
Follow the road sign: description, rules and meaning

Road traffic has become very intense in recent years, and its regulatory system has acquired great importance and even a vital need. Well-known signs installed on roadways take an active part in this process. They are divided into several categories, among which, for example, warning and prohibiting. Their action is aimed at streamlining traffic on the roads, because without adjustment, real chaos can occur.

Here we look at one of the traffic signs, which is included in the priority group - “Give way”.

give way sign

External signs

The shape of the triangle is used in warning and priority signs. Framed in a red border, he focuses the driver on a specific action, which he must adhere to. The sign also warns the driver that the intersection of the main road with the secondary one or the adjoining of the latter is ahead.

It is an inverted triangle shape on a white background, with a red line around the edges. It was designed in such a way so that the sign was not like everyone else and was recognizable by the driver even in conditions of poor visibility. Also, for example, a symbol with the inscription STOP in the form of an octagon has a unique shape. These signs are of particular importance, therefore they should be recognized by the participants of the movement as best as possible.

Oddly enough, but the appearance of the sign has not changed since the beginning of the 20th century, when they just started to introduce these symbols for traffic regulation. But then he had a different name: "Do not interfere."

sign give way means

There are situations when a sign becomes unreadable, for example, it can be covered with snow or dirty with dirt. Accordingly, if the sign resembled the rest in form and color, it would become unrecognizable. In addition, there is one important plus - from the oncoming lane it is also easily distinguishable. For comparison, on foreign roads this symbol is the same, only the inscription Give Way is added to it.

What definition is given to him in the SDA of the Russian Federation?

The “Make way” sign means that it is forbidden to interfere. This means that you can not start, continue or resume the course of the car. In addition, the sign prohibits maneuvering if other participants with an advantage are forced to change the speed of the car or the trajectory of movement. Thus, an indication of the lack of advantage of some participants in the movement is the information that this sign implies in a similar situation.

It is necessary to give way to the intersection for those vehicles that drive along the intersected road, and in the case of the existing “Main Road” sign - to those moving along it. In order for the transport located on the priority road to pass without any obstacles, you need to reduce the speed as much as possible or stop.

You can continue driving if you have this sign, if this does not interfere with vehicles traveling along the main road, for example, when the road is empty.

crossroads sign

Installation location

As a rule, it is located just before the intersection of roads, however, it can also be used as a backup, that is, it can be installed additionally at a certain distance from the main one. Also, the sign may be located at a distance from the intersection, namely, 150-300 meters outside the settlements. At the same time, there is a plate with it: "Distance to the object."

It should be noted that often this sign is often located in front of a railway crossing, but loses its effect if there is a traffic light at such a crossing. The sign, as a rule, is set when leaving the dirt roads on the asphalt part, on the motorway (high-speed lane), as well as in places of departure from the adjacent territories.

It can not be ignored under any circumstances, since basically it is located in front of the intersection where poor visibility is noted, and, accordingly, the risk of accidents is increased.

give way sign to pedestrians

Sharing with other pointers

Based on the SDA, the “Follow the Road” sign is often supplemented by some symbols that give priority to the passage of the intersection. In the event that the intersection has a complex layout, or on it the main road changes its direction, set a sign called "Direction of the main road."

If road conditions require the presence of this sign, then outside the settlements it is pre-installed 150-300 meters before the intersection. Usually the sign is accompanied by a plate: "Distance to the object." Sometimes the “Follow the road” sign is in tandem with a similar additional sign, but it contains information about the distance to the intersection in front of which the STOP sign is placed.

The signs “Follow the road” and “Traffic without stopping are prohibited” are similar in meaning. There is one exception: in the latter case, the participant in the movement, regardless of circumstances, must stop in front of the edge of the intersected carriageway or stop line.

Sign “Make way": pedestrians given priority?

Based on the SDA, the sign determines the travel pattern of vehicles. By itself, it has nothing to do with pedestrians. Thus, the effect of the mark “Make way” does not apply to them.

But it is always necessary to take into account the circumstances that arose at a given time on the road. Suppose if a person is on the roadway, it does not matter if there are any signs. In addition, other rules should be taken into account in which the driver must give way to people. In any case, it is better to reduce speed in advance and be prepared for the fact that the pedestrian will begin to cross the roadway.

When a pedestrian must necessarily give way

If the driver makes an exit from the adjacent territory, then he must give way to those who walk along the sidewalk along the main road. This obligation is based on a binding rule, which states that in such a case pedestrians must be passed regardless of the signs.

The main priority right for the pedestrian is the existing transition, both adjustable and the usual “zebra,” which obliges the driver to stop in order to let people in motion.

If there is no pedestrian crossing, then the person should not cross the road in this place, interfering with the vehicles, and forcing them to brake sharply or perform maneuvers in order to avoid collision. Thus, the pedestrian has no priority over cars on such a section of the road, regardless of the presence (absence) of the sign in question.

traffic sign give way

In this case, based on traffic rules, it must be borne in mind that there is an exception to the rule. A pedestrian who crosses the carriageway along the sidewalk or curb line takes precedence over vehicles leaving the intersection to complete a turn in any direction. In this case, if there is a sign “Follow the road” (also in the absence thereof), the driver must let pedestrians pass.

This symbol is often set to regulated intersections, usually near a traffic light, preferably on a pole.

Penalty for violation

If for some reason you did not comply with the rule indicated by the “Give way” sign, then the traffic police may impose a fine of 1 thousand rubles.

After you have passed the intersection of the carriageways, the strength of the set sign “Follow the road” no longer affects the further movement, that is, it applies only to a specific place.

Traffic light and sign "Make way"

With the current traffic light priority signs cancel their action, that is, the sign “Give way” will be inferior in importance to the green signal of the regulatory device. An idle traffic light is off or with a flashing yellow signal. In this case, the priority signs come into force again.

give way

But it should be remembered that when driving along the main road, when making a maneuver, you must make sure that the vehicle with a blue beacon or a special sound signal does not go from a secondary direction. These cars take precedence regardless of the presence of signs.

Not only the order on the roads, but also the safety of drivers and pedestrians depends on compliance with traffic rules. Signs are designed to make traffic in the car stream more streamlined, so you need to be careful about them. The sequence of travel on the road that this symbol sets is extremely important to ensure traffic safety.

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Reason for complaint
Eden Ghani
the driver was drunk and on the sign to give way, he continued to move without stopping and I was driving along the main road but at the time of the hit my car was the left side behind the double solid who is to blame


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