
Own business: the production of soft drinks. Carbonated Beverage Business Plan

Despite the idea of ​​Russia as a country in which most of the population is constantly “under the degree”, the domestic market of soft drinks is constantly growing. Currently, its production indicators have exceeded 20 billion rubles.

soft drinks production


According to dry statistics, in the summer, more than 75% of the population drinks carbonated drinks. Despite the fact that in recent years a considerable part of consumers prefer to buy juices, the market of carbonated soft drinks is constantly growing.

However, it is worth considering that today only those industries that can produce really large batches of products can boast of high profitability.

That is why most of the domestic market belongs to Coca-Cola Corporation, which many domestic companies are simply unrealistic to compete with. But the cost of Coca-Cola branded drinks is such that even in large cities they are far from always popular.

Simply put, if you establish the production of soft drinks of normal quality and at an affordable price, you can very well expect a profitability of 30-35%.

Sales problems

As you might have guessed, the main problem for domestic manufacturers in this situation is the sale of finished products. It often happens that large retailers simply ignore it frankly. The fact is that large chains require a “contribution” of up to several tens of thousands of dollars for the right to exhibit only one brand on the shelves of their stores.

Accordingly, it is much more profitable to work with wholesalers who are willing to take good quality products for sale. They work with many stores, so that over time you can gain a stable reputation and a circle of regular customers.

We do not recommend relying on our own delivery services - the cost of buying and servicing equipment that is suitable for transporting really large batches of products is such that only large retail chains can afford such a “pleasure”.

If you want to create at least a small production of soft drinks, you will have to prepare for the need to spend at least 15-20 million rubles. All costs will be paid off no earlier than in 4-5 years. The fact is that competition is extremely strong in this market. If there is no money to deploy an active advertising campaign, then starting this business is pointless.

Some production features

Consider the main features of the production of soft drinks. The main component of the entire production is quality water. Many domestic manufacturers prefer to use their own artesian wells, trying to attract more buyers by using “artesian water saturated with mineral salts” in their products.

This is not only a publicity stunt: such products are, in fact, tastier. It definitely does not have chlorine and other substances found in abundance in worn-out water systems. By the way, large producers can take water even from the nearest puddle: the technologies they use make it possible to purify it to a key state.

Manufacturers on the open spaces of the entire former CIS are also distinguished by the fact that they do not use sugar in the manufacture of soda, like their Western colleagues, but its substitutes.Everything is simple: a kilogram of more or less high-quality sweetener is equivalent in taste to 200 kg of natural sugar. Accordingly, the production of soft drinks based on them turns out to be much more cost-effective.

Used packaging

Be that as it may, another important component of the success of your production is packaging. It is easy to guess that more than 70% of cheap domestic lemonade is produced in polymer containers.

It is best to rely on the production of drinks in containers of 0.5-1-1.5 liters, which is most in demand. Moreover, in the summer, the emphasis should be on the production of bottled drinks of 1.5-2 liters, while in the winter, 0.5 liters is enough. In general, in the cold season, the production of carbonated drinks is expected to fall, and therefore should focus on promotions and other ways to attract customers.

carbonated soft drinks production

In addition, in the summer, you can reduce the range to 3-4 of the most popular brands of soda. This approach allows you to guarantee the sale of all produced drinks. Keep in mind that the hottest season lasts from May to September.

Production technology

This is not to blame for the production of soft drinks, so it is in the complexity of the process. Carbon dioxide is pumped into the tanker, 85% filled with prepared water, at a pressure of 3-4 bar. Note that the water temperature should not be higher than 4-5 degrees Celsius, since as a result it is gaining more gas.

Water is driven through conventional filters, the cost of the unit of which today is no more than 15-20 thousand rubles. Their throughput is several thousand liters per day, the service life is up to a month.

Important! In no case do not buy cheap carbon dioxide, which is sold in large quantities by beer producing plants. The fact is that this gas is heavily contaminated with microorganisms, and even has a not too pleasant smell. This will not only frighten off buyers right away, but will also serve as a reason for the visit of specialists from the SES.

Dyes, sweeteners and preservatives (in some cases) are also added to the water. After that, it can be bottled.

Equipment for production and its cost

First, you need a bottle making machine. Of course, you can buy them from third-party manufacturers, but in the end it’s cheaper. Among other things, the production of lemonade requires a unit for bottling water. Productivity - from 500 bottles per hour.

carbonated beverage production

Labeling of labels requires labeling equipment, as well as a thermal packaging unit. All these requirements are fully consistent with the automated apparatus for the production of lemonade, the cost of which starts from 5 million rubles. Mixing tanks, carbon dioxide compressors, and carbon dioxide itself need to be purchased separately.

Cost and profitability

The cost of a liter of tap or artesian water in the initial calculations can not be taken into account, since its price is a penny. Four grams of carbon dioxide is required per liter of carbonated water. Given that one of its cylinders is in the range of 350 rubles, the cost of a liter of soda goes within the ruble.

Of course, these calculations do not include the cost of sweeteners and flavorings. However, even with them, the cost of the finished product does not exceed 5-6 rubles.

features of the production of soft drinks

Given that cheap soda costs about 15-20 rubles per one and a half liter bottle, profitability can reach 40%. Thus, the production of carbonated soft drinks can be very profitable, especially if there is a normal distribution channel.

We establish sales

As we have already noted, from the very first days it is necessary to establish interaction with wholesale suppliers. It does not hurt to advertise in the local media, newspapers, as well as to fix the sticker ads.

In addition, promotions near places of mass recreation of people give excellent results.

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