ensuring the rule of law in society.
  4. Prevention and suppression of administrative offenses.
  5. Implementation of state control of arms circulation.
  6. Organization of state protection of property and organizations.
  7. Road safety.
  8. Control of private security and detective activities, as well as private security in the country.

Crime control

The regulations on service in internal affairs bodies determine the key areas of their work. One of them is the fight against crime. In the framework of countering illegal encroachments, the internal affairs bodies carry out:

  1. Inquiry, preliminary investigation for criminal offenses within their competence.
  2. Organization and direct conduct of operational investigative work and forensic activities.
  3. Detection, prevention, suppression, investigation and disclosure of crimes related to grave and especially grave committed by criminal communities, organized groups, characterized by an inter-regional or transnational nature or causing a wide public resonance.
  4. Providing state protection for witnesses, victims and other participants in criminal proceedings, judges, investigators, prosecutors, officials of regulatory and law enforcement agencies, and other entities protected by law.
  5. Identification, suppression, prevention, investigation and disclosure, audits and inspections of financial and economic operations at enterprises, organizations, and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership.
  6. The adoption of measures aimed at combating extremism. regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies

Administrative work

In the internal affairs bodies of the Russian executive branch, measures are being taken aimed at:

  1. Law enforcement in the state.
  2. Proceedings in cases related to administrative offenses included in the competence of the ATS.
  3. Safety on the country's highways, development and implementation of measures to prevent accidents, reduce the severity of the consequences of accidents, organize and perform special oversight, control and licensing functions in the field of road safety.

The internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation also carry out licensed work in the areas subject to licensing, and control the relations arising in them.

Other functions

The internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are involved in ensuring the emergency situation and martial law when they are introduced in the country or in its individual regions. The structures provide for the conduct of activities in the framework of wartime and a unified state system for the elimination and prevention of emergency situations. ATS organize and conduct mobilization training in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, control and coordinate the work of the FMS in this area. The internal affairs bodies ensure the implementation of civil defense measures and contribute to increasing the stability of the functioning of internal troops in wartime and in the event of an emergency in peace conditions.

Structures participate in territorial defense, in joint actions with the Armed Forces, and other units. The internal affairs bodies organize special military transportations within the country in the interests of the ATS and the Armed Forces in accordance with interdepartmental agreements and government decrees and in the interests of the relevant executive authorities. By decision of the president, the police departments ensure the participation of their employees, soldiers of internal troops and civil servants in measures to restore or maintain international security and peace. service in the internal affairs bodies

System of Internal Affairs

The federal institute that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy and normative regulation in the field of internal affairs and migration is the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The construction of a system of organs is determined by different powers that are vested in the structures included in it. It includes horizontal and vertical connections. In the latter case, the system consists of:

  1. The central office - at the federal level.
  2. The main departments of the districts, transport departments - at the district level.
  3. Operational bureaus, special-purpose centers, line units in air, water, rail transport - at the interregional level.
  4. Ministries in the republics, departments (main ones) for other subjects - at the regional level.
  5. Departments, departments, subdivisions in cities, districts, other municipalities, at sensitive and especially important facilities, at the Baikonur complex, air, rail, water transport - at the district level.

Horizontal connections are as follows:

  1. Internal affairs bodies, including the police.
  2. Internal troops.
  3. Units and organizations formed to implement the powers and tasks assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian

ATS structure

Internal affairs agencies include:

  1. The central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, except for the main command of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. Territorial units.
  3. Scientific research, sanatorium-resort, medical-sanitary organizations, educational institutions.
  4. District Logistics Offices.
  5. Foreign representations.
  6. Other units and organizations formed to implement the powers and tasks assigned to the ATS.

In addition, each of the above institutions builds its own system of bodies in accordance with one level or another (federal, territorial, district, etc.).

Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

This body is considered separately from the others. The board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes:

  1. Chairman - Minister of Internal Affairs.
  2. Deputies.
  3. Heads of the FMS.
  4. Head of the North Caucasian Federal District.
  5. Persons entering by position.
  6. Other police officers, military personnel of internal divisions, federal civil servants, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The composition of the collegium, with the exception of persons included in it ex officio, is approved by the president of Russia. activities of the internal affairs bodies


The work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is led by the head of state. The institute is headed by a minister. His appointment, as well as his dismissal, is carried out by the president in accordance with the proposal of the prime minister.The Minister bears individual responsibility for the implementation of tasks and powers that are assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as for the implementation of state policy in the field of internal affairs. The official has deputies. They are appointed and dismissed by the president also in accordance with the proposal of the chairman of the government. The minister may have 8 deputies.

Service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

It is carried out on the posts of commanding and ordinary staff. They are established by the Minister of Internal Affairs. Service in the internal affairs bodies is also carried out in senior management positions. They are approved by the president. The special procedure in accordance with which the service takes place is established by law, departmental regulatory documents. The work of employees is based on the same principles as the functioning of the entire structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition to the above main provisions, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Priority of state interests.
  2. Fulfillment of duties throughout the country.
  3. The command of the ATS.
  4. Competence and professionalism.
  5. Political neutrality.
  6. Responsibility for all decisions made.
  7. Legal and social security.
  8. Fair reward for work.
  9. Promotion according to the results of work and taking into account qualifications and abilities. internal affairs bodies of the russian federation

Legal status of posts

In accordance with it, the key mandatory requirements for the candidate are formed. From the moment of filling the relevant position, the subject becomes an ATS employee. The employee of the VD authority is a citizen of the country, having the freedoms, rights and obligations established for all by the Constitution and other normative acts. Along with this, from the moment of filling a post, he receives the corresponding status.

This ensures his participation in public service relations. In a certain position, a person is vested with special duties and rights, for the implementation of which he is responsible. In the exercise of his authority, an ATS officer uses legal opportunities in accordance with his competence, in accordance with law, oath and contract. In the performance of his duties, the subject is under state protection under Federal Law No. 45. No one, with the exception of officials and persons directly authorized to do so, can intervene in the activities of the ATS officer.


In the legal literature, the following classification is proposed:

Job responsibilities. They are elevated to the rank of regulatory requirements and are enshrined in the Federal Law, regulatory documents of the president, and acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is official duties that characterize the police officer as a representative of the executive federal government. Among them should be noted:

  • Compliance with the Constitution, Federal Law and other legal acts.
  • Conscientious performance of duties.
  • Ensuring the protection and observance of the legitimate interests and rights of citizens and so on.

Job responsibilities. They are set in the instructions and regulations. Such obligations include, in particular, compliance with the terms of the contract and oath, internal order and discipline, etc. service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

The rights

They accompany the public service activities of the employee, form the conditions for his protection in the social and legal spheres. Rights, in essence, have a security character. A number of authors suggest the following separation:

  1. Rights that facilitate direct performance of duties. For example, this category includes the opportunity to familiarize oneself with the materials and documents regulating the activities of ATS employees, career growth, advanced training, union membership, etc.
  2. The rights that accompany the official activities of the subject. These, for example, include carrying and storing weapons, uniforms, etc.

In addition, certain restrictions are set for the employee.They are called upon to ensure his moral character and freedom of action for the employee within his competence.

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