
Functions of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the State Duma

The functions of the State Duma and the Federation Council are defined in the Constitution. These bodies belong to the legislative (representative) power in the country. Together they form the parliament - the Federal Assembly. The Constitution defines the quantitative composition of the chambers, in the Federal Law - the order of creation and key aspects of activity. Let us further consider what are the main functions of the Federation Council. Federation Council functions

General information

In Art. 95 of the Constitution, the quantitative composition of the chambers of the Federal Assembly is determined. The State Duma includes 450 deputies. The number of members of the Federation Council is determined by the number of regions in the country. The Federation Council has two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation. In total, it includes 178 members. Article 102 of the Constitution establishes issues relating to the exclusive jurisdiction of this chamber.

The main functions of the Federation Council

The following issues are in the scope of the SF

  1. Approval of changes in the borders of regions.
  2. The decision on the use of aircraft outside the state.
  3. Appointment of judges of the Supreme Arbitration Court, Supreme Court and Constitutional Court, Prosecutor General, Chairman and 50% of the Auditors of the Accounts Chamber.
  4. Approval of presidential decrees on the introduction of emergency, martial law.
  5. The appointment of the election of the Head of the country and his removal from office. what are the main functions of the federation council

Legislative activity

The functions of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly include the approval or rejection of normative acts adopted by the lower house of parliament. The body has 14 days to do this. According to Art. 105, the Federal Law will be considered approved if it has not been considered by the Federation Council during the specified period. In Art. 106 of the Constitution provides a list of issues, regulations on which must be discussed in the Council of the Federation. Among them are laws on:

  1. State budget.
  2. Customs, credit, financial, currency tax regulation.
  3. Denunciation and ratification of international agreements.
  4. War and peace.

The Federation Council without fail reviews federal federal constitutional acts.


The functions of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation include the adoption of decrees and regulations governing the activities of the upper house. General rules are established in the Constitution and the Federal Law. However, normative acts issued by the Federation Council on self-organization are of particular importance in activities. These acts regulate in detail the procedural and organizational aspects in the work of the body. functions of the council of the federation of the federal assembly


The functions of the Council of the Federation include the election of its Chairman and Deputies. The latter are represented in the amount of 3 people. In addition, the Federation Council forms special committees, commissions, whose activities are carried out on time and in certain areas. In addition, the chamber apparatus is also being formed. The chairman and deputies are appointed and dismissed by decision of the Federation Council. It is adopted by a majority of the total number of members of the chamber.

Activity specifics

The functions of the Federation Council are realized on the principle of collectivity. Issues included in the agenda are discussed openly and freely. The Rules may provide for cases when private meetings of the chamber are held. Representatives of government agencies, scientific institutions, public associations independent experts, specialists to provide conclusions and necessary information on certain issues. The meetings may be attended by the media, State Duma deputies, members of the Government, the President, Chairpersons of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Arbitration Court, the Armed Forces, the Prosecutor General. functions of the State Duma and the Federation Council

Work organization

A meeting of the Federation Council will be considered competent if it contains at least 2/3 of the total number of members of the chamber. The Chair leads the discussions. He does not have the right to express his opinion on the agenda, to comment on the speakers, to give them a description. The work of the chamber is carried out in the official language of the state - Russian. Members of the Federation Council can make reports, concluding remarks, and co-reports, provide information, statements, and so on. Decisions are made by secret or open ballot. The resolution will be considered approved if more than 50% of the total number of members voted for it. The adoption of constitutional laws is also carried out by voting. However, approval requires at least 3/4 of the total number of members. functions of the council of the federation of the federal assembly of the russian federation

Joint meetings

The functions of the Federation Council include resolving a variety of issues. Some of them relate to the exclusive jurisdiction of the chamber. Some issues are subject to joint discussion with the State Duma. At such meetings, the Head of State speaks with messages on key areas of internal and foreign policy about the situation in the country as a whole. Particular importance at joint meetings is given to the President’s appeals on the legislative program or regulatory proposals, which serve as a definite guideline for state authorities. For example, the message of the Head of State may recommend:

  1. To introduce systematic elements into the rulemaking.
  2. Strengthen the legal elaboration and consistency of bills.
  3. Apply the batch principle of creating regulatory documents.
  4. Ensure coordination and interaction of power structures in the work on bills.
  5. Perform a preliminary public review of key regulations.
  6. Coordinate bills with the regions.  main functions of the federation council

At joint meetings, messages of the Constitutional Court and speeches of representatives of the leadership of foreign states can also be heard.


FS acts as the highest legislative (representative) body in the country. His powers with varying degrees of completeness are enshrined in Sec. 5 of the Constitution. The chambers of parliament are in constant interaction with bodies of other branches of government. So, many functions of the Federation Council are carried out taking into account the opinion of the Constitutional Court or the President. The chambers of the FS are not in a privileged position with respect to other state authorities. Their activities play a significant role in the social, economic, and political development of the country.

The Federation Council is attended by representatives of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This ensures that the interests of the regions are taken into account when adopting regulations and various managerial decisions at the highest level. As a result, all subjects of the country, without exception, participate in state affairs. The Federation Council makes the most important decisions for the state. They concern not only domestic but also foreign policy. It is this chamber that agrees to the use of armed forces abroad, discusses the appointment and removal of the President. In the activities of the Federation Council, the Rules and other acts governing work are of particular importance. These documents specify the provisions of the Federal Law and the Constitution, determine the procedure for making decisions and approving / rejecting bills.

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