
How to fill in the column “Citizenship” in official documents? How to write citizenship information in the questionnaire?

Among the official documents required to fill out, one can often find a questionnaire in which personal data should be indicated. And if with passport details and marital status everything is more or less clear, then such a questionnaire item as “Citizenship” may cause difficulty. How to write such information in the questionnaire in order to prevent mistakes or inaccuracies?

citizenship how to write in the questionnaire

How to fill in correctly?

Why is the information indicated about citizenship? The law there are cases when a citizen is obliged to fill in the column “Citizenship”: when applying for a job in government agencies, obtaining citizenship, a passport, visa, etc. Incorrect filling out of the questionnaire can negatively affect the possibility of employment or significantly delay the process of paperwork.

How to indicate citizenship in the application without error? When filling out the questionnaire form in this column, you must definitely indicate the name of the country in the nominative case - “Russian Federation”. Indications such as "Russia", "Russian", abbreviations and abbreviations are not allowed in the profiles of organizations where there are strict requirements for filling. This option is the most versatile. In special cases, it is required to write in the application form “Citizen of the Russian Federation”.

The officially adopted abbreviation "RF" is permissible where the requirements for the documents submitted are not as stringent as, for example, when filling out the column "Citizenship" in the application form for work not related to the performance of official duties in state structures.

how to indicate citizenship in the application form

Nationality and citizenship - is there a difference?

Another question that can lead to filling out the questionnaire: is citizenship and nationality the same thing? These two concepts are often confused, which is undoubtedly a mistake. When indicating citizenship, it is required to write the full name of the state whose subject is the person filling out the questionnaire. If the questionnaire also has the column “Nationality”, then you should write the ethnic group: Russian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Kalmyk, etc.

When filling out a questionnaire in a foreign language, you may encounter the following problem: in some foreign languages, the word “nationality” and the word “citizenship” are indicated by one word (such as, for example, the French word nationalit) In this case, you can follow these rules:

  • If possible, you can ask the representative of the organization to provide a questionnaire in Russian or English.
  • As a rule, citizenship is required to be indicated in official documents. But if in doubt, it is better to try to clarify this issue immediately.

Double citizenship

If the person filling out the questionnaire has dual citizenship, how to write in the questionnaire about this fact? This can be done in free form, indicating second citizenship and reasons for receiving.

Example: “I am a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan and received the citizenship of the Russian Federation in connection with my marriage to a citizen of the Russian Federation and moving to a new place of residence.” As a rule, in this case, it is required to further clarify the status of the second citizenship and the data of the second passport in the questionnaire.

citizenship in the application form

What to indicate in the application if citizenship has been changed

The following situation can cause no less difficulties.In cases where the person filling out the questionnaire, for some reason, changed his citizenship, how to write in the questionnaire correctly - indicating the previous citizenship or is this optional? If there was a change of citizenship, information about this must also be indicated.

It will be necessary to describe the following: the date of change of citizenship, the citizen of which state the person was previously, the citizenship of which state was received at the moment, the reason for the change. It looks something like this: "In 1998, the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan changed to the citizenship of the Russian Federation in connection with the marriage of a citizen of the Russian Federation and moving to a new place of residence."

The exception is USSR citizenship. In this case, clarification is not required.

citizenship application form

"Citizen" or "citizen"?

Another controversial point that you may encounter when filling out the “Citizenship” column is how to write in the questionnaire: “Citizen of the Russian Federation” or “Citizen of the Russian Federation” if the questionnaire is filled out by a female person? Of course, in spoken language or in an informal letter, the word "citizen" is appropriate, but there are rules for filling out documents that fall into a single database. In official business documents, even for a female person, it is customary to use the phrase “citizen of the Russian Federation”.

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