
Donation rules for men and women. Blood donation preparation, donation payment

Every healthy person can become a donor. But before you go to the blood transfusion station, you need to find out the basic rules for donating blood.

Preliminary stage

Donation rules

Every person who plans to donate blood should be prepared. For 48 hours you can’t drink alcohol, and smoking is also prohibited. True, if a person drinks alcohol often enough, then the level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) can be constantly increased. People who abuse alcohol should give it up one week before giving blood.

Due to the risk of increasing the level of this enzyme, it is worthwhile to abandon the use of lard, mayonnaise, oil, sour cream on the eve of the examination. If the ALT indicator is increased, then the next time a potential donor may come to donate blood no earlier than after 3 months.

Key recommendations

Blood donation rules

Experienced donors know how to prepare so that the blood donation goes well. Rules are necessary for people who are not familiar with this procedure.

When planning to become a donor, you need to rethink your diet. On the eve of this procedure, give up fried, fatty, smoked foods. Do not eat butter, eggs and dairy products. The ingestion of a significant amount of animal proteins can lead to the fact that the blood will be difficult to separate into components.

Failure to comply with the diet leads to the fact that in the blood serum microparticles of fat are found in large quantities. She looks muddy. Such blood is not suitable for testing or transfusion. By the way, they do not recommend eating bananas and nuts.

It is also important to pay attention to well-being. The rules for donating blood say that you should postpone the procedure if you feel unwell, you have weakness, dizziness or headache. You should not go to the transfusion station if you had a sleepless night the night before.

Day of the procedure

It was experimentally established that the body best suffers significant loss of blood in the morning. Therefore, most people take blood for up to 12 hours. Breakfast on the day of the procedure is a must. In the morning you can eat any cereal on the water, dry cookies, drink sweet tea.

It is better to go to a blood transfusion station in advance and find out how they donate blood. The rules are the same for everyone. By the way, do not forget to bring your passport with registration.

Initially, a potential donor is asked to fill out a questionnaire, where he provides information about his health and lifestyle. After that, the therapist should examine him. He can additionally inform how blood donation takes place. Rules, preparation and diet are mandatory for everyone.

About 450 ml of biofluid are taken from each donor. Part of it is sent for analysis. The duration of the procedure depends on what exactly the person passes. It takes 15 minutes to take such an amount of whole blood. The delivery of plasma lasts about 30 minutes, platelets - 1.5 hours.

Behavior after the procedure

Blood donation rules paymentAs soon as the blood sampling is completed, the person should rest a bit. To do this, you just need to sit quietly for 15 minutes, drink sweet tea. If you feel unwell, dizziness, you should contact the staff. In order to comply with all the rules for donating blood, you must abandon physical activity on this day. It is advisable to start smoking no earlier than two days after the procedure.

It is advisable not to remove the applied dressing for 3-4 hours. This should prevent bruising. But if it still formed, then at the place of its appearance it is advised to make compresses with heparin ointment. Instead, you can use the tool "Troxevasin."

It is also important to eat right: all the necessary trace elements must enter the body. After donation, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed, you must drink at least 2 liters of water.

Temporary contraindications

Donation rules for women

There is a list of situations in which blood donation should be delayed. Rules, preparation, conditions are explained at each blood transfusion station. But people do not always go for a preliminary consultation.

Every healthy person who is already 18 years old and who weighs more than 50 kg can become a donor. But even people who are suitable for these parameters can receive medical attention for a certain period from the moment of recovery.

The following are temporary contraindications.

1. Infectious diseases:

  • history of malaria (3 years);
  • SARS, tonsillitis, flu (1 month);
  • typhoid fever (1 year);
  • other diseases (6 months).

2. The danger of infection with blood-borne diseases:

  • transfusion of blood and its components, surgical interventions, including abortion (6 months);
  • acupuncture treatment, tattooing (1 year);
  • staying on business trips lasting more than 2 months (6 months);
  • Stay more than 3 months in countries endemic for malaria (3 years);
  • contacts with people with hepatitis A (3 months), B and C (1 year).

3. Removal of teeth (10 days).

4. The acute form of diseases or exacerbation of chronic pathologies (1 month).

5. Exacerbation of allergic diseases (2 months).

6. Vaccinations: the rules for donating blood provide for medical withdrawal, its duration is set depending on the type of vaccine.

If you are taking any medications, then before you donate blood, warn your doctor about this. After taking antibiotics, a two-week break is necessary. If you drank analgesics or drugs related to the group of salicylates, then you need to wait 3 days.

Absolute contraindications

Blood donation rules how to donate blood

There is a list of diseases in the presence of which a person can never be a donor. These include blood-borne diseases. Among them are:

  • infectious (syphilis, AIDS, HIV carriage, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, leprosy, typhus, brucellosis, tularemia);
  • parasitic (leishmaniasis, filariasis, toxoplasmosis, echinococcosis, trypanosomiasis, rishta).

Also, people with certain somatic diseases will not work. These include:

  • blood diseases
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • complete lack of speech and hearing;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • mental patients, people suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism;
  • respiratory diseases (asthma, emphysema, obstructive bronchitis, bronchiectasis);
  • cardiovascular diseases (grade 2-3 hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, endocarditis, recurrent thrombophlebitis, heart disease);
  • diseases of the digestive system, liver, biliary tract (ulcers, achilic gastritis, cirrhosis and other liver diseases, calculous cholecystitis);
  • kidney disease (urolithiasis, focal and diffuse lesions of the kidneys);
  • connective tissue problems;
  • radiation sickness;
  • endocrine diseases that are accompanied by metabolic disorders;
  • chronic purulent-inflammatory and acute diseases of the ENT organs;
  • eye diseases (myopia over 6 D, trachoma, blindness, residual uveitis);
  • organ resection operations, tissue and organ transplantation;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, pustular and fungal infections).

Time intervals

Blood donation rules, preparation, conditions

If you carefully read all the contraindications, then you can first determine if you are shown blood donation.The rules (how to donate blood) are best clarified after reading the full list of contraindications.

If you are suitable for all points, then the therapist can allow you to the procedure. Many come to donate blood again. But to do this too often does not work. The break between these procedures should be more than 60 days. Men are allowed to donate blood up to 5 times a year, women - up to 4 times.

True, these restrictions are set for those cases when a person takes whole blood. The interval between the delivery of plasma and other components is 30 days. Plasmapheresis can be repeated every 2 weeks. The same break is established for thrombocytapheresis and leukocytapheresis.

Nuances for women

Despite the established gender equality, there are moments that cannot be ignored. Therefore, the rules for donating blood for women are slightly different. They can donate blood no more than 4 times a year. But this is not the only limitation. Pregnant women and nursing mothers cannot be donors. It has been established that at least one year should pass from the moment a baby is born, and after lactation, more than 3 months.

In addition, they do not take blood from women during critical days. It is necessary to wait 5 days after the end of menstruation, only after that you can go to the transfusion station.

Donation Issues

Blood donation rules, preparation, diet

A few years ago, people who decided to donate blood could take monetary compensation. For example, in Moscow you could get about 1000 rubles. instead of free food. They were also paid 650 rubles. for every 100 ml of biomaterial. Blood donation fees in other regions were lower. But active donors received almost 2 times more.

In 2012, a new law was adopted, the provisions of which are aimed at making blood donation free and voluntary. Donors are now entitled to only free food and a number of social guarantees. But at the federal level can establish cases in which blood donation is possible for a fee.

The main idea of ​​the new law is that people should become donors not because of due monetary compensation, but for the sake of saving lives. The money that went into payment is now being spent on propaganda. This should attract a larger number of conscious citizens who do not think that this is just an income - donating blood. The rules (payment, by the way, is provided for honorary donors), such people, of course, must also follow, because they do this not for the sake of a small amount, but with the good purpose of saving someone's life.

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