
Economic Data: List of Developing Countries and Developed States

To date, the list of developing countries consists of 150 states and territories. They occupy most of the land. Many of them were independent even before World War II. However, I would like to consider this topic in all its details.

list of developing countries

First group of states

In those days when there was still a division into capitalist and socialist systems, developing countries were called the "third world." Now they are very heterogeneous. And because of their diversity, it is very difficult to build any typology. Nevertheless, a certain classification exists.

The first group includes the so-called key states. These are Mexico, China, and also Brazil and India. They are included in the list of developing countries because they have enormous economic, human and natural potential. These four states produce such an amount of industrial output that all the others, only taken together, produce it. But in terms of GDP, everything is bad. In India, $ 350 per capita is less than 23 thousand rubles.

Higher level

The second group includes states that also achieved a relatively good level of economic and social development, but only with GDP above a thousand dollars. Such countries are most in Latin America. These are Venezuela, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina and many other states. There are also countries with a similar level in North Africa and Asia.

But these are not all developing countries. The list of states includes only six groups. The third includes industrial areas. These are the countries that have achieved a leap in the 80s and 90s. And the growth was staggering. States have even been given the nickname "Asian tigers." And based on this original name, you can guess which countries it is. These include Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong (the administrative district in China) and Taiwan. Also in the list of developing countries of the second group are Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia.

developing countries list of states

Remaining list

The fourth group, which is included in the list of developing countries, is formed from those states that are engaged in oil exports. Thanks to this resource, per capita GDP can vary from 10 to 20 thousand dollars. Naturally, the list includes Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, as well as Brunei, Libya and others.

The largest group is the fifth. It is made up of "classic" developing countries of the world. The list contains the names of states with a multistructure backward economy and feudal survivals. Per capita GDP is less than $ 1,000 per year. Most of the countries in this group are in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

And finally, the last category. It forms 40 states belonging to the so-called fourth world. That is, those territories on which agriculture predominates, and consumer. In such countries there is practically no manufacturing industry and about 2/3 of the inhabitants are illiterate. GDP is 100-300 dollars a year (!). And then this is a very good indicator. For example, in Mozambique, GDP is 20 cents a day!

developed and developing countries list

Minimum wage

Of course, the developing countries of the world, the list of which is quite impressive, are of certain interest from the political and economic points of view. But most ordinary citizens want to know about salary levels.

If you believe the statistics for 2015, published Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, it’s best to live in Luxembourg. There minimal salary is 2190 dollars.This is a little more than 143,000 rubles. In second place is Australia with an indicator of $ 2159. This is approximately 141,000 rubles.

Third place is Germany. In the former Federal Republic of Germany, the minimum wage is $ 1958, which is 128,000 rubles. Next in the ranking are the Netherlands with a minimum wage of $ 1848, which is 120,700 rubles. In the next place is Belgium with an indicator of $ 1,776. This is about 116,000 rubles.

The lowest minimum wage rates in Europe are in Romania and Bulgaria. The minimum you can count on here is $ 230.4 and 195, respectively (15,000 and 12,700 rubles). But even this is twice as much as in Russia. And even more so in Ukraine, where the monthly minimum wage is $ 53.7 (3480 rubles). In general, the states that occupy the first lines in the ratings of the minimum salary are key developing countries. The list is actually longer - you can familiarize yourself with it individually.

key developing countries list

World economy leaders

Well, in the end, a few words about the states that can boast a really high standard of living and economy. Developed and developing countries, the list of which is quite wide, make up our whole world. But only the first of these produce ¾ of the gross world product. But in developed countries only 15-16% of the population of the entire planet live. But it is they who, one might say, hold the entire economy.

These are the USA, Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Great Britain, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Finland and several dozens of other states. But, despite its status, salaries in many "leading" countries do not please local residents. In the same Greece mentioned in the list, the minimum wage is 580 € (40,200 rubles). However, this is still more than in the Russian Federation.

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