
SDA: "No entry" sign (action, fine, exceptions)

Often you have to see the sign "No entry" on the road. Not everyone knows what exactly it means, how to abide by its instructions. And what penalties may be for the corresponding violation. In general, everyone needs to know traffic rules. Otherwise, fines cannot be avoided, and sometimes even deprivation of a vehicle or rights for a certain period. How does the "No entry" sign work? What does he look like? Are there any exceptions to the rules? And what will be the corresponding violation? We have to find out about all this now.no entry sign


Let's start with the simplest. Namely, what form the “No entry” road sign is. What does he look like. This must be known to all drivers.

Which road sign prohibits entry into the territory? This is a red circle with a white rectangle inside it. This is exactly what the sign that is described in the article looks like. In common people, he received a very interesting name - "brick".

Now we have figured out what shape the "No entry" sign is. But how does he act? And what is supposed for a violation of this traffic rules to the driver?


It should be noted right away that this "brick" does not apply to all vehicles. But only a few. More precisely, there are exceptions to the rules that are not very common.

The thing is that the "No entry" sign applies to all cars. And in general, for all vehicles that move on roads and carriageways. True, as already mentioned, there are exceptions. They are not very many. And basically it is generally accepted that the "brick" is valid for almost all drivers.sign entry prohibited exceptions

An exception

Please note that the sign "Entry is prohibited" also has exceptions, as has already been said. But in what cases does it not work? Only when it comes to shuttle "cars".

Buses, trolleybuses, minibuses and trams do not fall under the influence of the “brick”. Any means intended for traveling on scheduled flights. But with a taxi (private), everything is much more complicated. Some claim that they are not affected by our "brick". Although practice shows the opposite. The entry-forbidden sign is also valid for private shipping companies. With rare exceptions, when there is no qualifying plate under the corresponding index. For example, "except customers." A fairly common phenomenon that can save you from punishment.


There is another useful sign that can drag you into certain troubles. It is found a little less than the first. We are talking about the fact that according to the traffic rules the signs "Entry is forbidden" and "Traffic is forbidden" are in effect. The second "symbol" is also worthy of attention.

What does he look like? In the past case, everything is clear - this is a circle with a white "brick" in the center (for its appearance it was popularly called the "brick"). What about the prohibiting symbol movement?

In fact, it looks like just a white circle with a red “edging”. And that’s all. In its action and punishment for its violation differs from the previous case. "No traffic" does not apply to cars driven by people with disabilities. And on vehicles transporting people with disabilities including on route and regular buses and cars.what shape is the road sign entry prohibited


The sign "Entry is prohibited" exceptions, as you see, has. He also “respects” a certain coverage area. In what specific cases can a “brick” be installed? Sometimes it is better to play it safe and not travel to suspicious places, so as not to get a fine.

So, the first point to consider is traffic on the road. Usually, according to traffic rules, the sign "No entry" is set on the terrain with one-way traffic. For example, at the entrance. If there is a dedicated lane at the same time, route vehicles can and should move along it.

There is nothing difficult to understand in this matter. Just keep in mind - if you saw the sign 3.1 ("No entry"), the exceptions do not apply to you, it is better to avoid this road. Or just try not to “get caught” by DVRs and security cameras installed on the streets. Otherwise, you have to pay for the violation. Penalties may vary. What exactly can you encounter?

Deprivation of rights

So we found out which road sign prohibits entry into a particular territory. And with some exceptions, too, had a chance to meet. But with the punishments that so excite citizens, not yet. But now we will fix it.

The thing is that, as has been said more than once, a “brick” is capable of imposing different sanctions on the violator. Some of them are simple, and some will bring a lot of problems. For example, quite often there is a measure such as driving deprivation.which traffic sign prohibits entry

The effect of the sign "No entry", as practice shows, is most often silent. And haphazard, inattentive drivers often violate the rules of the road. If you drive on the one-way road in the opposite direction, you will be deprived of your rights. On what period? About half a year. In general, everything will be decided here on the spot. You can "get off" and 4-month deprivation of rights. It doesn’t matter how exactly you “jump out” to meet other drivers - directly or in reverse. Anyway, you will be punished.

Strip for "minibuses"

Often there are violations such as the passage of a car in a lane designed for traffic and bus stops. And just this action is punished already by the "ruble." To what extent?

It all depends on your region of residence. So, for traveling along the strip of “minibuses” in cities of federal significance, a fine of 3,000 rubles is imposed on the driver. Not too much, but not enough. For example, if the violation was committed in St. Petersburg or Moscow.

Otherwise, the situation is much simpler. The sign "No entry" punishment for riding on a marching strip also provides for a fine. But in this case, the amount is already half as much - 1,500 rubles. Whatever your city. The main thing is that it is not of federal significance. Although, if you constantly break the rules, then sooner or later you will be deprived of a driver’s license and a vehicle in principle.no entry sign punishment

Adjoining territories

The sign "Entry is forbidden" has its effect on the adjacent territories adjacent to it. If this rule has been violated, you can be sure that you will be fined. But not in all cases. Sometimes there are rare exceptions.

The fine for the sign "No entry", frankly, is not so big. Rather, like any other pecuniary penalty that can be paid on the spot. The thing is that for entering the territory adjacent to the "brick" you will be required to pay only 500 rubles. Perhaps this is the simplest punishment of all.

When this is a one-time violation, and before that you were a law-abiding citizen, you can "get off" with the usual warning. It has already been said that this practice is not observed too often. But there is a place to be.

Please note - when entering under the sign "No entry", or rather, in the adjacent territory, there can be no confiscations. Nobody has the right to select a vehicle or rights. It's illegal. Be aware of this rule. After all, such omissions can bring a lot of trouble and problems in the future. Practice indicates that police officers very often try to take away their rights from the drivers or send the car to a parking lot.

Huge payouts

Another situation is punishable by a fine.We are talking about a case already familiar to us - driving towards other cars with one-way traffic on the road. As mentioned earlier, a driver license for up to six months can be taken from you. But you can "get off" a little differently.

How? Just pay a huge fine. At the moment it is 5,000 rubles. Practice shows that such phenomena are very often observed. And citizens are more willing to pay fines than are left without a driver’s license for 6 months.traffic sign no entry

Pay attention to one very interesting fact - in this situation the only punishment can be applied. No one has the right to take your rights and at the same time demand to pay a large fine. It's illegal. There are exceptions, but for this you need to be a “malicious” traffic violator who already has problems with the law. Thus, the driver is able to protect himself and his rights. The main thing is to know what kind of punishment is imposed in certain situations. You can bring along the Code of Administrative Offenses to indicate specific provisions and articles if representatives of law enforcement agencies are trying to prove your case.


From now on, we understand what road sign prohibits entry into a particular territory. And about what kind of punishment is imposed in violation of this rule. Practice shows that very often drivers have no idea that not in all cases they have the right to take away a driver’s license or confiscate a vehicle. Therefore, it is worth refreshing the rules of the SDA.

In general, the punishment for entering under the "brick" may be different. And just a warning for the first time, and a small fine. Or huge payments to the state treasury. But the most unpleasant thing here is the deprivation of a driver’s license. Few people manage to avoid this kind of punishment. In some cases, you can pay a fine and enjoy life further. And the "ruble" and some kind of deprivation of law and order can not simultaneously punish. Take this into account. Otherwise, you can remain without money and without a car for a fairly decent period.no entry signs and no traffic

In general, know your rights on the road and the rules of conduct on the roadway. This knowledge will help to avoid trouble. If necessary, as already mentioned, you can carry the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation with you. This "collection of laws" will be able to help you out in a given situation. Try not to violate traffic rules and be a law-abiding citizen.

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