
Departmental reward. Departmental and industry awards of the Russian Federation

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have achieved significant success in their professional field or who have noted merit to the state can receive an honorary award. The range of regalia provided by Russian law is quite wide. There are state awards, and there are those that are departmental or sectoral. Also in the Russian Federation, a fairly large number of forms of honorary regalia are practiced. What are the specifics of awards established in Russia at one level or another?

Classification of awards in the Russian Federation

Types of awards approved in Russia are presented in a wide range. This is largely due to the fact that in the Russian Federation there are several classification systems for the corresponding regalia: federal, regional, departmental, as well as industry. Moreover, a clear boundary between them is often absent.

Some awards may be named the same and may be presented differently. power structures. For example, the medal “For Labor Valor” may be awarded to employees of the Special Facilities Service under the President of the Russian Federation. Employees who have worked in the department for 10 years or more may be awarded this regalia. The medal “For Labor Valor” can also be awarded by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Labor Valor Medal

At the same time, it can be obtained not only by a soldier, but also by an ordinary citizen, whose activities in the interests of the country's defense capabilities have earned particularly high marks. This regalia was established simultaneously with a similar type of award "For excellence in exercises" and a personalized medal, which was established in honor of Mikhail Kalashnikov, the famous weapons designer.

State Awards Forms

There are several types of award forms, there is a classification of regalia depending on the profession of a person, his rank. So, the Russian awards provided for at the level of federal law are represented by the following main forms:

  • rank;
  • order;
  • medal;
  • sign;
  • Award
  • professional rank;
  • attribution to honored workers;
  • rank of veteran.

At the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other types of regalia may be approved. Such as certificates of honor Thanksgiving letters, diplomas, honorary badges, medals, various state awards, etc. In the Nizhny Novgorod region there is such a kind of regalia as the Honorary Standard of the Governor.

Among the most common types of state awards at the regional level are awards. They can be represented in the widest range of varieties. There are regional, district, annual awards, as well as those associated with the creative activity of a person - musical, literary, sports, etc.

Departmental awards of the Russian Federation

In the expert community, there are widespread classification of awards into two main types: state, as well as those that are issued by one or another authorities. In turn, the regalia of the second type are classified into three more varieties: awards established by the highest authorities, industry, as well as departmental.

Consider the specifics of each of the noted types of awards in more detail.

State awards

These regalia are considered the most prestigious. They are established with the aim of presenting to citizens for outstanding services in the field of economic and state building, protecting the country, in the field of scientific achievements, culture, art, charity and other activities.

Varieties of state awards can be very different.For example, citizens can be awarded jubilee medals, orders, badges, honors. Distinctive features of state awards:

  • awarded for merits characterized by the greatest significance for the state and society;
  • are public in nature, that is, they are recognized both at the state level and in society;
  • are established within the framework of legal acts issued by the highest authorities of relevant competence;
  • established and presented on behalf of the state by authorized authorities;
  • characterized by an objective social and political assessment of the subject of the award (merit, achievements).

At the same time, there may be cases when a state award is established without necessarily meeting any of the criteria that we have listed above.

Departmental award

In turn, there is a possible option in which one or another authority can establish regalia that meets all the indicated criteria, but not classified as a “state award”. In the first case, an example would be the establishment of a commemorative medal in honor of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad from fascist invaders in 2003. The relevant regulatory act, which was issued by the Government of St. Petersburg, states that the medal is not classified as a state award. While it is characterized by all the signs that we noted above.

Another example: in the Kaluga region, an honorary sign “Appreciation” was established. He is officially assigned the status of a state award at the regional level. However, this honorary award is presented not by the competent authority, but by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Kaluga Region.

Regalia of the highest authorities

The award systems of the Russian Federation may also include regalia, which are established by individual authorities - legislative or executive. What is their difference from state ones? It is believed that awards established by individual authorities are characterized by a lower status. Their social significance is also somewhat lower than that of state regalia.

It can be noted that in many regions of the Russian Federation, a practice has been adopted in which a person, before applying for a state award, must receive an institution established by the government. The merits and achievements for which the considered types of regalia are awarded are characterized by less importance, but correspond to the sign of publicity.

One of the indirect criteria for assigning awards to those that should be classified one level lower than state awards is the frequency of delivery. If people receive certain regalia regularly and others rarely, then, in spite of the fact that both of them will be characterized by the same criteria and even institution procedures, the former are most likely to be considered less prestigious.

Anniversary medals

At the same time, there is a version according to which an unambiguous criterion for classifying a particular award as a state one is the fact that the body accepts general competence. In turn, awards, which are located one level lower due to tradition or other signs, are usually established by government agencies operating in a specific area of ​​the economy or socio-political communications.

Features of awards of the highest authorities

Another significant criterion for distinguishing between state awards and those regalia established by authorities is the correlation of the activities of the founder and the entity that presents the award to the citizen. If the regalia is established by one or another authority, then, as a rule, it also acts as the subject of its delivery. In turn, state awards are more characterized by a model in which the regalia is handed over not by the founder, but by another authority, official or elected person - for example, the governor of the region.

It turns out that the state award as the highest method of promoting the merits of citizens is established on behalf of everything subject of the federation and those regalia that are put into effect by the authority reflect the position of a separate branch of socio-economic or political interaction between the authorities and society. This position may not find a similar assessment at the level of authorities operating in other areas.

The classification of awards established by authorities is quite diverse, as is the case with state regalia. Citizens can be awarded jubilee medals, letters of appreciation, letters of appreciation, signs, standards, etc.

Industry Awards

The next variety of regalia - industry awards. As a rule, they are approved at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Their main feature is the establishment and application of state structures in order to publicly recognize professional achievements of a person in a particular sector of the economy, social activities, and administrative and political activity. It is believed that industry awards are less prestigious than state awards and those established by government bodies.

Order of departmental awards

The subjects of establishing industry awards are also authorities, but the spheres to which the regalia of the type in question belong are usually somewhat narrower than in the case of the types of awards that we studied above. The regalia in question are awarded for achievements that are recognized at the level of a specific professional community and may not always be obvious to society as a whole.

Specifics of Industry Awards

As a rule, the entities that establish the awards in question are industry-specific authorities. These may be ministries, committees and other structures of the executive branch. The regional award may also be established by the governor of the region or the chairman of the government of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. It can be noted that the establishment of the corresponding regalia in the general case cannot be carried out by the legislative authority, as well as rewarding. This is due to the fact that only executive structures can be involved in evaluating the results of citizens' activities in a particular professional field due to their competence.

Honorary Award

Presentation of industry regalia involves the participation of various public structures that are related to the professional sphere of activity of the laureate. It can be, for example, a labor collective. However, authorities who operate within the framework of a certain industry competence can also initiate awarding of people who have achieved significant success.

The main types of industry awards are certificates of appreciation, gratitude, titles, diplomas, as well as letters of thanks. It may be noted that this or that departmental award is often identified with industry regalia. Consider the specifics of the corresponding category of state incentives.

Departmental awards

The departmental award is established by a government body, which, as a rule, functions one step lower than the higher structure of political governance. Such regalia reflect to a greater extent merits to specific departments. It is believed that they are the least prestigious. The departmental award is given to a person who has achieved significant success, who received an appropriate public assessment, but who have not reached the level that would have been supposed to present state regalia. Also, information on the presentation of awards of the type in question rarely quite becomes public.

Departmental awards of the Russian Federation

The departmental award can only be awarded to those citizens who work in a specific power structure, responsible for the development of a certain area of ​​the national economy or politics. This is its difference from industry regalia, which can be awarded to employees of not only authorities, but, for example, also private enterprises.

Departmental awards of the Russian Federation establish bodies having competence in a specific field. These may be ministries, commissions or, for example, inspections. It is also possible participation in these communications structures that are not represented at the level of the main branches of government, such as election commissions.

The specifics of departmental awards

Bodies of general competence, as a rule, are not involved in the process of establishing departmental awards. Departmental awards are usually signed by subordinate authorities. If the bodies of general competence are nevertheless involved in working with the regalia in question, then the awards as a result can be classified as state, classified as more prestigious. It can also be noted that departmental awards of the Russian Federation at the level of the political center, in Moscow, are most often established by law enforcement agencies, while in the regions - not only by them, but also by public authorities with a general activity profile.

As we have already noted, the regalia of the type in question can be awarded in a non-public setting. Awarding departmental awards is usually simplified. The festive atmosphere, as a rule, is more modest than with the presentation of state regalia. Departmental awards of the Russian Federation can be presented in the form of diplomas, thanks, diplomas, as well as letters of thanks. That is, almost in the same basic forms that are characteristic of industry regalia.

Public awards

Apart from state ones, various public awards are practiced in the Russian Federation. They can be established by organizations known to the general public, such as, for example, Russian Officers. Similar regalia are also initiated by various scientific societies, Cossack organizations.

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Why are departmental medals not considered a state award? For the difference in service, the anniversary 60 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


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