
Traffic accident notice: how to fill out, design rules, recommendations and sample

Everyone knows that a car is not only a convenient means of transportation, but also source of increased danger. Accidents on the road, unfortunately, are far from uncommon. Therefore, each driver must know how to behave if he became a participant in what happened. In the event of an accident, a number of documents are compiled, including traffic accident notice. How to fill it in and what to consider? Answers to questions will be given in the article presented below.

traffic accident notice how to fill out

Simplified accident design

For some time now, a number of traffic accidents can be dealt with in a simplified form. In such cases, the main document for receiving insurance payment is a traffic accident notice. How to fill it, you need to know every driver. Otherwise, problems may arise with the payment of insurance. Each copy of the document must be signed by both parties. On its basis, the culprit of what happened is recognized as such.

In mid-2015, it became possible to fill out minor traffic accidents without involving traffic police officers using the Euro protocol. In this case, an accident should be characterized by a number of signs:

  • Only two cars participated in it.
  • Both participants have valid OSAGO policies.
  • As a result of the accident, people were not injured.
  • Both drivers agree with all the circumstances of the incident.

Traffic Accident Notice: Euro Protocol and CTP Policy

Due to the fact that we have adopted a lot of laws (including those related to road users), drivers do not always have time to track innovations. And especially to understand them. A traffic accident notice, which we will learn later, for several years now allows you to register an accident on the road without a traffic police inspector. And since last year, with the introduction of the Euro Protocol, even after completing an accident, you can not stop at the traffic police. With it, the insurer will quickly accept the documents. And consequently, you will receive payments earlier.

how to fill out a traffic accident notice

MTPL policy

So, if you are involved in a traffic accident that has all the symptoms listed above and does not require calling a traffic police officer, your actions should be as follows:

  1. Call 02 and report what happened.
  2. Fix the scene of the accident by taking photos. If possible, then take a video.
  3. Draw up a document (see a sample of a completed accident report below).

Sample of completed accident reportThen you go to the traffic police post to finish the incident. The last action can be done later, if the participants in the accident are in a hurry. It is advisable to come to the appropriate unit together, having agreed in advance about the time.

Europrotocol design

It’s even easier to deal with minor accidents on the Euro Protocol. After you correctly managed to fill out a traffic accident notice, contact the insurer with this document within five working days from the moment of the accident. In addition to the notification, a disc should be attached on which the accident is recorded. The date and coordinates must be indicated on the carrier. Handwritten confirmation is also provided that the data has not been adjusted. When making an incident in this way, it is not necessary to call and drive up to the traffic police. At the same time, according to this document, it will not be possible to receive a payment of more than 50,000 rubles (or 400,000 rubles if the accident occurred in Moscow or St. Petersburg).

Pitfalls of simplified designs

It should be borne in mind that if you are the guilty party and the required amount exceeds the amount that is required for insurance, the injured party has the right to demand compensation to cover the repair work with you. They begin to be made only after they receive written permission from the insurer.

If you have got into an accident whose other participant is clearly intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, it is best to call the traffic police. Even if the culprit agrees to all conditions. After you scatter, he may get into other accidents where people will suffer. Or maybe even become the culprit of human death. Do not remain indifferent in such a situation and let go of a potentially dangerous driver, allowing him to go further.

how to fill out a notice about an accident

Traffic Accident Notice: How to Fill

But back to the drafting of the document. First, the front side is filled. This part should be signed by drivers on both copies. The following information is displayed here:

  • date, time and place of the accident;
  • Name, address and policies of the insurance company of the accident participants;
  • witness data, if any;
  • visible damage to cars;
  • circumstances under which the incident occurred.

Consider how to properly fill out a traffic accident notice (see the photo for a sample) for individual items.

how to fill out an accident report

Paragraph 14 clearly and briefly lists and describes the damage. Participants must check this information with each other so that everything fits together. The 15th paragraph supplements the information of the 16th, which sets out the circumstances of the incident. In large cells, the number of subitems that are marked is indicated. The information in them should be understandable and clear, without double meaning and confusion. In the 17th paragraph, an accident diagram is drawn, where the road contour, street, direction of movement, signs and other information on the case should be displayed. As the sample of the filled-in accident insurance notice on compulsory motor third-party liability insurance shows, in the 18th paragraph the participants of the accident affix their signatures.

You do not need to sign up on the back. Therefore, drivers can fill out this item later if they are in a hurry. In any case, writing will be more convenient in a calm environment, when the stress after the accident will pass. If you do not have enough space on the form in the description of the accident, you can take a blank sheet of paper and add whatever you see fit there. And attach to the notice, making the last corresponding mark.

how to fill out a road accident notice sample

Features of filling

If any columns are left blank, a long dash should be made or marked with a capital Latin letter Z. It happens that it was damaged initially or a notice of an accident was broken during the preparation process. Is it necessary to fill in a new one in this case? The answer is unequivocal: yes. There should not be any gaps in this document. Moreover, any corrections are not allowed on it. If this happens, you also need to fill in all over again.

When registering according to the Euro protocol, one of the main conditions is the participation in the accident of two cars. However, when applying for compulsory insurance policy, this condition may not exist. Consider how to fill out a notice about an accident for motor third party liability insurance with the participation of more than two cars. If the collision was with two vehicles, then two documents should be drawn up. One is filled with the driver of the car in front, and the other with the driver, whose car was behind. In this case, information about who pushed the cars should be reflected, as well as the data of third parties must be entered on one and the other documents from both sides.

Signature Disclaimer

A prerequisite for registration of this type of accident is the affixing of signatures to all participants in an accident. However, it happens that one of them suddenly decided to abandon this. How to be in this case? The only solution then is to call the traffic police for an accident in the usual way. Note also that Euro-protocol clearance will not be possible if one of the vehicles has a trailer.It is estimated then as two separate modes of transport. Also, such a system is not possible if one of the cars is registered abroad.

Some more unusual situations

If you do not have a notice form, you can ask another driver for it. Even if there is paper from another insurance company, it is considered valid in yours. However, each driver is still advised to have several copies of documents with him. It is also important to learn how to fill out a traffic accident notice. You can even print out the sample and carry it with you.

notice of an accident whether to fill out

If it happened that another participant in the accident did not write a notice, or, for example, disappeared from the scene, this does not prevent you from filling out your copy and going with him to the traffic police post. Of course, it is advisable to remember and write down the model and state number of another car in the document.

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