
Powers of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Constitution of the Russian Federation

The State Duma of the Russian Federation is a representative body. She acts as the lower house of the Federal Assembly. Let us further consider in detail the constitutional powers of the State Duma. powers of the State Duma

General information

In Art. 96 of the Constitution established the term of office of deputies of the Duma. He is 4 years old. This duration is consistent with international practice, according to which the election of national parliaments is carried out for a period of 4-5 years. Such a period of work allows the authorized body to implement long-term bills. At the same time, the society, as well as the deputies themselves, can during this period visually see the results of their activities. At the same time, the four-year period ensures regular updating of the parliament, obliges its members to periodically report to the voters. All this contributes to the implementation of democratic power in the country.


According to the norms, the lower house represents the interests of different groups of the population. The Law "On the State Duma" defines a range of issues related to its jurisdiction. These include:

  1. Giving consent to the Head of the country on his appointment of the Prime Minister. Approval of the candidate is carried out in accordance with the Rules.
  2. Solving the issue of expressing no confidence in the government.
  3. The appointment and dismissal of the Chairpersons of the Central Bank, the Accounts Chamber and 50% of its auditors, authorized by the Russian Federation for human rights.
  4. Amnesty Announcement.
  5. Charges against the Head of the country in order to remove him from office.

State Duma of the Russian Federation

Appointment of the Prime Minister

In accordance with the Regulations, when the Head of the country makes a proposal to approve the corresponding candidate, the RF State Duma considers it within a week. The consent of the lower house will be considered obtained if the majority of the total number of deputies voted for the appointment. In case of rejection of the proposal, the Head of the country also introduces a new candidate within a week. At the same time, the President has the right to propose the same subject twice or thrice. In the process of approving a candidate, constitutional requirements regarding the coordinated interaction of its participants must be observed. This means that the president and the lower house should strive for an agreement on mutually acceptable subjects for the post of Prime Minister. Regardless of the number of candidates submitted, in the event of a third rejection, the State Duma is subject to dissolution. functions of the State Duma

Trust in government

The functions of the State Duma acquire special significance during the crisis of power. It can be resolved in several ways. For example, the crisis is overcome through the resignation of the government and the formation of one to which the State Duma would express its confidence. Another option is to dissolve the lower house and create a new one. As for the resignation of the government, it can be authorized by a group of deputies, the number of which is not less than 1/5 of their total number. The question of mistrust is reviewed within a week. The decision to resign the government should be made by a majority.

Appointment and removal of the Chairman of the Central Bank

To begin the discussion on the candidacy, the president makes a proposal no later than 3 months before the end of the term of office of the incumbent.An entity is deemed to be appointed Chairman of the Central Bank if a majority of the deputies vote for it. If the proposal is rejected, the president submits a new candidate within two weeks. Moreover, one and the same person cannot be nominated for a position more than 2 times.

Appointment and removal of the Chairman of the joint venture

The functions of the State Duma include approving the candidacy of the head of the Accounts Chamber, as well as six auditors for a 6-year term. At the same time, the lower house does not participate in the appointment of the deputy chairman of the joint venture. This is done by the Federation Council. In accordance with the Rules, nominations are submitted by the Tax and Budget Committee. The discussion is carried out at a session of the State Duma closest to the expiration date of the powers of current officials. To approve candidates, a majority of the total number of deputies is required. constitutional powers of the State Duma

Appointment of an Ombudsman

This officer is appointed by secret ballot. The candidacy is considered approved if there was a majority of the deputies for it. The Commissioner is appointed to ensure guarantees of state protection of freedoms and rights of citizens, compliance with their federal, local authorities, as well as employees of various structures. This official contributes to the restoration of infringed interests, improvement of norms, bringing them into line with the provisions of international law.

Amnesty announcement

The powers of the State Duma include a single release or mitigation of criminal liability. It is implemented through the adoption of the relevant act. The document indicates the crimes covered by the amnesty. At the same time, the act stipulates the characteristics of entities that may be exempted from liability, or the punishment for them may be mitigated. The circle of these individuals can be quite wide. It is determined by:

  • The kind of deed.
  • The floor.
  • By age.
  • Presence of dependent children.
  • Size of sentence imposed.
  • The presence of previous merits and other circumstances.

legislative powers of the State Duma

The State Duma may declare a private or general amnesty. The latter applies to all citizens falling under the terms of the act. A private amnesty is granted to individuals who have committed certain crimes at a specified time and place.

Charges Against President

A general description of this procedure is present in the Constitution. There is no normative regulation of the process of bringing charges to the Head of the country in the Federal Law. The procedure for conducting the procedure is stipulated in the Regulations of the State Duma. The exercise of the powers of the State Duma to remove the Head of the country from office is allowed solely on the basis of his charge of treason or the commission of another serious act. The process begins with the support of at least 1/3 of the deputies. In this case, the conclusion of the special commission should be drawn up. It is formed by the State Duma. Directly the prosecution itself is put forward 2/3 of the total number of deputies. It must be approved by the Supreme Court. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in turn, gives a conclusion on the observance of the stipulated procedure for the procedure for the removal of the president from power. State Duma Act

Legislative Powers of the State Duma

The lower house, first of all, acts as representative body. In this regard, the rule of law is included in the powers of the State Duma. The lower house has the ability to have a significant impact on the approval process of the Federal Law. Moreover, in the rules governing it, a number of conditions are established under which the powers of the State Duma are exercised. Thus, draft legal acts relating to the abolition or introduction of taxes, exemption from the obligation to pay them, the issue of state loans, and a number of other legal documents that provide for expenses covered from the federal budget,may be submitted for consideration only with a government opinion.

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