
Power of attorney to receive cargo: rules and procedure for its preparation

The economic activity of enterprises involves the use of various powers of attorney. A power of attorney to receive cargo is a document that confirms the recipient's rights to inventory items. It can be drawn up both in simple written form and with notarization. There are several power of attorney templates, but all must comply with the law.

A power of attorney to receive cargo also provides the right to draw up all related papers: invoices, documents for the movement of goods and their delivery, documents for receiving funds.

power of attorney

The power of attorney must specify:

  • Personal signature of a company representative. It is certified by the signature of the head and seal.
  • Surname, name and patronymic of the representative, his position, personal data.
  • The number and name of all the values ​​to be obtained.

The supplier must verify all information without fail and only after that give permission to receive the values.

Each power of attorney to receive the goods (form) must contain the following columns:

  • Date and place of compilation.
  • Title of the document and number.
  • Information about the authorized representative.
  • The specifically formulated order.
  • Principal's signature and company seal.

There is no need to certify notarized power of attorney to receive the goods in the transport company, but if desired, if the goods are especially valuable, this can be done.

Documents for individuals

  • Passport confirming citizenship.
  • A power of attorney from the consignee, which indicates all the necessary information and data of the intermediary.
  • Personal documents of the representative of the recipient.
  • If payment is necessary, the intermediary should have the right amount of money with him.

In the case when such operations to receive goods take place regularly, it is advisable to prepare standard templates in which it will be enough to enter the date, name and quantity of the goods.

What documents does a legal entity need?

If the goods are received by a legal entity, you must provide a power of attorney to receive the goods indicating all the details of the company for which it is intended. To confirm personal data, you need to have a passport or a copy of it with you. The power of attorney must indicate the quantity of the product and its name, as well as the place where it arrived.

power of attorney to receive cargo in a transport company

Entrepreneur receiving goods

If the entrepreneur to whom the goods are intended receives it personally, a power of attorney to receive the goods is not required. It is enough to issue a vacation of goods and invoices on the basis of a passport and certificate of state registration.

Some organizations do not want to give out goods without a power of attorney, demanding that the entrepreneur draw up it on himself. But these actions are illegal.

Receiving goods by employees

You can write a power of attorney only to employees of the enterprise. But sometimes it is required that the goods are received by persons who are not in labor activity with the organization. In this case, a passport must be presented with the power of attorney.

Such a power of attorney can only be issued with the permission of the counterparty, which in return provides an invoice.power of attorney for receipt of cargo

Do I need a power of attorney if the goods are transferred for storage or processing?

A power of attorney is also necessary when the goods are transferred without ownership. It confirms the transfer of cargo to the recipient, its name and quantity. Moreover, the type of relationship between the parties to the transaction is not relevant.

It is forbidden to give out raw materials for processing without a power of attorney, therefore, the customer must ensure that it is filled in accordance with all requirements. A power of attorney is also necessary for containers in which raw materials are transported.

When does this document “not work”?

If the power of attorney does not meet the established requirements, it shall be deemed invalid and the goods shall not be released on it. This may be in the following cases:

  • Requisites or other required fields are not filled.
  • The document contains blots and corrections.
  • No signatures of responsible persons.
  • The proxy does not have the necessary documents or passport.
  • The power of attorney has expired or it has been canceled.

In order to correctly fill out the power of attorney to receive the goods, it is more expedient to take the sample from the responsible person or at the notary's office.

Procedure for issuing a power of attorney

The power of attorney is entitled to write out exclusively by the head or a person authorized by him. An extradition record must be made in the registration journal by assigning a number to the document and indicating the date. The recipient must sign in the appropriate box before and after receipt of the goods. If the document has been expired or canceled, this is also recorded in the journal.power of attorney for receiving the cargo sample

Each employee who receives goods and materials must sign an agreement on full liability. In case of untimely receipt of the goods or non-compliance with the requirements, the manager may apply penalties to the employee. The term of the power of attorney is 10 days; if necessary, it can be reduced or extended.

Download the power of attorney to receive the goods

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