
Prohibitory traffic signs with comments and explanations

Today we will be interested in prohibition signs (road signs). It is no secret to anyone that ignorance of the law and rules does not exempt from liability. And so that there are no problems, poles with some rules of the road are installed on roads and sidewalks. They demonstrate either some kind of norms of behavior, or limitations. Knowing what a particular symbol means, you can always protect yourself from unnecessary problems. So what are the prohibition signs of traffic in Russia? How do they look? And what do they mean? About all this - further.prohibition road signs

What is it?

To begin with, we will understand what is at stake. Prohibition signs (traffic) - what is it? It is no secret to anyone that the traffic rules provide for several categories of instructions on road behavior.

And prohibition signs, as a rule, impose some restrictions on drivers and pedestrians. That is, they reflect a particular prohibition. Usually, for violating it, you can earn a fine or lose your driver’s license. Therefore, it is very important to know which symbol is responsible for what. There are not so many of them, it is easy to remember possible options.

With clarification

Very often on the roads you can find prohibition signs with explanations. Such pointers, as a rule, have some features. That is, their action extends to the established comments.

The refinement marks below the main ones are small white plates. And usually something is written on them. For example, a specific time when prohibitory traffic signs with comments are valid. Or a specific group of persons to whom "sanctions" apply / do not apply is indicated. They play an important role. Sometimes it is through clarifications that punishment can be avoided. In addition, qualifying marks often indicate the direction of the ban. Sometimes this proves to be very useful information.prohibitory traffic signs

Action (zone)

In what area does the road sign work? The prohibiting effect of a sign has different boundaries. It all depends on which option is used. So, for example, some rules apply within 10-50 meters. Or until the first intersection or turn.

It is also worth noting: very often established prohibition signs (road) are distributed in a certain territory. It is called adjoining. This usually applies to the options "Stop is prohibited" and "Entry is prohibited." Borders are set within the entire adjacent territory.

In addition, sometimes, as already mentioned, prohibitory traffic signs have clarifications. And they indicate the duration of the ban. Not only in time (if there is such a point), but also in length. Nevertheless, keep in mind: most often signs prohibiting something, or work up to 50 meters in both directions, or until the first turns, intersections. In a word, near prohibitions it is better not to break the rules.

No entry

Now a little specificity. The first and most common traffic sign is "No entry." It can be seen literally everywhere. Most often, under the main sign there is a kind of clarification about the action thereof. Usually you can see near some roads or parking lots near shops / organizations.

According to the rules of the road, this sign has a certain number - 3.1. It represents a red circle with a white rectangle in the center. It is located horizontally. In the people, such a sign is also called a "brick". It was for the white rectangle that he was nicknamed.no traffic sign

"No entry" applies to all vehicles. And he forbids them to move.Usually regulates the rules of conduct on the site with a one-way direction. Affects the strip where it is installed. It is installed directly where it will have power. Please note: "No entry" does not work with shuttle transport. For him, usually he does not have significant power.


What traffic sign prohibits traffic in a particular section? In addition to the sign "No entry" there is another option. It is called "Movement Prohibited." Unlike the previous sign, this one has a number of features.

You can find it in traffic rules under number 3.2. It looks approximately the same as the previous one - the circle. But now it is a white circle with a red edging. It is installed directly where it has power.

Nevertheless, prohibitory traffic signs, as it has already become clear, do not always and not affect all vehicles. "Traffic is prohibited" does not apply to route transport, disabled people, servicing, as well as to vehicles of citizens who live and work in the field of this symbol. You have to have evidence with you (registration, certificate of disability, and so on). Also, "Movement prohibited" does not apply to postal services.prohibition road signs with explanations

There is one more feature. The road sign "No traffic" rarely has comments and clarifications. Instead of them directly on the circle there are peculiar limitations. Depending on what kind of transport is depicted in a white field, restrictions are placed on certain vehicles. For example, if you saw a truck or a bicycle on a sign, a traffic ban applies only to a particular vehicle. It is extremely easy to understand.


Prohibitory traffic signs may also prevent some maneuvers and turns. Important restrictions are pointers under numbers 3.18.1, 3.18.2 and 3.19. These are prohibition signs that do not allow turning in one direction or another.

For example, 3.18.1 is “Turn right prohibited." Usually set at a crossroads or fork. And it acts only within it. The rules indicate that it is valid at the first intersection. Applies to all vehicles. It looks like a white circle with a red border crossed out. And in the center is an arrow pointing to the right.

3.18.2, respectively, "Turning to the left is prohibited." It represents a sign similar to the previous one, but the arrow is turned in the opposite direction. It acts on the first intersection (or a fork, for example, which is extremely rare). It applies, as in the previous case, to all vehicles. Nevertheless, this indicator does not prohibit right turns.

3.19 - "U-turn is prohibited." Actually, it does not allow vehicles to unfold on the site. It looks like a white circle with a red edging along the edge, which, as in previous cases, is crossed out from left to right by a diagonal line. And below it is an arrow with a direction. It first rises up, and then, as it were, turns around and moves left and down. Roughly speaking, where it started, it ended there. Allows you to turn left. And acts on the first intersection of roads.


No matter how strange it may sound, prohibition signs (road signs) may impose a ban on overtaking. Such pointers tend to duplicate road marking on the roadway. And they act until the end thereof. In traffic rules there are similar characters under numbers 3.20 and 3.22.

The first option is "Passing cars is prohibited." It looks like a white circle with a red frame already familiar to us. Only now two cars will be depicted in the center. One of them is red. Does not apply to mopeds and motorcycles. Valid to the nearest intersection if there is no clarification.

The second - "Overtaking by trucks is prohibited." It looks like the previous version, only now a red truck will be shown on the left, a black car on the right.Acts exactly as in the previous paragraph. That is, it is impossible to overtake any transport to all trucks (with the exception of those that weigh up to 3.5 tons).


What's next? Prohibitory traffic signs may impose certain restrictions on the stopping, parking and parking of vehicles. Such options are very common. Perhaps as often as "No entry."traffic sign traffic prohibited comments

Let's start with the stop sign. This is a blue circle that has a red piping around the edges. Crossed out by two diagonal lines in different directions. If you search by number, pay attention to 3.27.

This sign prohibits stopping all vehicles. And parking as well. It does not apply only to fixed-route vehicles. Everyone else can neither stop nor park. It acts only on that part of the road where it is installed. Most often found with qualifying signs.


But under the number 3.28, the sign "No parking" flaunts. He, unlike the previous version, allows you to make a stop. But here to do the parking - no. In order not to break the rules, you should clearly understand the difference between these two actions.

How is "No Parking" portrayed? This is a blue circle, which is surrounded by a red line along the edge and crossed out by diagonal from left to right. Very often you can meet him in a slightly modified form. For example, if there is a vertical “brick” under the strikethrough in the center, this is a ban on parking on odd days. And if there are 2 vertical white rectangles, respectively, even.


Prohibitory signs with comments, of course, are very common. And as you can see, they often work only in relation to vehicles. Pedestrians also have one limitation. It can be found at number 3.10.prohibition road signs with comments

This is a sign called "No pedestrian traffic." In the center of a white circle crossed out by a red line, a man is depicted. It applies to all pedestrians and is installed only where it will act. By the way, it works only on the side of the road where it was installed. Nothing difficult, right?

Now we know almost all prohibition signs (road signs). The most basic, common and important. Remembering them is easy and simple. Please note: for violation of prohibition signs, a fine is most often imposed (from 500 to 5000 rubles), or for repeated violations, rights are taken away for a while. Be careful on the roads and follow all the rules!

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