
Sperm donation in Moscow: reviews. Church Position on Sperm Donation

Scientific progress does not stand still: today every resident of a large city has access to such medical services that 10-20 years ago seemed simply fantastic. For example, did you know that sperm donation has flourished in Moscow for a long time? And almost any resident of the capital can donate their biomaterial for material reward or purchase for the artificial insemination procedure.

Who is looking for sperm donors?

Sperm donationIn women's love affairs, there are frequent references to how women who could not have children common with their husbands solved this problem by “contacting” another man. Unfortunately, infertility and impaired reproductive function occurs not only on the pages of books, but also in real life. One can only rejoice that modern medicine offers us more civilized ways to solve this problem than adultery. So, if a couple does not manage to conceive a child in a natural way for a long time (and the problem is in the man), one of the options is to resort to artificial insemination with donor sperm. Often, this method of producing offspring is also chosen by single women who do not have a worthy partner for conception. In modern Russia, sperm donation is in great demand, and often the clinics are independently looking for donors and are willing to pay them good money for the biomaterial received.

Potential Donor Requirements

Sperm donation in RussiaToday in our country, general provisions on the donation of biomaterial are spelled out and fixed at the legislative level. Become a sperm donor can a man aged 20 to 40 years, not suffering from congenital diseases, with a normal appearance. The candidate should also not have diseases such as HIV and syphilis, hepatitis, and not suffer from sexually transmitted diseases. Additional requirement: lack of drug and alcohol addiction. The chances of joining a donation program for men adhering to a healthy lifestyle and having children without genetic abnormalities are much higher. If you are interested in sperm donation, and you think that you meet the above requirements, it makes sense to contact a specialized clinic and undergo an examination.

How to become a sperm donor?

Sperm donation in MoscowThe first meeting of a potential donor with a doctor resembles a job interview. It will be necessary to fill out a questionnaire with general questions and pass an examination. If the doctor considers that the candidate is suitable for the delivery of biomaterial, examinations are prescribed. In order to become a sperm donor, it is necessary to submit for analysis the ejaculate itself, blood, visit a genetics, psychiatrist, therapist and urologist. It is also necessary to make sure that there are no sexually transmitted diseases and latent sexually transmitted infections. If all tests are good, they conclude a contract with the candidate. Sperm donation in Russia today is legalized and anonymous. An application with general information about the donor is available only to the medical staff of the clinic. For couples looking for biomaterial, a detailed verbal portrait of the donor is compiled. Confidentiality is guaranteed, “buyers” of sperm will not see the photo. They can choose a donor only by such general characteristics as eye color, height, weight and body type.

Is it possible to earn on a donation?

Church Position on Sperm DonationToday, not so many people come to sperm banks who want to share their biomaterial solely from good intentions.It is no secret that this procedure is paid, and for each portion of the seed the donor receives a good reward (usually at least 2-3 times more expensive than for a single blood donation). Is sperm donation really well paid in Moscow? It all depends on the particular clinic. You can earn from 200 to 3000 rubles at a time. Permanent reputable donors are sometimes paid even more. With such prices, it would indeed be possible to make donation the main "work". But do not rush to rejoice - there is a certain procedure for collecting biomaterial, it is impossible to take it every day. In a month, one donor can donate a maximum of 8 servings of seed, and then under the condition of ideal health indicators. But even this is a good source of additional income.

View of the church on artificial insemination and donation of biomaterial

Many modern scientific developments and the latest technologies are met negatively and wary of the Russian Orthodox Church. What about artificial insemination using donor biomaterial? The official position of the church on sperm donation is not indicated. However, often many believers and clergy express their indignation at this intervention in one of the most important natural processes on earth. Some even believe that the process of delivering the seed can be equated with adultery. How to be a believer who wants to become a donor or participate in artificial insemination using donor material? In fact, if you wish, it is easy to find a specific clergyman who is neutral / positive about this issue. If you do not need an official blessing, you can reassure your soul that this is a good deed. Indeed, as a result of all the "unnatural" manipulations, a new person will appear somewhere, and what could be more important than the life and birth of a child?

Sperm donation: reviews of those who have already tried

Sperm donation reviewsMany men visit specialized clinics for years as donors of biomaterial. What do they say about such an activity? Sperm donation allows not only a little extra money, but also a closer look at your health, because for current donors regular examinations are one of the most important requirements. The moral aspect is also important - handing over his biomaterial, a person does a good deed, because in doing so he helps some family to have a long-awaited child and literally gives a new life. But there is another view on sperm donation. Someone thinks that this is a humiliating way of earning. Some men claim that they would be willing to become a donor for some familiar couple. But to give your biomaterial to the unknown is scary, and you will live your whole life without knowing how many blood children you have, where and how they live, whether everything is fine with them. But, in spite of everything, many couples sincerely rejoice that sperm donation is allowed in our country - because for them it was the only way to get offspring.

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