
Sign "Main road": description, coverage area

Today you and I will be interested in the "Main Road" sign. Traffic Laws disturbed very often. Sometimes by negligence, once intentionally. In order not to run into trouble once again, you will have to learn all the rules that you can. And signs indicating certain restrictions, including. This is actually not so difficult. What is the main road sign? How does he work? What will be the driver for violation?road sign


First, a little about how exactly this sign is depicted. Fortunately, he has nothing difficult to remember. No elements that could cause difficulties.

The thing is that the sign "Main Road" is a yellow rhombus with a white frame. It is not prohibitory or permissive. Although for violation of the rules associated with the main road, the driver will be imposed certain penalties. The sign helps to show which people have advantages when driving in unregulated areas.

Where do they put

Pay attention to the location of the pointer. The sign "Main road" is set only at the beginning of the journey. Practice shows that most often there are additional plates under it. These are peculiar pointers limiting the action of the sign.

It is impossible to see this pillar in the center of the road or at its very end. After all, as we have already found out, the sign "Main Road" serves to regulate traffic on a particular site. At the end, it makes no sense to put such a pointer.

Action area

A very interesting point, which has the sign "Main Road", is the action. It is not quite ordinary and is slightly different from most road signs. What exactly? What you should pay attention to?sign road main road

The whole problem is that the sign "Main Road" is valid until the very end of the route. Of course, if under it there are no additional pointers and clarifications. It should be noted: the action does not stop at intersections. In this case, the sign works in the direction of traffic in a straight line. Easy and simple. And the sign "Main Road", the coverage area of ​​which extends to the entire site, does not allow you to make turns and turns.

But there are some limitations. They are also worth paying attention to. As already mentioned, they are indicated under the sign, or the action is terminated by installing a separate column with a pointer.

End of the main road

How to determine that the main road has ended? For example, look at poles with pointers. There you can often see the sign "End of the main road." It begins its action at the installation site and extends to a new pointer.

Looks like "The End of the Main Road" is almost the same as its beginning. This is a yellow rhombus with a white frame. But in this case, to mark the end of the supremacy, in the direction from right to left, 4 diagonal black lines will be displayed. They seem to cross out the sign "Main Road". A pointer of this kind is established in those places where you want to stop the yellow rhombus. At the beginning of the road, you will never see a pole with an “End” sign. If this happened, record it - this action is a direct violation of the rules of the road. Information should be provided to the traffic police for further troubleshooting.

sign main road set


In the article you can see the sign "Main road" (photo). With a direction to the right or in any other direction, this pointer is set very often. What does it mean? Deciding here is not so difficult.

If you saw an additional white sign with a turn under the Main Road, you should know that the rule applies in this direction. That is, a thick line (strip) in the image shows how you can continue to move along the main road.

Most often, such signs are placed at intersections. In order to make it clear: in the selected direction, the action of the sign extends. But in others - no. This rule should be known to all drivers. Otherwise, you may run into some trouble.


The sign "Main Road", the photo of which will allow you to learn it, has a small feature regarding parking rules and stops. Despite the fact that there are no additional signs for this, drivers are not allowed to pause on the main road.the main road sign is valid until

For violation is punished. But in areas not related to the main road, you can easily and simply park and stop. Of course, when there are no other signs with restrictions. Please note: this rule applies outside of settlements. That is, in cities you can still try to park so as not to interfere with traffic. But outside of them - no.

There is an exception to the rule. This is a forced stop. Usually due to an accident or other traffic accident. In this case, you will have to initially prove your innocence. It turns out - avoid punishment, no - it will be necessary to settle accounts with the state in the manner prescribed by law.


The sign "Main road" is valid until the nearest bounding sign. There are some exceptions. More precisely, it is one. And your movement on the main road can be interrupted ahead of schedule legally.

In what particular cases does such behavior take place? If a vehicle with special signals crosses your road. These include ambulance, fire, emergency gang, police cars and so on. In this case, you must give way to them. There is some punishment for the violation. Not too serious, but it’s unlikely to go unpunished.sign main road action


In some cases, the priority of driving along the main road may not be entirely clear. But drivers have long known that there is a small rule for prioritizing dubious areas.

Roads with a hard even surface (asphalt, stone, concrete and so on) with respect to unpaved roads are always the main ones. In this situation, drivers must give way to those who move on a "civilized" surface. For violation, special punitive measures will be applied to you. Not too harsh, because the sign "Main Road" does not prohibit anything and does not limit anything. And only serves as an additional means of regulating movement. And for this violation can not be punished too harshly. But for accidents committed due to non-compliance with the sign "Main Road" - completely.


What can a driver face if he does not give way to a vehicle that was moving along the main road? To begin with, such a citizen must be caught and proved guilty. Usually this is no problem. And only after that you can judge the penalties.sign main road coverage area

The sign "Main Road" (traffic rules emphasizes that it does not prohibit anything) only regulates traffic in areas without traffic lights. Punishment in the event of a corresponding violation is a fine. Plus a verbal warning that you must follow the rules of conduct on the road.

How much should an inattentive driver pay for not giving way? Only 1000 rubles. But this is for the moment. The government is considering increasing this fine several times.

Popular opinion

Often there are very interesting opinions among drivers regarding traffic at crossroads with the sign "Main Road". After all, each specific situation will be evaluated in its own way in case of violation.

So, for example, some people believe that the sign "Main road" has effect only to the nearest intersection, if there is no "duplicate" behind it.It is difficult to judge how true this statement is. Indeed, practice indicates that usually the main road really stops at the intersection - there is a separate sign that shows the supremacy of traffic. Although the rules of the road indicate that without specifying symbols, the action does not stop at the intersection and takes place in the direction of traffic.

Also, the termination of the pointer occurs when the first traffic light appears. Remember: the sign "Main road" is set solely to establish relations in unregulated areas. And as soon as traffic lights appear, its action ceases.

Additional notation

Often, under the sign "Main Road" you can see a white triangle with a red edging and some strange lines. Usually one of them is greasy and the other is thinner. These are additional signs that warn all drivers about the adjoining of the secondary road to the main one. The position is indicated just by a thin black stripe. In this case, the priority road is marked in the center by a vertical bold line of a similar color.

sign main road photo with direction to the right

Sometimes even instead of the main sign "Main road" a red triangle is used. Also quite common. And according to these additional signs, the driver must be able to determine the main road. And secondary too. In the norms of road transport construction, such qualifying signs have their own serial numbers: from 2.3.2 to 2.3.7. Remember all this, and you will know exactly when you should give way to drivers, and when - to you. There is nothing supernatural in this. Remember that any violation is punishable. And problems with the law in the future can bring you a lot of inconvenience.

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The sign "Main Road" has never been a rhombus! It has the shape of a square. Learn geometry. Find out the difference between a rhombus and a square.


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