
Where to pay traffic fines without commission? How to pay a fine online, by credit card?

A lot of citizens are wondering where to pay the traffic police fines without a commission. Honestly, there are quite a few options here. And you yourself can choose the method that seems easiest to you. True, the main point that interests citizens is the lack of a commission. In most cases, in addition to the fine, you have to pay extra for the provision of services. And this fact is not too pleasing. Therefore, today we will find out where to pay the fines of the traffic police without a commission and what is required for this. The details of the process itself will also not remain in the background.where to pay traffic fines without commission

What do you need

Just from the collection of all necessary documents, we will begin. Fortunately, there are not so many of them. And so the preparation does not take you much time. In order to deal with any fine, and indeed almost any payment, you will have to prepare an identity document. Most often, as practice shows, this is nothing more than a passport. Other documents are also allowed to be used, but this is undesirable.

The second point that you need to pay attention to is the receipt for payment. It must be with the payer. Not always for direct use. The receipt for payment contains, as a rule, the details of the recipient. And in some cases, you will just have to enter them in the appropriate fields. In addition, you can see the type of penalty and its amount. Sometimes this information is very useful.

Payment methods

Where to pay traffic fines without commission? This issue is of interest, as we have found out, to many citizens. As soon as you have a complete list of documents and money (a bank card is quite suitable), you can begin to study all the possible scenarios. Typically, a fee for paying a fine is not charged in the most popular methods. What is this about? Where can I pay a traffic police fine, in principle? Here you should highlight the payment methods:

  • traffic police department;
  • bank;
  • terminals
  • ATMs
  • electronic wallets;
  • "Government services";
  • "Payment of public services" (not to be confused with the previous paragraph);
  • online banking services (for example, Sberbank Online).

Perhaps these are the options that will help all citizens to resolve the issue. Except perhaps for some types of terminals. There, for fines, and indeed any services are charged a commission. Nevertheless, similar machines in banks are most often chosen. There they are without commission. And now in more detail about the proposed methods for solving the problem. Where to pay the fines of the traffic police without a commission is already clear. But how to do it?pay traffic police fine without commission via the Internet

Department or Bank

The simplest and most familiar approaches are contacting banks and traffic police departments for payment. To implement them, you will need money (usually cash), a passport and an appropriate receipt. What's next?

We come to the right body and take a queue at the cash desk. We present an identity card and a receipt for payment. We transfer the money to the cashier and wait. After some time, you will receive a check. It should be kept and presented, if necessary, to the traffic police. In no case do not throw it away, nor a receipt for payment.

True, special terminals are most often installed in offices now. They, as in banks, do not require a commission. And it’s more convenient to handle them. You can get by bank transfer, and cash. What you like best.


And so then we will find out how to pay the traffic police fine through the terminal. This is not so difficult to do.In any case, the modern citizen can easily cope with the task.payment receipt

Select "Payment of fines", and then enter the details of the recipient. It is preferable to click on "Recipient Search", then - "By TIN". In the appropriate field, enter the data from the receipt, and then wait a while. If you use a bank terminal, you will first have to insert a plastic card (if you prefer), and also select "Payments and transfers." There will be "traffic police fines." When using the terminal installed in the traffic police department itself, just select the recipient.

Next you need to enter your own data. Here the passport will help. Sometimes you will be given a choice of a fine. In this case, after entering information about yourself, you can not specify the amount of payment - it is affixed automatically. That did not happen? Then type in how much you owe and click "Continue." Make bills and confirm. If you use a credit card, just enter a secret verification code. He comes on a cell phone. That's all things over. Now you can pick up the check and attach it to the receipt.


In principle, you can try to pay traffic police fines with a credit card. This is a fairly easy task. if you can handle this kind of technique at all.pay traffic fines with a credit card

The payment process is not much different from working with a payment terminal. Initially, insert the card into the ATM, enter the password to enter. After that, you need to click on "Payments and transfers." Here, find the item "Traffic fines" and search for the recipient. You can choose one of the proposed methods. Nevertheless, with the help of the INN, the search is faster. And this, as practice shows, is much more convenient.

What's next? We select the traffic police department, then the type of fine (if offered), enter personal data from the passport about the payer, and if necessary, put down your debt in the appropriate fields. By the way, you can skip the step of introducing your own TIN to reduce the time spent working with an ATM. Now we check the correctness of the details and payment. A separate step will be taken for this. Is that all right? Then boldly click on "Pay" (or something like that, the labels are different in different ATMs), after which we wait for the verification code of the operation. Enter it in a special field on the screen. It is done. Take away the check and bank card. You can no longer puzzle how to pay the traffic police fine.


Internet users and e-wallet owners are more fortunate. Often, such citizens make all payments using special services. For example, an electronic wallet will help. You can pay a traffic police fine without a commission via the Internet with the help of some WebMoney.how to pay a fine traffic police at a discount

First, make sure that you have a confirmed status in the electronic wallet. It is usually called formal. Now go through the authorization in the system and look in the "Products and Services" section. Here you will find the inscription already familiar to us: "Traffic fines".

After clicking on it, you will need to enter your personal data. Most often, it helps to get rid of the INN (payer) issue. Debt search will occur. In the list that appears, select the desired item, and then enter the details from the receipt of the recipient. It remains to verify the correctness of the fields and confirm the action. In principle, that’s all.

Then you can close the electronic wallet or print a check about payment. Very useful action, to be honest. It will help you prove your case. It’s not so difficult to pay a traffic police fine without a commission via the Internet.

"Payment of public services"

Another popular way to help deal with our current issue is to use third-party services. For example, "Payment of public services." This hosting will help with the help of the Internet and a bank card to deal with your debt to the state.where can I pay a fine traffic police

Go to the main page, and then select "Pay fines."Search for any of the suggested methods here. Most often, the payer's TIN or driver’s license is used. In the window that appears, you need to select the appropriate payment and enter the data about the recipient. Now we enter the details of the bank card (usually all information is indicated directly on the "plastic") - confirmation of payment, and the job is done.

"Sberbank Online"

How to pay a traffic police discount at a discount? Honestly, no way. But without a commission - easily. We have already studied with you the most common and simplest solutions to the problem. But one more rather interesting approach remained - the use of the Sberbank Online service.how to pay traffic police through the terminal

The main difference from ATMs or terminals is authorization. As soon as you go through it through the computer, you can immediately act in exactly the same way as in all previous cases. We find "Traffic fines", we look for the recipient, enter your details, and also select the appropriate debt from all offered. In the end, you should make a payment confirmation via SMS.

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