
Traffic accident. Traffic Accident Summary

Traffic accidents are no longer a rarity. These disasters occur daily on roadways of cities, on federal and city roads. Often, traffic accidents entail irreparable consequences. traffic accident

General classification

A traffic accident occurs during the movement of vehicles. These accidents are classified according to various criteria. These include, for example:

  • The severity of the consequences.
  • Location of a traffic accident.
  • Type of accident and so on.

Depending on the severity of the consequences of the accident, they are divided into disasters with:

  • Material damage.
  • Bodily injury to people.
  • Fatal.

A traffic accident may be:

  • Clash.
  • A collision with a standing car.
  • The fall of the pedestrian.
  • A collision with cyclists, pedestrians, horse-drawn vehicles, animals and so on.traffic accidents

As a result of a traffic accident, not only mechanical damage to the car can occur, but also deaths.


Collision is a traffic accident in which cars, moving along the highway, crashed into each other or into rolling stock on the railway.

A rollover is considered such an accident during which the machine, having lost stability, turned over. This category does not include a catastrophe that occurred during a collision with a stationary object or a collision of cars.

A car can run over a person who is riding a bicycle. Also, a citizen can crash into a car when moving on a two-wheeled vehicle. These accidents, respectively, are called rides on cyclists.

traffic accident reportA citizen can move independently. For example, cross the road in the wrong (or laid) place. In this case, a collision with the car is also possible. Such an accident is regarded as collision with a pedestrian.

The car may collide with a standing car. In this case, the accident is characterized as a collision with a stationary vehicle.

Collisions with animals often occur on tracks. Such a traffic accident in which a car ran into a bird, wild or domestic animal (except for a horse-drawn vehicle) is regarded as a collision with them.

Collision can also occur with a wagon or a cart. In this case, they talk about a collision with horse-drawn vehicles.

Other accidents

This category includes disasters not listed above. In particular, a tram can go off the rails, the transported cargo falls, the object casts a wheel on a person, another car, an animal. Hitting can be done on a person who does not cross the roadway, or on an obstacle that appears suddenly. A passenger falling from a moving car or directly inside the passenger compartment due to a sharp change in the trajectory or speed of movement and other cases also apply to accidents.

Severity of consequences

If a traffic accident has occurred, then it invariably entails material damage. It can consist, for example, of the cost of restoration (repair) work, which is necessary to eliminate mechanical damage. Damage can be not only, in fact, on the car itself, but also on road structures and other structures.Also, material damage may include the costs of law enforcement agencies performing their functions, providing first aid, losses resulting from blocking the carriageway, and so on. traffic accident occurred

Harm to health and life

As a summary of traffic accidents shows, injuries to pedestrians or citizens who do not cross the roadway are quite common. The nature of the harm caused to health is established by forensic medical examination. Specialists also assess the causes of bodily harm, death, the relationship between them.

Until September 14, 2001, this procedure was regulated by the Rules of Forensic Expertise. They were an annex to the Order of the Ministry of Health dated 10.12.1996, which was subsequently canceled. On April 22, 2005, a federal law entered into force that amended Article 12.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. He expanded the provisions of its provisions to cases of moderate harm (previously only minor damage to health was regulated). Along with this, the Federal Law made the following definitions:

  • Mild harm is regarded as a short-term disorder of a state of health or a persistent slight loss of general disability.
  • Moderate severity is characterized by a prolonged violation that does not pose a danger to life. Less than one third of conditions of persistent disability are also referred to this category.

as a result of a traffic accident

Qualifying criteria for determining health hazards

  • Danger to life and health.
  • The duration of the disorder.
  • Persistent disability.
  • Loss of any organ or termination of its activity.
  • Abortion.
  • Mental disorder.
  • Loss of hearing, speech, vision.

To establish the severity of the damage to health will be sufficient to have any one symptom. If several of the above qualifying factors are identified, the severity of the damage to health will be assessed according to the most obvious.

Causes of Traffic Accidents

place of traffic accidentIn more than 85% of accidents occur due to traffic violations by both motorists and pedestrians. At the same time, drivers account for about 70-75% of all accidents. Such indicators indicate a rather low level of culture in the field of ensuring traffic safety of its main participants - a pedestrian and a motorist. Also, a significant lag in the rate of reconstruction and construction of operating routes from the indicator of the number of cars has a negative impact on the state of statistics on road accidents.

The share of accidents resulting from the unsatisfactory condition of roads is about 29%. In addition, due to the rapid increase in the number of cars, the number of inexperienced, new drivers has increased. In this regard, increased traffic density on roads of federal and city significance. Neither pedestrians nor the motorists themselves were ready for such a sharp increase in intensity.

Traffic Accident Summary

Annually, about 300,000 people die in road accidents in the world, and more than 10 million citizens receive injuries, injuries and other bodily injuries. In 2008, about 36,000 people died in Russia, about 190,000 were injured in road accidents. In general, according to statistics, the material damage from road accidents exceeds several times the damage from catastrophes on the railway, accidents, fires. For Russia, the following distribution by type of accident in percent (on average per year) was recorded:

  • Pedestrian rides - 30-40%, cyclists - 2.5-3.2%, standing cars - 20-32%, obstacles - 5-5.5%.
  • Rollovers - 13%.
  • Other types of accidents on the roads - 2%.causes of traffic accidents

Particularly severe are hitting citizens, overturning and car collisions. In such accidents, an average of one hundred victims dies 16. The greatest danger is a collision of cars and collisions with pedestrians. According to statistics, they account for about 70% of the total number of accidents.


The first accident on the road was recorded back in 1896 - only 10 years after the car was invented. In 1899, the first death of a person was recorded in an accident on the road. From that moment, the number of accidents has been steadily increasing. Of course, this situation causes some concern. All civilized states in the world are working on improving road safety.

For these purposes, the quality of coatings is improved, explanatory work is carried out with participants - pedestrians and drivers. Nevertheless, to date, it has not been possible to stop the increase in the number of accidents. Of particular danger are cars for children. Recently, the number of accidents on the roads with their participation has increased significantly. As a rule, children come to hospitals with various bodily injuries: from bruises to fractures. Frequent and death of minors in an accident. In this regard, it is necessary to take appropriate measures and work not only with children, but also with their parents, since it is from them that minor road users take an example.

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