
What is a power of attorney to receive goods and materials?

All actions of employees in the enterprise related to the receipt and delivery of materials, goods or other valuables must be properly executed. One of the main documents necessary for the implementation of such a procedure is the power of attorney for obtaining goods and materials. What is it and how to properly fill out such a form?

Description of the document

At any enterprise or organization there is a service that deals with deliveries. As objects of delivery can be raw materials, materials, various goods and other values. All this is necessary so that the production continues to carry out uninterrupted work every day. The technology of this process is simple. Contact suppliers first. Then you need to pay according to prior agreement. And only after that you can go for the goods, taking with you a power of attorney to receive goods and materials.

power of attorney to receive goods and materials

What does this document give and why is it so important? Firstly, it confirms the authority of the employee and the fact that he acts in the interests of a particular enterprise. How else can the supplier make sure that they are delivering the goods to the right person? Secondly, the power of attorney for the receipt of goods and materials confirms that the employee acts within the framework of a previously concluded agreement. Upon receipt of the goods, the employee must provide it with waybill. Sometimes you also need to have a document confirming payment with you. But in most cases, the financial side of the matter should be negotiated in advance.

Types of Power of Attorney

So that when you receive the agreed goods there are no problems, you must be very careful about the preparation of accompanying documents. And for this, absolutely everything needs to be known about each of them. So, it should be noted that the power of attorney for obtaining goods and materials may have a different validity period. The maximum is no more than five years. Such long-term documents are rarely used. Especially when it comes to obtaining specific goods and materials. Here everything is carried out on the basis of a contract. Therefore, such powers of attorney are most often of a one-time nature. As a rule, they are issued for a period of not more than ten days. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the buyer can entrust the receipt of goods not only to his employee, but also to a person who is not a member of the enterprise. There is a certain risk in this. You can only avoid danger if you conclude with such an unauthorized person that he guarantees to pay all expenses for the goods if they are lost.

Good example

It is not at all difficult to draw up a power of attorney to receive goods and materials. You do not need to have a sample at hand. The main thing is to know what data should be indicated in this document.

power of attorney to receive goods and materials and materials sample

For example, it goes to the post office for correspondence or a sales person goes to the store to receive stationery. What will he need for this? Of course, an agreement must first be concluded on the basis of which the invoice is drawn up. It lists each item by item indicating the number of units. Now it remains only to transfer it to an authorized person from the enterprise. How can a supplier know which employees will arrive to receive the goods? On the basis of what should he believe him? Orally, such issues are not resolved. For this, there is a power of attorney to receive goods and materials. Sample can be made arbitrarily. The main thing is that the following points are clearly noted in the document: who, on what basis, and what should be received.If all these facts are indicated on paper and confirmed by the signature of the head, then the supplier has no doubt.

Blank form

In the case when the delivery and receipt of goods are permanent, there is a need to quickly draw up a power of attorney to receive goods and materials. Blank in this case would be the most convenient option. There will be no need to re-invent the text each time and select the right words. It remains only to fill in the missing columns, and you can go on the road.

power of attorney to receive goods and materials

To take into account all the necessary aspects, you need to know that any power of attorney of this kind should contain the following information:

  • full name of the enterprise or organization;
  • name of the document itself and its details;
  • place and date of issue (required in words);
  • company details;
  • data on the employee or attorney (position, F. I. O., passport data);
  • task for the employee (what needs to be done);
  • expiration date of the citizen.

The information should be as complete and understandable as possible so that no one can challenge the power of attorney to receive goods and materials. The form must necessarily contain the signature of the head (sometimes the chief accountant) along with the company’s round seal.

Power of Attorney

Each company has an employee who is required to keep records and issue a power of attorney to receive goods and materials. The form of the document in this case can be used both its own and developed by the state. It is known that the Goskomstat of the Russian Federation back in October 1997 in its resolution No. 71a approved two typical intersectoral forms of power of attorney: M-2 and M-2a.

power of attorney to receive goods and materials

They are very similar to each other and differ only in that the first of them has an additional table in which all the information presented is duplicated. On the cut line, it is separated from the main form and given to the hands of the recipient. This allows the authorized representative to confirm the fulfillment of the task assigned to him. Otherwise, both forms are identical. Their filling is not difficult. On the front side, write the following:

1. Name of the document, date of issue and validity.

2. Data on the recipient company (name, current account and name of the servicing bank).

3. Complete information about the authorized representative.

4. Name of the supplier.

5. The basis for receiving the goods (account number).

On the reverse side it is noted:

1. The name of material assets with an indication of their quantity.

2. Signature of the recipient, the head of the company and the chief accountant.

3. Printing.

Having such a form in hand, you can safely go for the goods.

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