
Responsibilities of Business Development Manager

Each organization needs an active and responsible leader. So, the development manager is responsible for developing a policy that will ensure the comprehensive and rapid growth of the company.

Essence of the profession

Even if at the initial stage things are going well at the enterprise, sooner or later there comes a moment when the available resources are no longer enough and a new level of quality is required. In this case, it is worth involving a business development manager in the organization. Its main functions include maintaining contact with customers and suppliers, as well as creating a favorable atmosphere within the organization. This is a kind of connecting link, which is designed to provide effective contacts between senior management and subordinates at all levels.

It is worth noting that the development manager must have complete information not only about the enterprise itself, but also about the situation in the industry as a whole. He should always have the most current statistics. In addition, the development manager is the face of the company, representing it in negotiations with both customers and suppliers.

Development Manager Responsibilities

Positive aspects of the profession

The responsibilities of a development manager include a wide range of requirements. Nevertheless, this profession has a lot of advantages, among which:

  1. Demand for labor market.
  2. High salary.
  3. Good opportunities for self-realization and professional development.
  4. High social status, respect in society.

Negative aspects of the profession

Despite the fact that the duties of a development manager include many interesting functions, the profession nevertheless has a number of disadvantages. So, for example, even if you have managerial talent and a lot of interesting ideas, you are unlikely to be able to get a similar position without previous work experience. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that the working day for senior managers is irregular. You can not discount the high level of responsibility.

Development Manager: Responsibilities

If the organization is aimed at success, then it certainly needs an effective leader. Such a leader can be a business development manager. His job description includes the following list of responsibilities:

  • development of a global enterprise development concept;
  • drawing up, if necessary, a restructuring plan, as well as careful monitoring of its implementation;
  • development of proposals for improving the operation of the enterprise and their coordination with the management;
  • search for new possible activities of the organization;
  • ensuring effective interaction between all structural divisions of the company;
  • analysis of reporting information in order to adjust plans;
  • software development trainings in order to improve the skills of employees;
  • periodically reviewing their own work and providing senior management with relevant reports.

Responsibility Development Manager

Development Manager Rights

The main points of the job description, which should guide the business development manager, are duties and rights. If we talk about the second component, then it includes:

  • gaining access to the documents that are necessary to assess the current situation in the enterprise and make appropriate decisions;
  • timely acquaintance with decisions made by senior management;
  • making suggestions for improving the organizational structure;
  • a demand from senior management, as well as from subordinates, all possible assistance in working to improve the situation in the enterprise;
  • delegation of duties to subordinates, as well as monitoring of their implementation;
  • the opportunity to participate in negotiations with contractors on key issues that may affect the results of the enterprise;
  • signature of contracts and administrative documents within the competence.

business development manager job description

Development Manager: Responsibilities and Requirements

Company management requires the possession of certain skills and knowledge. In order to fulfill the duties of a development manager at a qualitative level, it is necessary to meet the following requirements:

  1. Have leadership skills (self-confidence, stress resistance, organizational skills) to motivate employees to work.
  2. Possess certain knowledge in the field of psychology of behavior and communication.
  3. To have oratorical abilities for successful presentation of reports, reports and commercial offers.
  4. Know the features of workflow and paperwork.
  5. A prerequisite is a higher economic education.
  6. Knowledge of legislative norms in the field of entrepreneurship, organization of production and management is required.
  7. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​is encouraged to establish contacts at the international level.
  8. Requires possession of a personal computer and other office equipment.

duties of business development manager

Employee Responsibility

The manager is personally responsible for the results of his activities. In the case of improper performance of his duties, he may be brought to disciplinary action, and if his activity is contrary to the norms of the law, to administrative or even criminal liability. If the company suffered material damage through the fault of the employee, the latter is obliged to compensate it in full.

Rules of a successful manager

In order to successfully fulfill the duties of a development manager, you must be guided by the following rules:

  1. Rationally plan working hours (reduce the amount of routine paperwork in favor of organizational activities).
  2. Draw up a clear daily routine that will not let you forget about important matters and eliminate the loss of time.
  3. To be able to find an individual approach to both employees and external contractors.

Development Manager Responsibilities and Requirements


The duties of the business development manager outline a wide range of functions that this employee is required to perform. It bears responsibility for organizing external relations, creating a positive image of the company, as well as maintaining a favorable atmosphere that will contribute to the productive work of subordinates.

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