
The history of Coca-Cola: brand building, development

Tell me, is there at least one person on the planet who does not know what Coca-Cola is? Who does not know the history of this world famous brand, founded more than 100 years ago? Everyone has even heard something about a refreshing drink like Cola. The story of Coca-Cola is the topic of today's article.

What is Coca-Cola?

This is the name of the world's best non-alcoholic drink, which has been perfected and presented to us by professionals in the field for hundreds of years. Today we will discuss the Coca-Cola drink in detail. The history of brand creation also will not pass us by.

Coca-Cola History

We will start, perhaps, by recalling one very interesting fact related to the manufacturing company. Few people know that between 2005 and 2011, Coca-Cola soft drink was the main component of the most expensive brand in the world.

If about 100 years ago someone could buy a brand while spending a dime, now it certainly won’t work: Coca-Cola’s value today exceeds $ 75 billion. Do you know that more than 150 thousand people work for the corporation ?!

Coca-Cola Recipe

Unfortunately, the recipe for this drink is one of the most protected in the whole world. More than 100 years have passed since the beginning of the production of Kola, and only the main ingredients are known so far, but, alas, no way to prepare the drink.

Let's talk now about the ingredients of Coca-Cola:

  • ordinary sugar (in the United States, specialists use cheaper corn syrup);
  • sugar color (special dye);
  • invigorating caffeine;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • orthophosphoric acid;
  • unique natural flavors (the main secret of this magic drink).

A complete list of all the necessary ingredients is still a secret.

Coca-Cola: a story of creation

Now, having learned the basic ingredients necessary to create a carbonated product, you can discuss such an important point as the history of Coca-Cola. In English, the name of the drink looks like Coca-Cola.

World Brand History

Many people drink Coca-Cola daily, but they don’t even know what it is, who invented it, and other interesting points related to Coca-Cola. Now we are finally fully plunging into the history of the best global brand, which is impressive.

The founder of the legendary drink

The Coca-Cola drink was invented by an excellent pharmacist who lived in Atlanta. From childhood, John Pemberton loved a variety of chemical experiments. Are you interested to know that, it turns out, there is an exact date for the creation of this wonderful product. The first Coca-Cola drink was made on May 8, 1886. If you count, it turns out that this thirst-quenching soda is already 129 years old! This is truly an incredible figure that proves that Coca-Cola has evolved and continues to do so.

The name Coca-Cola was coined by accountant Frank Robinson, who was working for John Pemberton at the time. As you can see, the brand name has not changed so far, even more so, the inscription is completely preserved, no changes have occurred.

Coca-Cola History in English

Brand development in 1888-1898

At the beginning of 1888, John dies as a poor man, since his brainchild, unfortunately, did not achieve any commercial success at that time. The man was buried in a small cemetery among poor people, and after 70 years a beautiful stone tombstone was erected in memory of John.

After some time, the famous and wealthy Irishman Asa Candler decides to get a recipe for this drink from the widow of Pemberton. A woman sells an Irishman a recipe for 2 thousand 300 dollars (at that time it was a very large amount of money).

Candler decides not to change the name of the drink; already in 1892, he and his brother set up an enterprise called The Coca-Cola Company, which still produces Coca-Cola.

It is interesting to know that the initial budget of the company amounted to exactly 100 thousand US dollars.

In 1894, the legendary drink began to be sold in beautiful glass bottles.

4 years after this, another company known to this day, called The Pepsi-Cola Company, appears. Now Pepsi-Cola is the main competitor of the Coca-Cola drink. The history of the creation of this brand is indeed very interesting, more about this is written a little higher.

Coca-Cola in 1902-1906

The whole of 1902 is considered successful for the brand and the most delicious drink. This year, Coca-Cola is becoming America's most famous non-alcoholic soda. The corporation's cash turnover exceeds the amount of 120 thousand US dollars.

A year later, the famous American newspaper New-York Tribune publishes another article about The Coca-Cola Company. The author of the article writes terrible things about Coca-Cola, for example, black guys, after drinking a drink, began to attack white citizens of America. However, this is far from the most interesting, because, as indicated in the article, they were under the influence of a narcotic substance - cocaine.

The article still contained some truth, because then the recipe for the drink included special coca leaves, which were subsequently replaced by squeezed ones, they did not contain cocaine.

Already in 1906, the company completely won the sympathy of the citizens of America, thanks to which it opens production abroad - in Panama and Cuba.

Coca-Cola Development History

While the story of Coca-Cola makes you smile and laugh, what will happen next? Let's get a look.

Brand development in 1907-1914

During all this time, nothing important and new has happened. The promotion of the company continued, but nothing outstanding happened between 1907 and 1914. Active work was in progress at the enterprise, Coca-Cola was produced in new bottles and jars, each new design was better than the previous one.

The history of the Coca-Cola logo is very simple. A little higher you can find information about who created it, as well as some interesting facts related to the creation of the inscription "Coca-Cola".

Coca-Cola company in the years 1915-1928

In the history of brand development, 1915 becomes one of the most significant. Earlier this year, renowned designer Earl R. Dean from Ireland is coming up with a brand new, unique and improved Cola bottle of 6.5 ounces.

As a result, the corporation produces 6 billion of the same bottles, which, together with a tasty and refreshing drink, are sent to various stores in the world.

In early 1919, Aza Candler decided to sell The Coca-Cola Company to a famous banker from Atlanta. Ernest Woodruff, together with a small group of foreign investors, buys the company for the crazy money at that time - 25 million US dollars.

Next year, the Coca-Cola drink finally begins to conquer the cities of Europe. It all starts with the most romantic state in the world - France. In this country, the first factory is being built by the new brand owners.

Already in 1923, Robert Woodruff became manager of the company, replacing his middle-aged father. It is interesting to know that Robert will remain in the post of managing company for another 60 years, all this time there will be an improvement in the Coca-Cola drink. The history of Coca-Cola brand is very interesting, if you want to have a good laugh and at the same time learn all about it, this article is especially for you.

In the same 1923, the company invented an improved packaging for 6 bottles made of real cardboard.

Coca-Cola Brand Story

In 1928, the Olympic Games were held in the city of Amsterdam, which were attended by more than 1000 boxes of delicious drink. Immediately after this event, the company becomes a regular sponsor of a large number of sporting events.

The history of Coca-Cola is exciting, interesting and popular, if you want to know the whole story, read the article from the very beginning to the end.

The history of the development of Coca-Cola in 1931-1985

In 1931, the managers of The Coca-Cola Company decided to increase the demand for the drink due to the new look, which will become the charming Santa Claus. American Santa Claus was created by renowned artist Haddon Sandblom.

Now this Santa Claus inspires people with kindness and the fact that their dreams will come true, and then it was just a very good idea, thanks to which sales, by the way, increased significantly.

By the way, many people are not even aware that the face of Santa Claus from the Coca-Cola advertisement is an ordinary self-portrait of the artist himself, who was thinking about which face to choose for Santa Claus, and then decided to paint himself.

Coca-Cola Company History

In 1939, another war broke out between Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. The enterprises were not going to put up, as a result, their small quarrels continue to this day, but Coca-Cola is still holding the lead.

In 1960, Coca-Cola began selling in cans, and already in 1977, in plastic bottles, the volume of which amounted to 2 liters. After 2 years, the company was headed by the most successful manager of the 20th century - Roberto Gosuetta. In the same year, the drink appears on the USSR market. In 1982, the company came up with a diet Coke, which was in great demand. In 1985, Coca-Cola sent to space. Delicious soda was in an improved jar with a small straw.

That was such an interesting story of Coca-Cola, and now we will talk about the drink in our time.

Coca-Cola today

As mentioned above, the company now employs more than 150 thousand people. Today, The Coca-Cola Company produces more than 200 different drinks, the most important of which can be called Cola, Fanta and, of course, Sprite. In 2013, the net profit of the corporation exceeded $ 8.5 billion.

It is also worth noting that in addition to soda, the company also produces juices, cold teas, as well as delicious energy drinks.

Coca-Cola logo story

Today, Coca-Cola is the most popular carbonated non-alcoholic product in the world. Every day (in total) in all countries of the world they sell more than 1 billion units of a beverage produced by a corporation that is more than 100 years old.

The story of Coca-Cola ads is also very interesting. We recommend that you read more about this a little higher, where we are talking about Santa Claus, who has been the main face of the company for all this time.

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