
Federal Law "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation": Description, Changes and Features

The law on citizenship of a particular state governs the status of residents of a country. It contains all the main points that concern each person. It is useful for all citizens of the Russian Federation to know the main provisions of the law, because it reflects all the duties and rights of Russians.

Key Points

The Federal Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation contains principles and rules that control the legal relations associated with this status. In addition, it contains all the points regarding the grounds, conditions of entry into citizenship, obtaining it at birth and termination.citizenship law

The Citizenship Law of the Russian Federation, in turn, is regulated by:

  • Constitution of the state;
  • international treaties between Russia and other countries;
  • regulatory and legal acts of the country.

Citizenship of the Russian Federation is a legal relationship of a resident with the state. It is expressed in the aggregate of obligations of the rights of the parties with respect to each other. In certain cases, a Russian may have dual citizenship, that is, be simultaneously a citizen of two different states.Russian citizenship law

Who can be considered a Russian?

The federal law on citizenship recognizes the following categories of people by Russians:

  • Residents of the country who have received this birth status in accordance with the legal norms of the current legislation.
  • Residents of Russia, who went through the process of entry into citizenship after arriving in its territory from another country.

Key terms and concepts

What are the concepts of citizenship law:

  1. Foreign citizen - a person who is not a full-fledged citizen of the Russian Federation, as he belongs to another state.
  2. A stateless person is a resident of a country who does not have evidence of his belonging to the Russian Federation or another country.
  3. The child is a Russian citizen (foreign national, stateless person), whose age has not reached 18 years.
  4. Residence - the lawful stay of a person in the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond.
  5. The territory of Russia is a region located within certain administrative and federal borders (in accordance with applicable law).
  6. The standard procedure for obtaining or terminating citizenship of the Russian Federation is the consideration of issues and applications from residents or guests of the country, as well as the adoption of decisions on them. In this case, the Federal Law on the Citizenship of the Russian Federation is fully respected, and the president personally decides.
  7. A simplified procedure for becoming a citizen or vice versa, the termination of citizenship is an option to consider applications from residents and guests of the country in a shorter time, at the level of the country's municipality. For this, the applicant must have certain grounds for applying for preferential acquisition of the status of a Russian citizen. The final decision is made by the head of the migration service at the place of circulation.
  8. Residence permit - a document that confirms the legality of the location of a particular person in Russia. Issue it to foreign nationals and stateless persons. In the second case, a residence permit replaces an identity card.

federal law on citizenship of the russian federation

Principles and Rules

The Citizenship Law does not and cannot contain provisions that would restrict the rights of citizens of a country by religion, race or language.Regardless of how a citizen received the status of a Russian citizen (by birth or by naturalization), no differences are provided for different categories, that is, they have equal rights and obligations.

If a citizen of the Russian Federation lives outside the country, this is not a basis for terminating his belonging to his country. The Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation does not provide for the possibility of depriving a Russian citizen of citizenship or restricting his rights to change his status. In addition, a Russian citizen cannot be deported or expelled from the country by force, even if he committed an offense.Russian citizenship law

The government of the country has a positive attitude towards the desire of stateless persons living in Russia to enter into citizenship. The person's belonging to the number of Russians or his previous citizenship of the USSR is regulated by legislative acts of the Russian Federation (RSFSR, USSR) or agreements with other states (regarding citizenship or dual status of persons).

Clauses of the Law for Double Positioners

Some residents of the state have not only Russian citizenship. The law in relation to this category of persons establishes the following rules:

  1. Every Russian with a second citizenship in the territory of the Russian Federation is considered only as a citizen of this country. The only exceptions are persons who are subject to international agreements. For example, Russia and Turkmenistan signed an agreement on dual status, therefore, Russians who have additional citizenship of Turkmenistan are officially recognized as persons with dual affiliation.
  2. The federal law on Russian citizenship does not prohibit citizens of a country from obtaining a passport of another state (that is, they do not need to abandon their previous status, and they cannot be forcibly taken away from it). However, it is important to remember that all Russians who are integrating in another country are required to notify the migration department of receiving citizenship of another state. If the second passport is received by a minor, the official representative (parent, guardian, guardian) is responsible for it. In case of violation of this clause of the Constitution, administrative liability and a monetary fine are provided. An exception is made only for those who constantly live outside the Russian Federation.

federal citizenship law

Russian status and acts of civil status

Some mistakenly believe that marriage to a Russian citizen gives an alien an automatic right to obtain a Russian passport. In fact, family ties are only one of the reasons for acquiring status in a simplified manner, but only after three years of cohabitation.

If one of the spouses changes citizenship, for the other the status does not change. Formal divorce does not change the affiliation to a particular state of either former spouses or children born in a given family (or adopted).federal law on Russian citizenship

Protection of Russians outside their home country

The Citizenship Law provides for the protection of the state to absolutely all Russians during their trips abroad. On the territories of different countries there are consulates, embassies and other representative offices of the Russian Federation. A citizen of Russia can apply to such an institution and count on the help and interaction of employees. Officials are required to provide the representative of the Russian Federation with the opportunity to use all their legal rights in full. If necessary, the consulate also protects the violated rights of Russians.

Russian identity card

A person residing in the territory of the Russian Federation must have an identity card. The types of documents are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. These may be: passport, residence permit or temporary certificate. In any case, the document contains all the information of the owner, the validity of the document and information about the organization that issued it.

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