
After what time the fines of the traffic police are canceled: rules, conditions, terms and recommendations

Many violators traffic rules they are interested in how long the fines of the traffic police are canceled. The purpose for which this is done is not so important. The main thing that you should know the limitation period on this issue. Otherwise, problems with the law will be provided. The assigned fines must always be paid. With rare exceptions, when you were discharged illegally. In this case, you should not ignore the payment, but act decisively. After what time are fines of the traffic police canceled? How fast is it worth paying for a violation? What will happen if you do not do it on time?after what time traffic fines are canceled

For leisurely

To start: at what time do you need to pay the traffic police fine? This question is of direct interest to those who do not want to face problems with the law. In general, here you can answer like this: "Do not rush."

Why? The fact is that citizens have been given several months to pay fines. To be more precise, then 80 days. Such rules are available for 2016. That is, having received a fine, you have the right not to rush to pay it. The main thing - do not forget to do it in the future. It turns out that the traffic police pay almost 3 months to pay fines. And then you will be credited. We have yet to talk about its consequences.

Do not pay

After what time are fines of the traffic police canceled? Before you figure this out, you need to consider one very interesting point. We are talking about situations where you were fined illegally. What to do? It is not always possible to return money on an already paid payment. And this is done with great difficulty.

Therefore, please note: you have 10 days from the receipt of the payment document for appeal. During this period, you can not even think about payment. Especially if you are really not guilty of anything, and the payments were imposed on you illegally or erroneously.after what time the traffic police penalty is canceled

In this situation, you can recommend going to court. As soon as possible. After what time is the penalty of the traffic police canceled? About the next day after the payment is declared invalid. Only you have to start trying to prove your case. Otherwise, you will have less than 80 days to cover the debt.

Limitation of actions

After what time are fines of the traffic police canceled? And how much is the limitation period for these cases? The legislation of the Russian Federation has its own rules regarding this point.

It is no secret to anyone that in Russia laws undergo some changes annually. Not all, but many. Therefore, you should be interested in how long the traffic police fine is canceled, annually. And even better when faced with this problem. Information that was up to date yesterday may already lose its validity today.

Fortunately, so far there is some certainty in our question. The limitation period for fines of the traffic police in Russia is 2 years from the date the document comes into force. There is one caveat.how long is the unpaid traffic police fine

The fact is that fines issued for violation of traffic rules do not start working immediately. As already mentioned, citizens have 10 days to appeal. Only after this period does the penalty take effect. It turns out that the statute of limitations is in practice, if you count from the moment of receipt of the payment document, 2 years and 10 days. After what time is canceled unpaid fine STSI? After 2 years 10 days. It is this restriction that is currently in force in Russia. Just not so simple. Indeed, for non-payment of any due payments of citizens a certain punishment awaits.Yes, you can run away from payments a little more than 2 years, only the cars most often still can not be avoided.

For ignoring

So we found out after what time the fines of the traffic police are canceled. Just pull the rubber in this matter is not recommended. And if you know for sure that you have broken the law, do not hesitate to pay. In Russia, punishment may follow for evading this action. Moreover, it will definitely be. But which one is impossible to predict.

The first thing that awaits the debtor is the appearance of interest. It is charged for late fines. The longer you do not pay, the more you will have to give money in the end. After all, with additional charges, the penalty will also need to be paid in full. Perhaps this is the most compelling reason for a quick settlement with the state.

Further, you can count on additional punishment. The prohibition of crossing the border, as well as the removal of a driver’s license are common measures that apply to most debtors. There is also an arrest (not more than 15 days) or correctional labor. They should not exceed 50 hours. In some cases, an overdue fine may increase by 2 times, but not less than 1,000 rubles. Perhaps this is all to fear.what time do you need to pay the traffic police fine

After payment

The cancellation of fines in the traffic police, as we found out, occurs after 2 years and 10 days. This applies to unpaid bills. The so-called limitation period. And after what period you can not worry about your fine if it was paid?

It all depends on the method by which you paid. In practice, it’s better to keep all the bill payments for several years. But in reality, after payment, fines are considered canceled approximately the next business day. That is, a day after the receipt of funds in the account. There are exceptions, but very rarely. Citizens try not to resort to dubious methods of paying fines so that there are no surprises in the future.

When paying online

Recently, more and more when making money for certain services or to close accounts, the Internet has been used. Oddly enough, but most often it is precisely with this method of payment that problems arise. Especially if you did not bother to print the check. Resentment is caused by the services "Payment of public services" and "Public services".cancellation of fines in traffic police

The fact is that when using these resources to pay a fine, one should not hope for its quick closure. On average, an invoice is canceled approximately 10 days after the payment is made. Therefore, when there is no time to wait, it is recommended to keep all receipts and print documents confirming payment of the fine on a particular day. With such a development of events, your debt is canceled immediately after the presentation of the payment document with all confirmations. Nothing difficult, right?

When you can not pay

As you can see, the cancellation of fines takes place. In some cases, citizens try their best to evade paying the debt to the state. It has already been said that this is not worth doing. Although in some cases this is possible.

When do citizens have every reason to evade fines from the traffic police? The answer is simple - if there is nothing to fear. For this, a person should not plan to leave the country in the next few years, he should not have any bank accounts. Do not forget about the property. She, too, should not be with the evader. You will also have to forget about driving. So in this scenario, you can hide from the traffic police until the penalty is canceled. It has already been said: this is not worth doing.


What conclusions can be drawn from the foregoing? Firstly, traffic police fines burn out. After how much? The limitation period in this case is 2 years and 10 days. After that, the payment is canceled.traffic fines burn out after how much

But you can pay fines within 80 days of receipt. Please note: you will be given 10 days to appeal the handed document. Everyone has this opportunity.There is no need to delay payment if you are really guilty of a violation. The faster you close the debt, the less problems there will be in the future.

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Reason for complaint
death to the primitives
Conclusions: under no circumstances do you shy away from lamb fines, otherwise evil uncles fascists of the Soviet Socialist Republic - colleagues of fascist policemen who during the times of the great Patriotic war fought against our grandfathers and at the gunpoint will take away the last one in favor of the occupation structure. Therefore, bow your heads and run into the mine to rattle chains for the benefit of your lords oligarchs.


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