
How to obtain Israeli citizenship to a Russian citizen? Features

Currently, Israel is a modern and developed country in which people from all over the world seek permanent residence. Moreover, it is in first place in terms of the number of emigrants and returnees. That is why many are interested in the question of how to obtain Israeli citizenship.

Pros of Israeli citizenship

Before turning to the question, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of Israeli citizenship. Surely not everyone is aware of some of the nuances. Therefore, when making such a serious decision to move to another country, you need to know absolutely all the information.How to obtain Israeli citizenship

The advantages of Israeli citizenship:

  1. Stay in a country that is quite successful in many areas. Some achievements are comparable to those of the strongest powers in the world. And in medicine, Israel generally outstrips absolutely everyone.
  2. Social guarantees and at the same time a very high standard of living.
  3. Favorable geographical position, because not all countries have access to four seas: the Mediterranean, Red, Galilee and the Dead.
  4. Visa-free trips around the world. A travel document issued after a year of residence in the country makes it possible to enter dozens of different countries of the world without a visa (Belgium, Germany, France). The document is called the loess pass.
  5. An opportunity to get an international passport darkon. Its owner becomes an official citizen of Israel. Darcon, in turn, makes it possible to visit 91 countries of the world without a visa.

Disadvantages of Israeli citizenship

And now we will discuss the negative aspects of living in Israel:

  1. The country is constantly in a state of permanent war with its close neighbors - Arab countries. Recent decades, Israel does not go out of state martial law. The country borders on countries that are very unstable: Gaza, Israel, Lebanon, Iraq. Although, it should be noted, the country has a combat-ready army. She is also assisted by the United States of America. But the turbulent situation is observed in some regions within the country: Samaria, Judea.
  2. The region has a rather difficult environmental situation. This is due to a lack of fresh water. In addition, there is severe air pollution caused by emissions of a large number of industrial enterprises.
  3. The climate in Israel is very hot, and this must be taken into account for those people who cannot tolerate high temperatures. Here the heat is observed almost throughout the year. The desert type landscape prevails.
  4. Not everyone knows that the country has a rather peculiar family policy. And this is manifested in the fact that only Jews can officially marry. It is also forbidden to use contraceptives.
  5. Water and food prices are high.
  6. The average density in the country is three hundred people per square meter.How to obtain Israeli citizenship to a Russian citizen

However, all these negative factors are more than compensated by the policy of the country, which is working towards the return of ethnic Jews to their homeland, including financial assistance to returnees. Therefore, anyone who thinks about how to obtain Israeli citizenship should start by finding out if you can confirm your Jewish roots. In the presence of Jewish origin, you can safely try to obtain citizenship. Moreover, Russia has a fairly loyal position on this issue.

What is needed to obtain Israeli citizenship?

How to obtain Israeli citizenship to a Russian citizen? You can become a citizen of this wonderful country on the basis of the Law on return. This legislative document provides an opportunity to acquire Israeli citizenship not only to Jews, but also to people with Jewish roots right up to the third tribe. And this means that the grandchildren, children, and wives of Jews also fall under the law. By law, they also have the opportunity to obtain citizenship, and a Jewish relative does not have to live in Israel. He may well have a completely different citizenship and have no intention of moving to his historical homeland. Moreover, he may already be dead. But the fact of kinship is important.how to obtain Israeli citizenship non-Jewish Russian citizen of Russia

To understand how to obtain Israeli citizenship, you first need to understand who is considered Jewish under their law. So, a Jew is a man whose mother is Jewish, or these are people who have accepted Judaism and do not adhere to any other religion. With the conscious rejection of Judaism, the right to repatriation is automatically lost.

In addition, the children of Jewish grandchildren cannot claim it. Of course, they can enter the country with their family, which has the right to, but at the same time can only get a residence permit. How to obtain Israeli citizenship to these people? Citizenship of the country this category of persons may try to obtain by contacting the local Ministry of Internal Affairs only after reaching adulthood.

What does the Citizenship Law say?

Citizenship law contains slightly different positions. According to his standards, he can become a citizen:

  1. A child born in Israel, provided that his parents are Israelis.
  2. Children who were born in other countries, but their mom or dad are Israeli citizens.
  3. Children born after the death of a father - a citizen of the country.
  4. Children born in Israel, but without any citizenship at all. Such persons may apply for citizenship if they submit the necessary petition at the age of eighteen to twenty-five years. In this case, a mandatory requirement is to stay in the country for at least five years.how to obtain Israeli citizenship to a grandson of a Jew

If we talk about how to obtain Israeli citizenship to a non-Jewish Russian citizen, then this, in principle, is possible. To do this, you need to live in the country for at least three years and at the same time go through the process of naturalization. For non-Jews, a residence permit is required. In the future, they will have to renounce their existing other citizenship.

Obtaining citizenship during marriage

How to obtain Israeli citizenship through marriage? Recently, this method of obtaining citizenship has become very popular. In many countries, marriage agencies even have such a position in the law. So, the spouse of an Israeli citizen can count on citizenship provided that he has been resident in the country for at least two years.


Speaking about how to obtain Israeli citizenship to a Russian citizen who is not a Jew, it should be noted that this is possible only after reaching the age of eighteen by naturalization. The following conditions are met:How to obtain Israeli citizenship to a citizen of the Russian Federation

  1. A person must live in the country for at least three years.
  2. A residence permit and a desire to live in Israel on an ongoing basis must be present.
  3. Renounce existing citizenship.

The application for citizenship is considered by the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he also makes an approving decision or refusal. Those applicants who can provide for themselves, have real estate, know Hebrew can count on citizenship.

Obtaining citizenship through the army

How to obtain Israeli citizenship through the army? The naturalization procedure is simplified for IDF conscripts if a person has served for more than a year in his ranks. Parents whose children died while serving in the Israeli forces are entitled to count on a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship.


How to obtain Israeli citizenship to a Jewish grandson, children, spouse and the Jews themselves? The procedure should begin with the collection of documents. The following documents must be submitted to the Israeli consulate:how to obtain Israeli citizenship through the army

  1. Four color photographs (of all family members).
  2. Passports
  3. Birth certificates as well as marriage certificates.
  4. Diplomas, certificates.
  5. Labor books.
  6. Certificate of no criminal record. They are translated into Hebrew and English, notarized.
  7. Information about relatives living in Israel, their phone numbers and addresses.

The nuances of moving

Documents are submitted in the form of originals. All applicants and their family members must personally arrive at the consul's appointment. The meeting takes the form of an interview; at the same time, documents are checked. If the consul makes a positive decision, the very next day you can get a visa for repatriation. Its validity is only six months, but it is possible to extend it. How to obtain Israeli citizenship through marriage

At any time after obtaining a visa, you can purchase a ticket to Israel. You can do it yourself or use the services of the agency “Sokhnut”. The Israeli government itself pays for the returnees and their relocation.

Arriving at your historical homeland, at the airport you will receive a returnee certificate and a document confirming your identity in this country, a thousand shekels for expenses, a card for calls, insurance for the hospital. The place of stay in Israel can also be reached at the expense of the country by calling a taxi.

Living the first year in the country, the returnee has free medical care, in the future it will already be paid. The agency “Sokhnut” will help to fully get used to the country and find work. A week after moving to Israel, a person receives a citizen status and a passport.

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