
How to become a donor, since how many years you can donate blood

It would seem that becoming a donor is very simple, because every person donated blood at least once in his life for analysis. However, this also has its own nuances. Not everyone who wants to become a donor knows how many years you can donate blood. And also about what contraindications are and how exactly the process of blood sampling occurs.

Blood donor

Who is a blood donor?

In the Russian Federation, the donor is the person who independently and voluntarily decided to undergo a medical examination, and after that also voluntarily donated blood or its components. The list of components includes plasma, white blood cells, platelets, red blood cells and so on.

Russian law clearly states how many years you can donate blood. Any citizen no younger than 18 years old can become a donor. An upper limit also exists. Donation will not be possible for people over 60 years old. There is also a number of requirements for a person who voluntarily wants to donate blood:

  • he must be a citizen of the Russian Federation or reside in Russia on legal conditions;
  • he must undergo the necessary examination to exclude serious diseases;
  • he should not have any contraindications.

Roughly speaking, a person who donates blood should be practically healthy, however, people with minor deviations are also allowed to donate.

Who can not be a donor?

It’s not enough to know how many years you can become a donor, you also need to own a list of diseases or deviations, when the donor will definitely be refused blood donation. So, the absolute contraindications include:

  • infectious and viral diseases, including HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • complex diseases, for example, cancer, blood pathologies, diseases of the digestive tract or urinary system;
  • impaired vision or skin diseases;
  • drug or alcohol addiction.

How old can you become a donor

Also, those people who have undergone the removal or transplant of any organ will not work. In women, temporary contraindications include pregnancy, recent birth and critical days.

A recent barrier to blood donation will also be recent colds, surgeries, and vaccinations. You can not be a donor to the person who recently had a tattoo or piercing. Those who have recently returned from tropical and subtropical climates are also subject to a thorough inspection.

How to donate blood?

When a person has found out how many years you can donate blood, and what contraindications there are for this, you must also remember a number of preparatory steps and rules that must be observed before becoming a donor.

So, the candidate must:

  1. For three days before delivery, do not use any analgesics, as well as drugs that thin the blood. This does not apply to OK.
  2. Do not drink alcohol two days before delivery.
  3. On the eve of blood donation do not eat spicy, fatty and smoked food. Milk, eggs, oils and bananas are also prohibited. It is recommended to drink more sweet tea, compotes, fruit drinks. It is advisable to use just sweet drinks, but it is not recommended to eat confectionery.
  4. 60 minutes before blood donation is prohibited.
  5. The person who donates blood needs to get enough sleep and have enough rest.
  6. To undergo the procedure, the blood donor must bring a passport with him.

How many years can I donate blood

At one time, a person can donate no more than 450 ml of blood or 600 ml of plasma.

Who are universal donors?

Literally until recently, it was believed that a person who has blood type I is a universal donor, and a patient who has blood type IV was considered a universal recipient, that is, one that fits absolutely any blood type, therefore, in emergency situations the most likely transfusion.

Now more and more doctors are stopping at the option of blood transfusion of the same group. That is, the donor group and the recipient group should preferably match.

Donation benefits and rewards

The question has already been addressed, how many years can donate blood and what are the restrictions on donation. Now it's time to note what benefits such a person is entitled to.

So, on the day of direct blood donation, the donor is entitled to free food. If he refuses it, then he is offered monetary compensation. That is, it is clear that donation is a free procedure.

Blood for money

Blood can be donated for money, but only if its components are donated. 1,500 rubles are required for plasma, 2,500 rubles for red blood cells, and 3,500 rubles for platelets.

It is also necessary to say separately about those donors who donate blood at least twice a year. Such people are supposed to provide spa treatment on preferential terms. According to the law, the employer is obliged to donors who constantly donate blood and its components to provide preferential treatment tickets for treatment in the first place.

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