
Road sign "straight ahead": action, violation, fine

The sign "straight ahead" is installed on the roads very often. And not all drivers understand how it works. And most importantly, why was such a pointer invented. After all, the roads usually move in a straight line. Nevertheless, there is a corresponding sign in the traffic rules. Moreover, for violation of the pointer, a corresponding penalty is imposed. The traffic sign "straight ahead" plays an important role on the road. Which one? How does he act? What is a violation?traffic sign straight


Before talking about the rules of action, you will have to learn to distinguish the sign "Directly" from all others. This is not so difficult, because his distinguishing features are very simple.

What does our today's index look like? This is nothing more than a blue circle with an arrow. It is white and directed upwards. This is the “straight ahead” sign. It is easy to distinguish it from everyone else. Just a white up arrow on a blue or blue background in a circle. On the road, a similar symbol stands out well.

For what

The action of the sign "Movement straight" is not prohibitive, like most pointers. It is prescriptive. And of course, a positive connotation. Indicates that the driver should (must) follow the direction shown on the post.

But this sign is quite insidious. Beginner drivers often face enormous challenges associated with the “Drive straight” sign. According to the rules, depending on the position of the pillar, the rules of behavior on the roads change. Therefore, all the nuances associated with this index will have to be learned.

Application methods

It should be noted right away: the sign 4.1.1 "Drive straight" does not apply to all cars. It can be ignored by route vehicles. But ordinary, ordinary drivers - no. Also, sometimes restrictions are removed from cars with special signals (fire service, ambulance and so on). No more exceptions.traffic violation

Sometimes the “straight ahead” sign is prohibitive. He indicates that the motorist does not have the right to make turns and turn on a particular site. Typically, this action is observed at intersections. And in this case, the sign is set exclusively on the dividing strip.

Road crossing

What to do if you saw the sign "straight ahead" at the intersection of roads? Do not panic and assimilate: in a similar position, as already noted, only the only direction of movement is allowed - in a straight line. No turns and turns on this site can not be done.

As soon as you pass the intersection of roads, you can turn around and turn in the direction in which it is necessary. Of course, if no other limiters are installed.

Action area

The sign “straight ahead” does not allow a U-turn only within the nearest road intersection. That is, if you saw this pointer, you can cross it, and then unfold as you need.traffic sign straight ahead

Remember: the restriction does not apply to all other intersections and intersections. Each should have its own separate sign. Otherwise, there will be no framework for the behavior at the crossroads regarding the choice of your movement.

Other road crossings are not affected by our current sign. It turns out that the distribution will be only where the pointer is installed, and only in the direction of your movement. And no other way.

Adjoining territories

What to do if you notice adjacent territories or roads to an intersection (intersection)? Drivers need to know that the “Direct Drive” sign does not apply to them. In other words, you can turn into adjacent territories and areas. The relation of the sign is only directly to the intersection of the main roads.

From all this we can conclude: our current rule exists to create a rectilinear movement along the carriageways. This is his simplest action. It does not cause any problems even for beginners. But it has already been said, "Move straight ahead" is a rather insidious pointer. What is so suspicious and incomprehensible in him?action sign movement straight

Evil is nearby

Pay attention to the situation when the sign is installed in the center of the road. Or in some part of it. This position requires the driver not only attentiveness, but also certain knowledge. In the rules of the road, this situation is usually called the beginning of the site.

How to behave if you saw the sign "straight ahead", for example, after an intersection? In this case, you have to consider: the specified direction is valid until the next intersection of roads. Directly to the intersection.

So, at the very intersection, the “Straight ahead” will no longer be considered mandatory. You can make U-turns and turn to where you need to. The most important thing here is the categorical work of the sign. If it is installed at the beginning of the road section, it is impossible to turn at the same time in any case. Even if there is such an opportunity in principle.

Here you can hope for one small exception. "Slipping" into yards or back streets in a similar situation is allowed. But no more than that. In other words, the adjacent territories are not subject to the sign, even if it was installed after the intersection. But a left turn and turns to the nearest intersections are prohibited. This is all the insidiousness of the pointer.straight U-turn traffic sign


Violation of the “Straight ahead” sign is still punishable by law. Not very tough, because this is no non-prohibitive symbol. Nevertheless, certain measures to combat offenders take place.

Most often this is a verbal warning, a reprimand. Be sure that if you violate the movement you will definitely get it. But it won’t be so easy to get off. After all, a fine for the sign "straight ahead" is also imposed.

At the moment, it is 500 rubles. In some cases, the amount of payments can increase to 1500. It all depends on the situation as a whole. Practice shows that most often drivers pay 500 rubles to a traffic policeman, listen to traffic rules, get a reprimand orally and continue their journey.

In this case no one has the right to deprive and confiscate the vehicle. Only in the form of rare exceptions. And they apply only to citizens who constantly violate the law and traffic rules. It should be assumed that the vehicle will be sent to a parking lot. Plus, you will be issued a fine for a certain amount (from 500 to 1,500 rubles), and you will also have to buy the car. This is another additional cost in the form of several thousand.sign 4 1 1 straight ahead

How to avoid punishment

You can try to avoid a fine. This is not easy to do, but possible. If you carefully study the rules of the road, then in addition to the established signs, the sections should have appropriate markings. Just they are able to help get out of the situation.

When the markings are almost invisible, no one can punish you for a violation. This is especially true for cases when the sign "Move straight" is missing. The Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation even somehow commented on this issue. And he sounds like this: "No markup - no punishment."

Perhaps this is the only case when the driver has a real opportunity to avoid the penalty for turning in the wrong place. For safety reasons, you can install a DVR in your car.After all, traffic police officers often insist that drivers violate the rule of the “straight ahead” sign and turn around / turn not where it is allowed.penalty for traffic sign straight

Now we understand the next road sign. And all the nuances of his work, too. Pay attention to road marking and the position of the sign. This will help you determine how to behave when driving. In any case, observing the "Straight Forward" rule is easier than many other restrictions. The main thing is to know about all the nuances of the location of the corresponding sign.

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