
Change of passport when changing a surname after marriage: documents, terms, state duty

Today we will try to study how a passport changes when changing a surname. After marriage or divorce - anyway. This does not play a special role. After all, the list of necessary documents for replacement remains the same. So let's solve our today's issue as quickly as possible. After all, not so much time is given to carry out this action. And to remain without a passport or with an expired document is not very good. In fact, this process is far from the most problematic for a modern person.change of passport when changing a surname after marriage

Replacement Dates

What is needed to replace a passport? Firstly, you should be aware of the time frame in which you will have to carry out this action. Indeed, in case of delay, a citizen must pay a fine. It is about 2,000 rubles. Not the best deal, right?

Therefore, before concluding a marriage, please note - you will be given a month to replace your passport. More precisely, it is during this period that it will be necessary to submit a corresponding application to the authorities. It is not necessary to run away and file for a replacement the day after marriage or divorce. But the sooner you do this, the better. Do not hesitate with this process.

Where to go

An equally important issue is the decision where to change the passport. Most often, this problem haunts girls who have never before been involved in this business. That is, under the age of 20 years.

The thing is that you must change the passport in the FMS at the place of registration. There is a passport office. And it is here that the reception and submission of documents for exchange will take place. In fact, it’s not such a problem at the moment to decide where to change the passport. Why?

The thing is that modern users have a great opportunity to implement the idea using the Internet. Here the website "State Services" will help. You can apply for a replacement here, but you will have to get the document at the FMS at the place of registration / temporary registration. Or arrange mailing. But this alignment of events is extremely rare. Few people agree to this, because when you receive a passport you will have to put a signature on the issuance documents. With courier delivery it is not so easy. Moreover, some believe that changing a passport when changing a surname after marriage, as well as generally replacing an identity document, goes on the Internet with greater problems than with a personal visit.

Marriage certificate

In principle, you can begin to prepare for the process. The timing passport exchange we already understood. It’s easy to remember them - 1 month from the moment of marriage. But what is needed to replace a passport? The list of documents is not too large, but it should be brought to the FMS in full force.marriage certificate

The first thing you need is a marriage certificate. It is issued at the registry office on the wedding day. Therefore, there will be no problems. You will get it in your hands even at the time of the marriage (painting) and you can use it on the same day. That is, the document will come into force. As you can see, there are no special problems here. And, frankly, a certificate of marriage is far from the only document that will have to be brought. There are many more nuances that will have to be considered.


Changing your passport when changing your last name after marriage is a pretty important point. And you can’t do without it. If a woman takes her husband’s surname after the marriage (as is usually the case), then the previous passport becomes unusable.What is needed to replace a passport? One document we already have is a marriage certificate. But, as already mentioned, this is not all that is required of you.

In addition, you will have to bring your old passport without fail. You can also copy it. They are usually not asked, but people are happy to bring. In general, a little advice - it is better to photocopy all the documents provided. Sometimes it’s better to bring a lot of papers than nothing at all. Each passport office has its own unspoken rules. No one knows for sure whether they will ask you for copies or not.

In principle, obtaining this document is also not difficult. After all, a passport is always initially with citizens. The only thing that is required of you is not to forget it. What do you need to replace your passport yet? Let's think further.what you need to replace your passport

Registration Data

The next point that should be taken into account is nothing more than information about your registration. And far from always enough information in the passport on the corresponding page. What to do?

The passport replacement form assumes that there will be no debts for the citizen. You will need to present this information in the form of an extract to the passport office. The appropriate paper is taken in your housing office. In it, inform that you would like to change your passport due to marriage and now you need to take certificate of absence of debts.

Sometimes this item can be skipped. Not always in the passport office will demand it. But it is better to bring in advance, so that later you do not have to go back and forth several times. What documents are needed to replace a passport? To understand this is not so difficult. After all, although the list is too big, it does not bring any problems. Especially if you prepare for everything in advance.


Go ahead. Now you need to get another "document". Without it, you obviously will not accept the request. And, moreover, there can be no talk about any replacement of a passport in the absence of such a passport. After all, to carry out the task you will have to take some of your photos.how much does a passport replacement cost

They will need 3 pieces, but it is better to bring 4. Their size is 3 by 4 cm, colored. In order not to puzzle over this issue for a long time, come to the photo studio, and then inform that you need 4 photos to replace the civil passport. It remains only to pay - and that’s all, you have a photo.

Old pictures are not welcome. The maximum allowable lifespan of photographs for documents is six months. It is better to present new images. Make them a few days before submitting a request to the passport office. Or, even better, the same. Changing a passport when changing a surname after marriage is a commonplace matter. The newer the photos, the better. But they can be done at any time. It is better to worry about other documents for the implementation of the task.


What documents are needed to replace a passport? We have already mentioned some of the above, but that is not all. Mandatory written application for a replacement passport. It is not necessary to fill in the appropriate fields in advance on the form. All this is because for each case of a passport change, there are separate papers. They must be issued to you at the passport office at the FMS when you submit the documents. So say that you need a passport change when changing your name after marriage. And the passport office employee will issue you the corresponding form.

It will need to be filled out before your turn to submit documents approaches. The passport replacement form does not contain any specific information. Here you will need to specify personal data, information about your marriage, as well as place of residence. Usually, several fields remain empty - they are filled in by passport office employees. In any case, in any department of the FMS there is a corresponding sample. And therefore, an application for a replacement passport, as a rule, is filled out without errors. Please note that you do not need to paste a photo on the designated field. This is done immediately after checking all the documents presented. Nothing complicated, right?where to change passport

Arrival and departure sheets

Passport replacement form is filled out, and what next? Together with the corresponding statement, you will be given two more leaves - departure and arrival. They are needed to collect information about your registration. After all, when you change your last name, you must write out and register again on the housing area with already new data. This will help the relevant leaflets.

The departure sheet is filled in with the old surname with the same signature. They will tell you exactly which fields need to be filled with information and which are not. Usually information is written only in the first 6-7 lines. This is your registration, as well as the initials with the date and place of birth. It's not so hard to write it all down, is it?

Similarly, the arrival form is filled out. But only in it you already need to write the information that was formed after your registration of marriage. There is nothing special about this, a sample will certainly be shown to you. And they will tell you exactly which fields you need to fill out on the form. Once you have completed the task, you will have almost everything ready to submit a request. There are just a few more points that were not mentioned. They can unpleasantly upset a girl thinking about what is needed to replace a passport.


Do not forget - most of the operations for changing documents and their issuance are paid. Therefore, our business today has one drawback - it is a state duty to replace a passport. It is charged to all citizens, regardless of the reason for the operation. There is only one difference - if you have lost a document, you will have to pay a fine on top.what documents are needed to replace a passport

Many do not know what it is necessary to have a paid duty with you when applying. And so the process of replacing a passport is increasing. Sometimes even too much. Therefore, the state duty to replace a passport is paid, as a rule, in advance. Details can be found in the FMS. And apply already with all the checks. So do not go to the passport office without a paid state duty receipt. Your application will not be accepted, and you will lose time. This point should be given special attention.


How much does a passport replacement cost? If you do not take into account the time and nerves that you spend for the whole time, then this amount should include only the size of the state fee. Not everyone knows how much they will have to pay. After all, the price tag for this service is constantly changing.

How much does a passport replacement in Russia cost? In general, at the moment (since 2015) you must give 300 rubles to the state treasury. This is if the change occurs by age or marriage / divorce. If the document is lost, a fine of 2,000 rubles is additionally paid. Previously, you would have to pay only 200 rubles to replace your passport. In principle, the amount is not so big. The main thing is to introduce it, as already mentioned, in advance. Then you will reduce the time spent on the implementation of the task set before us today.

The fee is paid by various methods. But the most effective at the moment is the use of an ATM or terminal from Sberbank. Here, using a simple search for the recipient, you can enter the specified amount for the replacement of a passport and pay a receipt. Please note that you will have to write information about yourself. Better on a new surname. The old is not prohibited, but practice shows: it is preferable not to do this. It is advisable to copy the check and leave it to yourself. And give the original to the passport office. This is a small safety net against all sorts of incidents that may occur. With the help of a copy you will be able to prove that the state duty has been paid in full.

Remember: the absence of debts to the state, as well as the proper preparation for submitting documents for issuing and replacing some papers - this is the key to your success. All this will help to avoid a huge number of problems. Especially if you change your passport - in the passport offices there have recently been huge live queues. And you can spend a few days just filing an application.Not the best prospect, but it does have a place to be.passport replacement application

The final stage

In principle, everything is ready to submit a request to the FMS. Now that the documents are available in full, you can implement the idea. The faster you organize everything, the better for you. Instead of the previous passport, you will have to issue a special certificate as an identity card for a month. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about this. True, it is better to ask the passport office employee to give you a similar certificate - practice shows that usually they simply forget about it. But you can do without such a document very often.

It would also be nice to have your birth certificate with you. And, of course, a copy of it. It is not included in the list of required documents, but employees can ask for it. Illegally, but such cases are not uncommon. Citizens are advised not to argue and prepare in advance. After the demonstration of all documents, there will be no complaints about you. A birth certificate is another paper that can save you from problems. Or, conversely, bestow them. It all depends on the correct preparation for a passport change.

In any case, as soon as you receive the documents, you can just wait for the appropriate deadline. Usually a new passport is issued within 1 month from the date of application. Occasionally, this process takes less time. In any case, you can pick up your document when it is ready. You will be notified by telephone or email. Depending on which notification method was chosen when applying. Sometimes it is better to call the FMS (passport office) yourself. A passport is issued in the presence of identity documents. Most often, they give you a new certificate for signing on the photo on the application form. That's all. Passport change when changing the name after marriage is made. So now you can use it fully and replace all other documents. There will be nothing difficult in these processes if you properly prepare for them. In any case, to begin with, change the civil passport. And then think about the rest of the documents.

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