
Power of attorney for driving: a form and the correct sample to fill out. Power of attorney to drive a car from an organization

At the moment, quite often there are situations when buying a car implies that the whole family will use it.

At the same time, the car is registered only on one person. All other family members who want to drive purchased vehicles will need to have a special document with them. It is a power of attorney to drive a car.

power of attorney for driving

General information

The decision about who exactly will be entrusted with controlling the machine does not play an important role. This category includes acquaintances, friends, distant and close relatives. In fact, it may even be random passers-by. A document can be executed not only by a citizen.

A sufficiently common phenomenon is considered a power of attorney to drive a car from a legal entity. None of those who have been handed over to use the vehicle will want to have problems with the traffic police.

In order to eliminate the risk, you need to draw up a power of attorney to drive the car. New changes to the rules of the road were introduced in 2012. Accordingly, the question of whether it will be necessary to draw up a power of attorney to drive a car in the future becomes more and more relevant.


Many people have no idea that there are many features related to this area. In accordance with the new provisions, it cannot be said that the power of attorney for driving was canceled. But the traffic police officer does not have the right to require the driver to present it during a routine document check, which is carried out at a stationary post. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the power of attorney for driving a car, the form of which is filled out quickly enough, should not be present at all. The driver simply has the right not to present a document.

Surviving rules

All actions of a legal and registration nature that are not carried out by the owner must continue to be carried out by means of a power of attorney. This category includes: inspection, deregistration, sale, and so on. For example, if the car was borrowed for a while, then the paperwork is not required. A power of attorney is required if the machine takes part in any legal actions in the absence of the owner.

Important point

It is worth making sure that the person driving someone else's car is necessarily recorded in the insurance policy. This is an extremely important point, because if this is not done, in the event of an accident there are absolutely no guarantees for receiving insurance payments.

Proper design

A power of attorney is a written authorization. It is issued to one person by another for representation before the others. Self-preparation of this document takes place in the usual written form. In fact, a simple power of attorney to drive a car can be written on an ordinary sheet of paper, which at that moment fell under the arm.

This method is considered quite tedious. In this case, you need to carefully study the entire contents of the document. You should especially check the correctness of the compilation of mandatory items.Next, consider another way to issue a power of attorney to drive a car.


Many newsstands sell a special form of document. There are various points in it. Anyone who transfers the vehicle to use or permits a third party to perform various operations with him, should enter the necessary information in the appropriate boxes. According to the same form, as a rule, a power of attorney is issued for driving from the organization.

power of attorney for driving a car from a legal entity

Mandatory Items

There are certain aspects that a power of attorney for driving should contain. The following elements must be specified in this document:

  1. An owner who trusts his car to another person. It is supposed to indicate passport data.
  2. Car data. It is supposed to indicate the state registration plate, identification, motor and body numbers, information from the vehicle passport and from the registration certificate.
  3. A person whom the owner trusts his car. It is supposed to indicate passport data.
  4. Relevant information about the actions that the owner allows you to perform with your car. For example, inspection.

power of attorney for driving

Notarized power of attorney for driving

In some cases, it is best to choose this method of processing the document. The liquidity of a notarized power of attorney is multiplied. Such a document gives greater freedom of action. Its owner will be able to act on behalf of the owner of the car and perform the same actions as him.

General power of attorney for driving gives a huge amount of opportunities to its owner. For example, you can sell a car without the participation of the owner. It is also possible to pass inspection and remove the car from the register. The owner of the machine can restrict the actions of a proxy at will. To do this, you need to register all permissible permissions when processing the document.

general power of attorney for driving

Validity period

Date of issue is the most important attribute of any document. This also applies to the power of attorney for the car. If the date of issue is missing, then the document automatically becomes invalid. The owner’s signature is also required. A situation is possible when the validity period of a document is not specified.

In this case, the power of attorney is considered liquid within one year from the immediate date of issue. If the expiration date is specified, then the document is valid until its expiration. However, there are certain limitations. The power of attorney can be valid for a maximum of three years. Exceeding this period makes the document illiquid.


A written power of attorney issued by the car owner does not have to be certified by a notary. Such a document can be executed not only by the owner of the machine. Also, a power of attorney can be issued to a third party by a person who is already driving a car with it.

This phenomenon is quite common in practice. However, there is a certain feature. In this case, the transaction must be certified without fail. The car owner can, at his own request, restrict the actions of the principals. It is unlikely that anyone will want to give control of the machine to unknown persons. In this case, the following should be written in the document: "without the right of substitution."

power of attorney for driving a car


  1. The general power of attorney gives the right to represent the interests of the principal in all areas. In particular, you can make a purchase or sale, registration and so on.
  2. A special power of attorney gives the right to commit acts of the same type. In particular, passing inspection And so on.
  3. A one-time power of attorney gives the right to perform a certain action.

In this case, a certified or handwritten document is approximately equally valid from a legal point of view.However, this is not entirely true. In practice, a handwritten power of attorney is significantly inferior to a notarized power of attorney. In particular, this concerns the deregistration of a vehicle. Without a certified document or the direct participation of the car owner, this procedure is not possible.

simple power of attorney for driving


Such an action is also widely encountered in practice. When revocation of power of attorney notification of the person in whose name the document was issued is required. It, in turn, must immediately return the power of attorney. A document may lose its power automatically. For example, if the person participating in the registration is declared legally incompetent. And this applies to both sides. One important aspect to consider. In this case, the purchase and sale of a car by proxy cannot be completed. This is due to the fact that the heirs of the previous owner become the owners of the machine.

Additional actions

For registration, it is necessary to fulfill several conditions. Reassignment of the machine is possible only when there is all notarized documentation confirming the right to it. In this case, the usual handwritten confirmation will not work. The fact of the matter is that the procedure for submission must be certified by a notary public.

During the implementation of these actions should be guided by the Civil Code. A person who wishes to delegate his authority is obliged to notify the owner of the car about this and provide him with all comprehensive information on this issue. In particular, this applies to the new holder of the document. Failure to comply with these rules may result in punishment. In this case, the principal will be responsible for the actions of a third party, as for their own. The validity period of the original document and the authorized one coincide. The second, in any case, cannot act longer than the first.

notarized power of attorney for driving

Controversial situations

As mentioned above, in order to drive a car, a power of attorney is not required. At the same time, legal and registration actions require the direct presence of the car owner. In this case, a notarized power of attorney has the same effect.

Not the owner can independently decide on the transfer of authority to another person. Such an act is deemed to be a substitution. These aspects must also be notarized. It is strongly recommended that such situations arise in advance.

Allowed to make several handwritten powers of attorney. For example, the owner can create written copies for each person whom he intends to allow to operate his car. Allowed to indicate all on one sheet.

It is also possible to draw up a document, which involves committing a transfer to a specific person. According to the current legislation, an authorized citizen can undergo inspection. A handwritten document will suffice. To fully guarantee this, you must specify the appropriate authority during the preparation of the power of attorney. In this case, you can also use the services of a notary.

Download power of attorney for driving

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