
Offices of Ingosstrakh in Moscow: addresses and opening hours

Today we have to find out where the offices of Ingosstrakh in Moscow are located. Addresses, working hours and contacts of various departments of the insurance company will be presented to your attention. In fact, in the capital of Russia there are a lot of diverse offices of Ingosstrakh. You can count more than 56 branches. All of them are located in different points of the city, and also have separate operating modes.

Of course, for communication with each office there is at least one phone number. What information will be useful for each potential visitor to get acquainted with? Where to look for Ingosstrakh offices in Moscow. Addresses, working hours, as well as other useful information about the organization will be announced later.


The first step is to pay attention to several branches located in NEAD. In this part of Moscow there are not many branches of the organization under study. All of them are very far from each other.Ingosstrakh offices in Moscow addresses

Where are the offices of Ingosstrakh in Moscow (NEAD) located? The addresses are as follows:

  • st. Dubninskaya, house 17, building 2;
  • st. Lesnaya, house 41;
  • Dmitrovskoe Shosse, Building 59, Building 1;
  • st. Khachaturian, house 12, building 1;
  • st. Yenisei, Building 5 (TC "Yenisei");
  • Prospekt Mira, house 124, building 1.

But the operating mode of these institutions is different. Some offices work only on weekdays, and some work on weekends. This should be remembered by every citizen.

Work hours in NEAD

The offices of Ingosstrakh in Moscow and the Moscow Region, whose addresses are numerous, offer a diverse operating mode. You can make sure that each department works according to its own schedule, using the example of offices in NEAD.Ingosstrakh offices in Moscow addresses Leningradskoye shosse 16

Modes of work for the studied organization can be distinguished, according to the list, the following:

  • Monday to Thursday: from nine in the morning to 8 in the evening; Friday - until 18:45; Saturday - similar to the weekday schedule, Sunday - day off;
  • Monday-Thursday: from 9 to 20, Friday - until 16:45;
  • from 10:00 to 19:00 on all weekdays;
  • weekdays (except Friday): from 9 to 20, Friday - until 18:45, Saturday and Sunday - until 18:00;
  • Monday-Thursday: 9: 00-20: 00, Friday - until 18:45, Saturday - until 18:00;
  • similar to the previous one, but on Sunday - from 10:00 to 17:00.


As you can see, many branches in NEAD are open on Saturdays. However, as throughout Moscow. Phones for these offices can be identified as follows:

  • +8 (495) 95-65-555;
  • +8 (495) 23-23-211;
  • +8 (495) 73-95-057;
  • +8 (499) 90-49-636;
  • +8 (495) 65-66-624;
  • +8 (495) 68-38-510.

Each district has its own organization branches. Where are the offices of Ingosstrakh in Moscow? The addresses are all different, the operating hours of the departments are also diverse. Finding an insurance company is not as difficult as it seems.

Ingosstrakh Moscow Central Office Address

Metro to "A"

The easiest way to look for the appropriate organization, focusing on the subway station. Even on the official website of Ingosstrakh such a search is offered. So where are the branches of the corporation? And how do they work?

You can search the offices of Ingosstrakh in Moscow. Addresses by metro, as already mentioned, will help you easily find the relevant offices. You can start the search in alphabetical order. First, all the organization’s branches will be found at the Moscow metro with the letter “A”.


  1. Avtozavodskaya: Kozhukhovskaya 6th, Building 3, Building 1. It is open from Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., on Friday until 19:00, on Saturday until 18:00. Contact phone: +8 (495) 626-41-45.
  2. "Academic": Vinokurova, 2, the operating mode is similar to the previous example, phone: +8 (495) 120-33-43.
  3. "Airport": Volokolamsk highway, 3. Same working hours, contact number: +8 (495) 662-94-44. There is a branch on Upper Maslovka, 25. The office on weekdays (except Friday) is open from 9 am to 8 pm, on Friday - until 19 hours, on Saturday - until 18, on Sunday - until 17. You can use the number for communication: + 8 (495) 107-01-11.

But this is only the beginning.In fact, there is still a branch on Prospect Mira, but it has already been said. What other insurance company "Ingosstrakh" offers offices in Moscow? Addresses will be considered for metro stations located near the corporation.Ingosstrakh offices in Moscow and Moscow region

Stations at B-V

  1. "Babushkinskaya": 8 Grekova, phone: +8 (499) 476-47-85. It works according to the most common mode - from Monday to Thursday until 20:00, on Friday - until 19, Saturday - from 10 to 18, on Sunday - from 10 to 17.
  2. Barrikadnaya: Klimashkina, house 21. Standard mode of operation, phone: +8 (495) 730-56-07.
  3. "Bauman": st. Bakuninskaya, 50, phone: +8 (499) 267-79-54.
  4. "Belarusian": st. Lesnaya, 41. Normal mode of operation.
  5. "Bratislava": st. Pererva, 31, phone: +8 (495) 346-86-08.
  6. "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard": st. Green, 41.
  7. "Rokossovsky Boulevard": Krasnobogatyrskaya street, 79.
  8. "Bunin Alley": st. Yuzhnobutovskaya 66. Sunday - day off.
  9. Warsaw: Warsaw highway, 81-1.
  10. "VDNH": Kasatkina, 18-2 (the usual mode of operation, but on Friday - until 20, Sunday - day off); Yaroslavl highway, 63.
  11. Vladykino: Dmitrovskoe Shosse, 51, Building 1 (Sunday is the day off); Spring, 4.
  12. Water Stadium: 68, Leningradskoye Shosse. Open: Monday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday to 19 p.m., Saturday to 18 p.m.
  13. "Vykhino": Dmitrievsky street, 11, and Freganskaya, 14/13.

It is clear what are the offices of Ingosstrakh in Moscow addresses. 16 Leningradskoye Shosse is another branch located near the Water Stadium station. In fact, in the capital there are a lot of branches of the insurance company. Find them all help special interactive maps. Where else can you find this organization? Which streets?insurance company Ingosstrakh Moscow offices addresses


The offices of Ingosstrakh in Moscow (we have already considered the addresses) in the capital are represented by 56 branches. But where are they located? Some departments are already known. It works, it’s not hard to guess, the majority of branches until 20:00 from Monday to Thursday, on Friday - until 19, on Saturday - until 18, on Sunday - or a day off, or work is done until 17:00.

You can find the remaining branches of Ingosstrakh in Moscow at the addresses (in alphabetical order):

  • Andropov Avenue, 29;
  • st. Biryulevskaya, 56, p. 2;
  • st. Bogdanova, 6, building 1;
  • st. Bolshaya Tula, 10, building 9;
  • Borisov Ponds, Building 16, Bldg. 2;
  • Volzhsky Boulevard, 5, building 1;
  • st. Garibaldi, 36, p. 10;
  • st. Dnipropetrovsk, 2;
  • st. Dubinskaya, 17, bldg. 2;
  • Ilmensky passage, 11/1;
  • st. Kasatkina, 18/2;
  • Krylatsky Hills, house 7, building 2;
  • Lithuanian Boulevard, house 9/7;
  • st. Marxist, 34, building 8;
  • st. Marshal Zhukov, 4;
  • 38 Michurinsky Avenue;
  • street of the People’s Militia, 29, bldg. one;
  • st. Nizhny Novgorod, 31;
  • Novokurinskoye Shosse, house 47;
  • October Avenue, 17B;
  • Lane Orlovo-Davydovsky, house 2/5;
  • Ostrovityanova, house 9;
  • Panferova street, house 4;
  • Panfilovsky Avenue, 15;
  • st. Privolnaya, 61, building 1;
  • st. Rusakovskaya, 22;
  • Ryazan Avenue, 18;
  • Liberty Street, 12/8;
  • Sergius of Radonezhsky street, 6;
  • st. Udaltsova, 15;
  • st. Filevskaya 2nd, 7, bldg. 6;
  • Khamovnichesky shaft, house 18;
  • Enthusiasts Highway 72A.

It is worth noting that in all of these offices a variety of services are provided. You can clarify them by calling in advance in a particular department or by contacting the central office of Ingosstrakh. Where is he located? And how to contact him at all?addresses of Ingosstrakh offices in Moscow

Central office

And where is Ingosstrakh (Moscow) registered. There is only one central office (we will find out later) in the capital of Russia. You can contact here with complaints and wishes, as well as to receive all the services that the corporation offers. But where to find a company?

Ingosstrakh is registered at Moscow, GSP-7, Pyatnitskaya street, house 12, building 2. These are the details that are indicated for communication with the company’s management. In addition, the fax receives a branch on 41 Lesnaya Street.

Phones for contacting the organization are given as follows:

  • +8 (495) 959-44-05;
  • +8 (495) 641-41-14 (fax);
  • +8 (495) 959-45-15 (office on Lesnaya, fax).

The branch operates according to the usual schedule. There are no problems with contacting the company. The main thing is that Ingosstrakh has a huge number of branches throughout Moscow.And therefore, to receive certain services it is not at all necessary to contact the head office. It is enough to find the nearest branch and come to it. Most often, the branches of Ingosstrakh are universal and suitable for registration of any services. They serve all legal entities and individuals.


From now on, the addresses of Ingosstrakh's offices in Moscow are known. The mode of their work is also not a mystery. For some departments, phone numbers are given.

Ingosstrakh offices in Moscow

For more information about the work of the offices of Ingosstrakh, as well as the number of a specific branch, please contact the head office of the insurance company. This is the surest way to inform. After all, the organization’s addresses can change - some branches open, some close and move. Therefore, do not neglect the capabilities of the head office of Ingosstrakh. The addresses of the offices of Ingosstrakh in Moscow are not difficult to find out.

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