
Driving License: Recovery. How to restore a driver’s license in case of loss and theft

The main document for the driver is a driver’s license. Restoration, replacement, maintenance and timely payment of fines - this is your “headache” if you are driving. What is needed to restore rights if they are lost or stolen, how to replace this important document, and many other issues relevant to motorists are discussed below.

Triangle: driver, license, traffic police

The desire to be independent and mobile leads to buying a car and getting a driver’s license. From this moment on, a citizen acquires new rights and duties, which are confirmed by a document and controlled by the traffic police. The driver, his license and the traffic police are connected by one strong thread.

driving license fines

In what cases is it necessary to turn to the traffic police with a question regarding the certificate? The following circumstances can be called:

  • loss or theft of a driver’s license;
  • replacement of a driver’s license;
  • fines.

Please note that when contacting the traffic police, the driver must have a passport and money to pay state fees.

Lost a driver’s license. What to do?

All documents must be in order and always in place. It would seem a simple everyday truth.driver's license restoration

Alas! It is not always possible to adhere to it. And no matter how tidy a person may be, he can still not find one of his things. It’s especially a shame when you lose your driver’s license, because it is forbidden to be a participant in traffic without it. But according to the "law of meanness" the fact of loss is discovered at the moment when you need to go. What to do in this situation:

  • calm down and think again, remember when they last saw or held them; Interview everyone who could see them or knew where they were lying;
  • place ads promising a reward, because no one except you needs your driver’s license; recovery will take longer than posting ads, but this method also sometimes works.
  • to collect the necessary package of documents, plan the time and go to the traffic police in order to restore the lost rights.

driver license period

Let us recall once again: if you are going on a long journey or you have an important meeting, check the availability of documents (rights, insurance, data sheet) on the eve of the trip. This will allow you to save your nerves and time before departure or make changes to your plans.

Driving license stolen! What to do?

Everyone can become a victim of dishonest people. Sometimes loss happens according to their malicious intent. Unfortunately, if the incident has already occurred, and you are sure that you have been robbed, you can only prepare for upholstering the thresholds and restoring an important document.

Whether to contact the police is up to you. If, in addition to the driver’s license, valuable items or documents have been stolen, it makes sense to notify the authorities. Practice shows that in rare cases, stolen rights are found and returned to the owner. But at the same time, you cannot receive a new document (or a duplicate of the old one) until your case is closed. And it can take several months.

Restore a driver’s license: what is needed for this

Have you lost an important document, or stolen your driver’s license, recovery will be the same in both cases. You will need to take documents, money and go to the traffic police.Money will be needed in order to pay the state fees and the traffic police fine on a driver’s license.

What documents will be required? The following are required:

  • passport;
  • application (a sample will be provided by the traffic police);
  • Photo;
  • document on permanent or temporary registration (if it is not indicated in the passport);
  • medical certificate (if your validity has not expired, you can use it);
  • driver card (document issued at the end of driving school and passing exams);
  • receipt of state duty (it will be issued when the documents are accepted, the amount will be 2000 rubles);
  • decision to refuse or institute criminal proceedings (taken by the police).

Please note that you must apply for a driver’s license in person.

Recovery procedure

When the package is assembled, we transfer it to the traffic police. After that, there are several options by which your recovery scenario will develop.

1. Documents are checked on the basis. If the traffic police have time, they will do it on the day the documents are accepted. They will check your fines with a driver’s license and find out if you have been denied a lawsuit. If neither one nor the other is listed as a driver, a duplicate of rights can be issued immediately.

2. If employees do not have time, the procedure will be delayed. You will be offered to use temporary rights. The validity of such a certificate is 1-2 months, but it can be extended if a duplicate is not made during this time. Please note: for temporary rights you will have to pay a state fee - approximately 800 rubles. After the expiration of the temporary rights will need to be transferred to the traffic police.

traffic police driver's license

The driver’s license, which will be issued to you after the restoration, will differ from the first one only with the “duplicate” mark.


A separate issue that should be covered in all topics related to driving is the traffic police fine on a driver’s license.

The phrase “I don’t and never will have fines” can only belong to a person who does not have a driver’s license. Those who drive a car will sooner or later exceed their speed, turn off in the wrong place, park incorrectly, or commit another offense.

Now it is not necessary to come across a traffic inspector to be fined. With the installation of cameras, many offenses are recorded without the participation of traffic police. Receipts are mailed to the car owner.

Everyone should be a law-abiding citizen and be responsible for their actions. Therefore, we must try not to violate, and if it didn’t work out, pay fines. It happens that it was not possible to deposit money right away: the notice was lost or did not arrive at all, although you know that there was a violation. In this case, it is better to periodically check your fines on your own with a driver’s license. It is very simple to do this, for example using the Internet.

fine traffic police license

When do I need to replace a driver’s license?

The restoration of a driver’s license will be made in case of theft or loss. After passing through this procedure, a duplicate is issued. But there are times when a replacement driver’s license is required. These include:

  • change of surname or other initials of the owner (after marriage, divorce or choice of another surname);
  • damage to the certificate;
  • the expiration of the license (the term of a driver’s license in Russia is 10 years).

In case of replacement of rights, you need to collect the same package of documents (driver card may not be needed) and go to the traffic police. Please note that controlling the vehicle with driver's license, validity which expired, is equated to managing it without rights and is punishable by a fine.

Found !!!

All the same "law of meanness" says that often the certificate is found, but only after all the ordeals are passed.An application has been filed, state fees paid, nerves spent, a temporary certificate or a duplicate received, and at that moment the old rights are in the most unexpected place.

What to do? Smile and destroy the "loss", while investing all the emotions that you experience or experienced during recovery.

The fact is that when you apply to the traffic police, your old driver’s license is canceled and removed from the database. It becomes invalid, and if you use it when driving a vehicle, you will be fined (as if you were without rights). You don’t need to get the old certificate anywhere, but in order not to get confused, it’s better to destroy it.

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