
The action of the stop sign is prohibited. Stop and parking prohibited sign: coverage area

What is the stop sign prohibited? What, according to the SDA, does “stop” mean? Is there any punishment for violating this "rule"? And in general, what is the coverage area of ​​our today's sign? All of this will have to be read further. Otherwise, you can run into trouble in the form of not the best punishments. For example, a fine or deprivation of a driver’s license.stop sign prohibited


A bit of terminology. You can’t do without it. Why? The whole problem is that such concepts as “stopping” and “parking” have different interpretations in the rules of the road. And, of course, they are portrayed in different ways.

Parking is the intentional termination of traffic for a period of more than 5 minutes. In this case, you arbitrarily make a decision and it is in no way connected with the passengers (or rather, their landing, for example) or with the loading and unloading of something.

But the stop is characterized by a temporary cessation of movement, which is necessary for the "unloading" of the vehicle or the "acceptance" of passengers. There is nothing particularly difficult to understand here. Practice shows that a stop usually lasts up to 5 minutes. With rare exceptions, when boarding and disembarking passengers requires more time.

"No parking"

But what does the stop and parking sign look like? The coverage area is the same here, but the specifics will be a little later. It is worth considering immediately - there is no single interpretation of these restrictions. To prohibit stopping, there is a type of expression, for parking it is its own. True, there are similarities between them.

"No parking" is a large circle with a red cant. It is crossed out by one diagonal line. From left to right. And there is nothing more special about him. Please note that the action of the sign "Stop is prohibited", as well as "Parking is prohibited" has the same distribution. Now it’s clear what the ban on parking looks like. By the way, this restriction has exceptions - these are disabled people. And cars with taximeters, mail. Route vehicles must be amenable to the mark.stop sign and parking prohibited area

"Stop is prohibited"

Go ahead. Now, before you know the effect of the sign "Stop and parking is prohibited", you should understand how the corresponding ban on stopping the vehicle looks. Practice shows that it is quite easy to distinguish the two options we have proposed today.

The thing is that “Stop is prohibited” is again a circle. But in this case, it is crossed out “crosswise”. In other words, two diagonal lines in different directions. And, as in the past case, it has a red “edging”. Nothing difficult, right? It is easy to distinguish a stop ban from a parking ban. But until what point do they act? After all, there are some restrictions, right?

Standard rules

The sign "Stop is prohibited" (the zone of the sign will now be known to us) is very common in cities and beyond. And therefore, drivers need to know in which places before and after the corresponding signs you can park.

If there are no clarifications, then the prohibitions on stopping and parking apply only to the side of the road where they are installed. That is, if you saw them on your "own" side, you can park on the other. Unless, of course, a similar sign has been established.stop and parking prohibited

In addition, the sign "Stop is prohibited" applies to certain areas. Which one? In cities and on roads, he will "work" to the nearest intersection.In other words, if there are no prohibitions after it, you can safely park and stop for a while. Here it is worth paying attention to several nuances, but about them later.

No intersection

What to do if it turned out that the road is "continuous" and there are no intersections on the driver’s path at all? By the way, turns are not taken into account. Only crossroads, this is important. What is the effect of the “Stop prohibited” sign in such a development of events?

Everything here is also quite simple to understand. The whole problem is that if there are no intersections along the way of “working” a sign, then it will operate until the end of the settlement. With rare exceptions. But more on that later. Thus, note - either you will not be able to park and stop until the nearest intersection, or to the end of the village. This is not always convenient, but it happens in some cases.stop sign prohibited sign coverage


True, as has been repeatedly said, there are limitations and exceptions. There are not so many of them. And, to be honest, these are not even exceptions, but part traffic rules. Often under the main signs you can see small qualifying plates. They help drivers determine the coverage of certain signs. And our current situation just implies the presence of these.

For example, a stop sign with a down arrow means that you have reached the “stop point”. In other words, you can stop after this pointer. It turns out that if you saw a sign, and below it a down arrow - you have reached the end of the action of a rule. Not very complicated information, right? Remember it is not difficult.

Double Arrows

What else can wait for us? For example, often drivers remain shocked (newcomers) with a phenomenon such as a double arrow under a prohibition sign. What it is? What should be done in this situation?

The action of the “Stop is prohibited” traffic sign in this case applies to the section before and after it. Very often at the bottom it will also be indicated "in the footage" for what specific duration. Pay attention to this.

In general, such a double arrow indicates that you are within the limits of one or another restriction. And this also applies to parking / stop. Thus, do not “pause” near such signs. You run the risk of punishing yourself.stop sign prohibited

Among other things, under the main sign you can see the time. This also does not need to be scared. Why? These are the time periods when the sign is working. At other intervals, you can stop and park both before and after them. Unless, of course, there are no other "restraints." Easy and simple.


The action of the sign "Stop is prohibited" is now clear to us. But what happens if you suddenly break parking rules and stops? Can punishment be somehow avoided?

In fact, this is not so easy. After all, if you are "caught by the hand", then punishment is inevitable. What can a citizen who has made a stop in the wrong place count on?

The simplest is a warning. It is rarely imposed and only when you do not so often break the rules, or if this is your first offense at all. Then you can "get off" with a small fine of 500 rubles. Also not very dangerous, but less pleasant. The standard fine for violating parking and stopping rules is from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. With rare exceptions.stop sign prohibited with arrow

Practice shows that more and more often vehicles and rights for such violations are being taken away from citizens. In some cases, this is completely legal. But sometimes not. Pay attention to this. So that no one has any questions, bring the CAO with you. In it, you can definitely find your specific situation and figure out who is right and who is not. In any case, try to always always follow the rules of the road. Only this is fully capable of protecting you from many problems.

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