
Development Director: Job Description

If you want to work in a profession that will always be in demand both in the most powerful and only developing companies, regardless of the state of the state economy and the solvency of a potential buyer, then pay attention to such a position as a development director. The job description of such a specialist explains that such a specialty belongs to the leadership category, and only a person who has a higher economic (or legal) education and a rather impressive length of service (at least 5 years) in leadership positions can apply for a position.

Even the toughest crisis cannot do without such a specialist.

Owners of companies that are trying to reach new heights in their business, and smart directors, are well aware that not only during the period of economic growth, but especially during a cruel and merciless crisis, you need to constantly look for completely new approaches that are not used by the main competitors and are capable of promoting the business . Such the right investment in opening a similar position at the enterprise will pay off very quickly. development director job description

Knowledge without which you cannot become a good development director

The job description of the director of business development implies that such a specialist must possess the deepest knowledge in the field of economics, understand what constitutes entrepreneurial activity, and in practice use all knowledge from management theory.

In addition, you will not be hired for a similar position in a promising company, unless you also know:

  • theoretical and practical principles according to which the development of the enterprise is carried out;
  • how to manage the enterprise, guided by the latest theories and newly developed systems;
  • what are the methods of economic modeling, how to use them in practice for each individual enterprise in different economic conditions;
  • the job description of the director of development of the enterprise also includes points that clearly state that the candidate must possess not only the basics of administration, but also be able to use the basics of knowledge of sociology and psychology;
  • be able to use a computer and cope with the latest software without any problems;
  • understand the principles of development of that sphere of the economy in which the enterprise of interest to the potential applicant functions.

Deputy Director for Development Job Description

We will deal with the main task that will be set for the specialist

The development director (the job description also contains information about this) should be able not only to find new ways of business development and growth, but also in the updated operating conditions to ensure that the company does not lose knowledge, as well as best practices and processes.

Quality you can't do without

If an entrepreneur wishes to introduce in his organization a position such as a development director, the job description written for this employee should include a subparagraph in which it will be transparently and clearly indicated that one of the key characteristics of the applicant should be the ability to see and assess risks. This refers to both those that are now in front of the organization, and those that will appear in front of it after the adoption of a strategic or tactical decision.That is why the leader must ensure that the innovations of the specialist not only do not bring negative consequences to the enterprise, but also do not destroy well-functioning systems and processes.job description of the deputy general director for development

Main responsibilities

Before deciding to apply for a similar position, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main responsibilities of such a specialist as a development director. The job description of each individual company may include special and specific points of this section, which will depend on the activities of the company.

So, the main responsibilities:

  • determine and improve the general concept according to which the development of the enterprise takes place;
  • form the most effective strategy, which will be clearly divided into tactical plans, capable of changing depending on situations;
  • to formulate such development programs that will bring the highest possible results at the lowest cost to the enterprise;
  • change the budget support program, depending on today's needs, for quick and effective development.job description of the director of business development

Responsibilities that will raise your status in the eyes of the employer

The list of the following responsibilities does not always include the job description of the director of organizational development, but their implementation will positively affect career growth:

  • current and prospective analysis of indicators of an economic and financial nature, not only at the end of a specific project from the development director, but also at all its implementation stages;
  • drawing up actions that are carried out in the process of implementing the concept;
  • organization of the most comfortable interaction of each structure that takes part in the process;
  • creating a positive and friendly atmosphere in the team, which helps to realize the concept.job description of the director of enterprise development

The director of strategic development (the job description does not contain information about this) should adequately perceive not only the possibilities of the campaign, but also his potential, his strengths. One cannot do without good experience, since theory and practice in most cases are completely different concepts.

And what should the deputy do?

At a large-scale enterprise, one can also find such a vacancy as deputy director for development. The job description for such a specialist should be his own. Generally speaking, practically the same obligations will fall on the shoulders of the deputy, he will only receive the right to make decisions that are significant for the life of the organization on his own only when his head cannot do this directly.

Rights of the development director and his deputy

In order to more clearly understand the full range of responsibilities that fall on the shoulders of such specialists, the job description of the Deputy General Director for Development and his manager must necessarily contain a section in which their rights will be clearly described.job description director of organizational development

The following items will be listed without fail:

  • the right to receive, as soon as necessary, all the information that is important for making management decisions;
  • study and sign documents that fall within the competence of a specialist;
  • to propose to the management for consideration projects that can positively affect the life of the company.

Which candidate will be preferred?

As practice shows, heads of enterprises that are well developed and are promising for building a career will give preference to the candidate who not only understands, but also feels how the modern market is developing. The development director who knows how to value and quickly create social connections is suitable.He must not only perceive information, but also be able to competently structure it, choose the most important thing, and emphasize his subordinates. He should be able to organize not only himself and his staff, but also the audience of external information users. Of course, perseverance and the ability to overcome difficulties will be a significant advantage.

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