
Schedule and addresses of Dixie stores in Moscow

Each of us makes daily purchases. These are, as a rule, foodstuffs, various household goods, some hygiene items - all those things without which our life would be less comfortable. Obviously, for the acquisition of all these and other items, we should contact various stores, constantly being in search of what is needed.

Thanks to supermarkets, such products have become available in one place. Now, having come to one store, you can purchase everything you need for a few days in advance. Supermarkets of the “at home” format have made this entire range more accessible and closer, which further reduced the time we spend on shopping.

In this article, we will describe the Dixy chain of stores - one of the largest home-format chains in Russia. We will also give the addresses of Dixie stores in Moscow so that the user can find the closest one in his neighborhood. But first, about the company managing the network, and about some of its areas of activity.

general information

addresses of Dixie stores in Moscow

So, as we understand it, this network could not become a market leader in a short period of time. Therefore, it is obvious that the company developed gradually, over the years increasing the level of its service until it was able to offer customers something really high-quality.

A company was established that serves the Dixy chain of stores in Moscow (we will present the addresses a bit further in the text), back in 1992. This structure began its activities with the distribution of goods from the largest global manufacturers in Russia. Further, as this line of business developed, the subject began to increase volumes: it supplied new categories of goods, entered regional markets, and covered an even wider range of brands. Soon, in 1999, the first Dixy store was launched, organized in a discounter format. It is well known that in such cases we are talking about large supermarkets, offering the buyer a wide range and the lowest possible prices. The store described by us worked on the same principle.

The further development vector of the company was determined with the growth of retail sales. Instead of wholesale, Dixy began to offer its customers one-piece goods, developing in this direction. By 2002, 77 stores were on the market, each of which had a wide range of the most necessary goods.

Further, the company developed its network, attracted foreign investment, acquired other retail chains and grew at an extraordinary speed. For comparison: from almost 8 dozens of stores in 2002, the chain grew to 2,500 outlets in 2015. And, as we understand now, this is far from the limit of the possibilities of this structure.

Main principle

dixie store addresses in Moscow

If we analyze the principles on which the activities of Dixie stores are now based, then we can confidently include high-quality service, low prices for the population, the freshest goods and affordability. Regarding the last moment, I would like to clarify the following: all stores are located as close as possible to the buyer. After all, even the main format of work (“store at home”) involves opening retail space either directly in residential buildings (using the ground floors or special extensions), or in individual buildings located near residential complexes. According to this principle, Dixy stores operate in Moscow.The addresses on the map that we managed to find indicate that the retail chains are really located mainly in the sleeping areas of the capital. This is beneficial for the network itself and convenient directly for the end customer who does not need to go somewhere in order to purchase the necessary food.


dixie shops in Moscow

Not the least role in how popular a supermarket is is the loyalty policy. If Dixy-branded stores in Moscow are less affordable in their price range than other supermarkets, people living near them will prefer to use the services of cheaper stores. For this reason, Dixie is constantly working to offer the visitor a more affordable price. One of the tools aimed at this approach are promotions and discounts.

On the official website of the company, which also contains the addresses of Dixy stores in Moscow, there is information about special offers that are valid in the distribution network. Focusing on them, you can choose the goods you need at a reduced cost, while saving on purchases.

In order to know what is offered in the chain stores this week, just go to the appropriate section on the site - and you will already be aware of what you should buy here.

Quality control

dixie addresses of shops in Moscow by metro

It is not worth worrying about how high-quality products purchased at Dixy (stores in Moscow with affordable prices) will be. All products offered to the buyer are constantly monitored here. The products sold here comply with all requirements and standards. Anyone can be convinced of this.

Online catalog

Before looking for the addresses of stores in Moscow on the Dixy official website, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of products and their characteristics (including cost). This can be done, again, without leaving home, by visiting the section you need on the company's website. Here you can find products distributed in different categories with a specified price. Thus, it is not difficult to make a comparison and find out where you can buy goods at a better price - in “Dixie” or in another supermarket. Most often, the cost of products in this network is lower than that of competitors, due to which stores “at home” are clearly in the lead, compared to the usual supermarkets.

addresses of Dixie stores in Moscow at stations

Network branching

Since one of the main principles of the Dixy network policy is accessibility and proximity to the buyer, it is not surprising that the supermarkets themselves open in a fairly large number. The same is confirmed by the figure of more than 2.5 thousand branches.

Consequently, the supermarket chain itself has a large degree of distribution throughout the country. “Dixie” can be found both on the streets of the capital, and in other cities of the Russian Federation. And besides this, you can even find the addresses of stores in Moscow closest to your Dixy chain using our article.

Dixie chain of stores in Moscow addresses

We will give some examples of addresses at which existing supermarkets are located. Unfortunately, we will not be able to list all the addresses because of their huge number.

How to search for addresses in the capital?

addresses of Dixie stores in Moscow in the South-West

So, in the capital you can search for the addresses of Dixie stores in Moscow you need at the metro stations. This is most conveniently done using a special online card. Here, in addition to the address, a metro map with designated stations is also indicated. Having approached the map, you can see the name with the address of the store. For example, if you need to find a store near Prospekt Mira station, click on the “D” icon and you will see the address: Astrakhansky Lane, building 5. Another example - there are two Dixy offices located at once near the Alekseevskaya metro station, located at address Prospect Mira, 95 (open from 10 to 22) and Prospect Mira, 99 (convenience store). Near the Baumanskaya station there is a branch on 16 Spartakovskaya Street.

It is also worth noting that next to the designation of each of the branches on the map the opening hours of the mission are indicated. Therefore, if you are looking for addresses with Dixie store numbers in Moscow, pay attention to the work schedule, because some of them are open from 10 to 22, while others are open around the clock. In order not to make a mistake and not to arrive outside working hours, it is better to clarify this information in advance.

Addresses in the South-West of Moscow

Dixie shops in Moscow addresses on the map

The same card is used if you need to find the addresses of Dixie stores in Moscow in the South-West Administrative District or in another administrative district. For example, we know that near the Teply Stan metro station (located in the district we need) there are two signs for the nearest shops. These are street addresses Teply Stan, 1; as well as Profsoyuznaya street, 152 (convenience store). By the same principle, you can find an address that will be located more convenient for you (for example, on the way from work or directly near your home).

This will allow you to go shopping at Dixy at a convenient time, without additional travel costs. The addresses of stores in Moscow by metro and by regions will greatly help you in this.

Dixie in other cities

The map, which is available on the store’s official page, also works with other cities. In particular, here you can choose any settlement, in addition to Moscow. In St. Petersburg, for example, near the Vladimirskaya metro station there is a store at ul. Bolshaya Moskovskaya, 5 (work schedule from 10 to 22). Not far from the metro station “Dostoevskaya” there is a representative office of the trading network at 2/18 Kolokolnaya Street. And so on: by any of the above criteria, you can find the Dixie store that interests you.

Customer reviews

We would like to complete our material describing the supermarket chain with information taken from real stories of customers and those who work in these stores. Let's start with the recommendations of visitors. In general, if we take into account all the reviews that we were able to find, the impression of the distribution network is formed by the rating “4” from “5”. Many people praise the store’s robot, but note some shortcomings due to the small areas of the premises. These include, for example, cramped spaces, lack of sufficient space for a comfortable passage for visitors, the small distance between the shelves and, as a result, discomfort in case of an influx of people. “Shops at home” cannot deal with this problem.

Employee Reviews

As for the opinion of those who work in the company serving Dixy, the positive aspects include stable salary payments, a friendly team, career prospects for those who stay here for a long time. In turn, such people include low salaries (which are sometimes even lower than those regulated in the job description), as well as high demands on the employee.

For example, there is a serious system of fines, according to which a person is forced to pay for each misconduct. On the one hand, this disciplines employees and enhances service in the store as a whole, and on the other, it sometimes acts too harshly. However, perhaps due to this approach to the organization of labor, the company has grown to such proportions.

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