
Recreational activity. Classification and structural features

Today, tourism is one of the most promising areas of activity. Recreational tourism is one of the most popular destinations. The population has an increasing need for recreation. The more a person works, the more he wants to relax. The more income he has, the more demanding he will be for the program of his vacation.

Recreational activity involves spending free time from the main activity, during which a person rests and regains his strength.

In connection with the current situation, states are trying to create conditions for a decent and varied vacation in order to attract as many tourists as possible (in this case, special attention is paid to inbound tourism).

Varieties of recreational needs

All needs for recreation can be divided into three types: personal, group and social.

As for personalities, here recreational activity consists in providing a wide range of needs: satisfying curiosity, overcoming difficulties, and the need to obtain aesthetic pleasure.

Group needs are more general than personal needs. They characterize the desires of people whose interests are similar. These are small groups with similar living conditions and common interests.

Public needs include desires common to a large number of people, which are affected by the economy, social and psychological conditions.


Recreational activities and the demand for it directly depend on the financial situation of citizens. The higher the income, the more selective the consumer, the more diverse the offer should be.

This is not to say that demand reflects all the needs of citizens in recreation. Some categories fall out, for example, needs for which they do not yet have a definite offer (this applies to new varieties), or those that exist, but citizens do not have enough funds to satisfy them.


There is no single classification. Recreational activities are subdivided in connection with various aspects.

If we consider it in relation to the leading motives, then we distinguish between recreational and sports, cognitive and therapeutic recreation.

Health and sports include recreation at ski resorts, water-walking routes, mountain climbing, fishing, etc.

Cognitive - the study of cultural and historical objects, the study of flora and fauna.

Depending on the amount of time spent on rest, distinguish between long and short-term recreation.

If we take the legal status as the basis for classification, we distinguish between domestic (national) and foreign (international) holidays.

recreational activity

Depending on the season, recreation can be divided into winter restoration, summer, or those species that are relevant throughout the year.

If the basis of the division is the number of participants, then two types will be obtained: individual participants and groups.

In relation to different ages, it is most convenient to consider recreation for children, for adults or a mixed type.

Recreational activities may also differ in the mode of transport involved (bus, rail, sea vessels).

Medicinal recreation usually includes any vacation at sea, in the mountains, in ecologically clean areas. As well as passing diagnostics and treatment in sanatoriums and dispensaries.

recreational tourism

Resource Assessment

The types of recreational activities directly depend on the resources available in the country. They form one of the main parts of the region’s potential.

When assessing them, the relief is considered, water bodies climatic conditions, available healing resources, cultural and historical potential.

The higher the resource estimate, the more successful recreational activities will be.

Recreation and tourism

These two concepts are closely related to each other. Depending on the assessment of resources, it can be said whether a particular region will be successful in terms of tourism activities.

sports and fitness activities

The interest in the region’s attendance has its reasons: the influx of tourists is an additional cash flow to the region’s budget. Therefore, local government at a low level and the state at a high level are trying to create the best possible conditions for the development of tourism. At the same time, one of the directions of the program is the creation of recreational centers and the preservation of natural and cultural-historical monuments.

In order to best show the relationship, it is necessary to stipulate that the higher the recreational potential, the more successful tourism and recreational activities.

Types of tourists

All tourists can be figuratively divided into two types:

  1. Those who are most important to relax and recover. They prefer passive rest.
  2. Those who get more pleasure from contemplating new places, absorbing information. They try to visit as many excursions as possible, get acquainted with the local population, its culture, and folklore.

types of recreational activities

Each of these groups of tourists needs its own type of recreational resources.

The first group will choose a vacation by the sea or a base in the mountains, where you can enjoy healthy air. A good option for them would be sanatoriums near springs with mineral-rich water and mud.

The second group, as a rule, seeks to choose a place with a rich historical and cultural potential.

Organization of recreational activities

Huge amounts of money are spent annually on the organization of rehabilitation sites. Successfully organized tourist and recreational activities are a constant source of replenishment of the country's budget. Therefore, various activities are being carried out in this direction: sanatoriums and recreation centers are being built, the lakes, rivers and coastal zones are suitable for visiting tourists.

organization of recreational activities

Sports and fitness activities

This type of recreational activity should be mentioned separately. Every year in various countries there are sports competitions, festivals and fights. Thus, a huge number of fans of certain sports are attracted to the country.

Sports and recreational activities are aimed not only at making a profit, but also at popularizing a healthy lifestyle, winning even more fans of this sport. Such events are also aimed at making the venue of the event and the host country famous.

Recreational tourism is one of the most actively developing areas. An increasing number of people prefer vacation outside their home country. Depending on the natural conditions at the place of residence, the opposite is often chosen for recreation.

The most common holiday destinations are coastal regions and ski resorts. The most popular in this regard are countries with a calm political environment.

tourist and recreational activities

There is also a category of tourists who prefer extreme relaxation conditions. Due to fatigue from everyday life, an increasing number of people begin to choose this type of pastime.

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