
The structure, role, definition, characteristics and functions of the State Duma

The implementation of power as such without an active representative body is impossible in any modern state. Providing the democratic component of the administrative process in the country, such institutions are formed by electoral means.

Federal Assembly in Russia: elected by the people

The development of the representation of the people (residents of all regions, regardless of the level and quality of life, age and gender) is the main form of guaranteeing democracy. Its principles are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The main law of the Russian state implies the presence of the only representative and legislative body of the state, which is the Federal Assembly.functions of the State Duma

Turning again to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is worth noting that this apparatus of power is represented by two chambers. One of them is the State Duma, the second is the Federation Council. As in many civilized countries, state power in our country is exercised on the principle of separation into three branches. In particular, the representative bodies that fulfill the tasks of developing a worthy power on a democratic basis are also guarantors of the exercise of democracy. The functions of the State Duma are primarily to create the most suitable conditions for the existence of a multi-party system and a variety of ideological trends. Only in this way can the political and legal activity of citizens be promoted.

About the main functions of the State Duma

The functions of the State Duma and the Federation Council as a representative body of the legislative branch of state power are predetermined by their purpose. functions of the State Duma and the Federation CouncilThe Constitution of the Russian Federation gives a detailed explanation of the powers of this administrative apparatus. In particular, Art. 103 highlights the following functions of the State Duma:

  • Granting consent or prohibition to the President of the Russian Federation for appointment to the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • Clarification of all issues related to trust in this body.
  • Familiarization with the annual reports of the Government of the Russian Federation on the results and results of work for a calendar year. At the same time, tasks are considered, the solution of which was set by the State Duma (in the process of open hearing).
  • Approval and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the head of the Accounts Chamber, 50% of the auditors, as well as the Ombudsman, guided in its activities by federal constitutional laws and by-laws and regulations.
  • Granting amnesty.
  • Organization of the impeachment procedure of the President of the Russian Federation in the case of a thorough charge

The role of the Duma in relations with other authorities

The State Duma, whose functions and powers consist in the possibility of introducing a quota of mistrust in the central executive authority in the country, is an active participant in the adoption of crucial decisions concerning the government. The last word, spoken by the majority of representatives of the lower house of the Federal Assembly, determines the likelihood of its dissolution or, conversely, continued activities. In addition, the actual impact of deterrents as opposed to one branch of government of another allows us to regard it as a stabilizing element of legal relations in the chain “President - State Duma - government”. The functions of each of the central links imply mutual attention to one another.

The significance of the presidential decision in the activities of the State Duma

In particular, the State Duma's expression of mistrust in the government is, in practice, a rather rare phenomenon. However, in accordance with the procedure, the decision of state deputies on distrust of the government cannot be an unquestionable reason for the dissolution of the central executive body. The President of the Russian Federation, without sharing the opinion of the majority of the deputies of the Duma, provides them with a three-month period for re-expressing distrust.State Duma government functions

The further development of events is largely predetermined by the role of the head of state. Being completely disagree with the decision of the State Duma, he can dissolve the representative apparatus. Confirming the decision of the State Duma on no confidence in the government, the president is obliged to announce the resignation of this body.

Other powers of the State Duma

It is important to note that the functions of the State Duma do not end there. Other articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, as well as the Regulations of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation determine an additional set of authority. Especially important is the right to adopt and approve federal laws and their own regulations. State Duma functions and powersThe range of issues arising in the process of political and legal activity of the State Duma requires a clear consideration in order to create a rational internal schedule, work schedule, deputy powers, etc. The State Duma’s Rules also outline other points, including:

  • Approval of the planning of international cooperation of the lower house of the Federal Assembly with the parliaments of the partner states.
  • Consideration of issues of foreign policy importance.
  • Participation and consultative negotiations with the President of the Russian Federation regarding appointments and recommendations for the posts of diplomatic representatives in other states and international organizations.
  • Submission of requests to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, etc.

Joint work of the State Duma and the Federation Council

The Federation Council is the upper house of the Federal Assembly. His activity has its own characteristics. They differ from the exercise of the powers of the second representative body. However, the joint functions of the State Duma and the Federation Council (the table is presented for illustrative purposes) allow us to consider both structures as a single institution of government under the name “Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”.

Functions of the State Duma Functions of the Federation Council Joint powers of both chambers
Addressing Confidence in Executive Bodies Approval of changes in the territorial boundaries of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation Discussion, amendments to adopted laws
Giving consent to the President or refusal when appointing a person to the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Declaration of martial law or state of emergency Discussion and adoption of the budget for the next calendar year
Independent appointment of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber The use of the army of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation outside the state Establishment of fees and taxation mechanism
Amnesty announcement New Presidential Election and President's Resignation Ratification of international documents, direct participation in resolving issues of war and peace
Impeachment Initiative Appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court Issues of state borders and their status

Deputies of the State Duma

It is not necessary to separately consider the functions of a State Duma deputy as a people's representative elected democratically by popular universal will. The widest quantitative composition of 450 people is faced with the task of fulfilling the priority tasks of the internal and foreign policy state.functions of a deputy of the State Duma

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, each of the deputies is elected for a 5-year term. By secret ballot of a people with the ability to exercise their legitimate suffrage, the best candidates are determined.Deputies are elected in the constituency of the federation in direct proportion to the number of votes cast for the candidate lists proposed on the ballots.


The functions of the State Duma, designated at the political and legal level, primarily ensure compliance with the principle of the joint existence and functioning of the three branches of government and the President of the Russian Federation. functions of the State Duma and Federation Council tableMaking the most important decisions in the life of the country, the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Council of the Federation assume the entire scope of the possible responsibility provided to them by the people.

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