
Military registration. Military Commissariat

A huge role for all adult men in Russia is military registration. After all, military service is citizen's duty RF Or rather, its male parts. Therefore, everything related to service and military conscription must be known and understood. What features are worth paying attention to? Who should and in what cases come to the military registration and enlistment office for accounting?military registration

Who is registered

The first thing to do is to figure out exactly who should come to the military enlistment office in order to "register" there. In fact, not everyone needs this. Therefore, there is a list of specific individuals who must contact the military registration and enlistment office at a certain point in time.

First of all, military registration is required for all draftees. These are males aged 18 to 27 years who have not yet been called up for military service in the Russian army. The same rule applies to all military citizens. These include:

  • men in stock;
  • university graduates who graduated from the military department;
  • those who did not serve due to exemption from conscription;
  • persons who have not been drafted into the army (up to and including age 27);
  • people who have passed alternative service in the country's armed forces.

We can say that almost all adult males in Russia should be registered. And what about women? It's no secret that there is no military duty!

Military Commissariat

For women

But this does not remove from them the possibility of "registration" in the military enlistment office. How is that? If a woman graduates from a military specialty, she must be registered without fail. There is a certain list of areas that place this obligation on women's shoulders. Namely:

  • communications and radio communications;
  • telecommunications;
  • electromechanics and computer work;
  • the medicine;
  • polygraphy;
  • geodesy;
  • aerial services.

As you can see, the list is quite large. And the specialties that oblige women to appear in the military commissariat for registration can be listed indefinitely. In general, remember: if a girl graduates from any of the above areas, she is obliged to "register" in the military enlistment office.

Who is not obliged

In Russia, there are exceptions to everything. And the process of "registration" in the military commissariat also has certain peculiarities. For example, not everyone is required to register. Some categories of citizens are exempted from this process.

Who are these people? First of all, women. Even if they are adults and have higher education. The main thing is that they do not graduate from the military specialty. The vast majority of girls in general have nothing to do with the army and military registration in Russia.


Secondly, all minor citizens. In particular, the boys. They will only need to come to the military commissariat for staging closer to adulthood. More precisely, then at about 16-17 years old (10th grade of the school).

Thirdly, they are not drafted into the army and are not “registered” with the military enlistment office who are exempted from these processes for one reason or another.

Fourthly, those who are currently undergoing military service do not register. It does not matter which one - civilian ordinary or alternative.

In the end, the registration of citizens on military records is not possible if a person has a criminal record. More precisely, when it is not paid off. While serving a sentence for a crime, as well as some time after repayment, no appeal is made to a person. The rule of "registration" in the military registration and enlistment office does not apply to citizens living outside of Russia.

First time

The country distinguishes between two types of military registration. They should be distinguished from each other. After all, they have their own characteristics. For example, all juvenile boys will certainly encounter at 16-17 years old with the process, which is called "initial military registration." This is a mandatory procedure, it is carried out in order to know who to call for military service in the future. In addition, this type of “registration” is required for military fees.

A similar procedure is carried out exclusively from January 1 to March 31 annually. And it acts, as already mentioned, in relation to persons who have reached the age of 17 years (sometimes 16). If for some reason the production has not occurred, you can carry it out at any time. But it is advisable not to delay with this process.

age of military registration

Initial Registration Process

So, we found out the age of military registration. And some limitations regarding this process too. Now you need to understand the procedure itself. How does it happen for the first time?

Initial registration (like any other) requires the appearance of the district commissariat. There, all pre-conscripts undergo a medical commission, and then the data obtained are entered into a special database. As a conclusion, you will be presented with the category of fitness for military service. It may turn out that for health reasons you cannot be drafted into the armed forces of the Russian Federation at all.

You need to take with you: passport, SNILS (optional, but desirable), certificates from the place of work / study, photographs (3 pieces of size 3 by 4), registration documents. Nothing more is required. Only medical certificates confirming that you have certain health problems. The commission will have to go through:

  • therapist;
  • surgeon
  • neuropathologist;
  • optometrist;
  • Laura;
  • a psychiatrist;
  • the dentist.

These doctors are mandatory. Sometimes the list may grow, but this is extremely rare. At the end of the commission to the commissariat, submit an opinion with a validity category and your passport. As a confirmation of registration you will be issued attributed certificate. This is an important document that must not be lost.

military registration


Sometimes people move. When changing his place of residence, a man should worry about re-registering with the military commissariat. Withdrawal from military registration occurs instantly. But it is required if you will be absent from your place of residence for more than 3 months. In case of temporary relocation, the deregistration and re-registration procedure is still carried out.

The period in which you will have to re-register is 2 weeks from the moment you arrive at your new place of residence. Otherwise, you will have to suffer a certain punishment.

If you change your marital status or any of your personal data, the citizen must provide this information. 14 are assigned to this. There is nothing difficult about this. In practice, they usually "communicate" with the military registration and enlistment office only when they move or when they are away for a long time at the place of residence.

Normal setting

Military registration, if not primary, is much simpler than it seems. After all, potential conscripts and "reserve" are already familiar with the registration process in the military enlistment office.

To carry out the process, you will have to take the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • 3 photos (size 3 to 4);
  • certificates of your marital status;
  • military card / registration certificate;
  • health report (optional);
  • everything that can confirm your registration.

After your visit, you must go through a medical commission. You can do this in advance. But such a step is rarely taken - due to the large number of deviators, it is necessary to reaffirm the state of health (for those who did not serve).

initial military registration

A responsibility

For evasion of draft in the army, as well as for failure to appear in the military registration and enlistment office without good reason for registration, relies on punishment.In the first case, you can “run into” a large fine (up to 200 thousand rubles) or arrest (up to 6 months) / imprisonment (24 months).

But the lack of "registration" in the military enlistment office is not such a terrible crime. Yes, this is also a violation of established laws. It is only punished with a small fine. Its size varies from 100 to 500 rubles. Therefore, military registration is often ignored.

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