
Who is ITR workers? The nature of the functions of a specialist and the scope of his activities

Engineering workers are engineering and technical workers who carry out both strategic and tactical management. Each production has its own engineering and technical service.

From Latin, ingenium translates as "witty invention." In Europe, in the Middle Ages, the term was interpreted as "machines for war", and its derivative ingeniarius was called the masters who make weapons and fortifications. The meaning of the word “engineer” according to Dahl is interpreted as “bridge scientist”.

IT workers are

The concept of engineering in retrospect

The engineering profession existed a long time ago. And initially it was just an activity. Of course, the engineer who invented the gear wheel, screw or lever and today's ITR workers are people who have a completely different approach to their work, and their work is different. But, having a certain education, they always rushed and are striving for progressive solutions, so the result of their work was and will be the creation of newer devices, mechanisms, devices.

In ancient Rome and Greece, engineers were considered the elite. Their work was equated with art. Society perceived it as something sacred.

Many Roman emperors, the first of whom was Julius Caesar, besides the rest, also had the title of supreme pontiff. The pontiff is a Latin word meaning "bridge builder".

The well-known Italian scientist and medieval artist Leonardo da Vinci had the title of engineer. The fortification master Sebastian le Pestre de Vauban, who worked under Ludwig XIV, was the first to receive the title of engineer in France.

As time passed, engineering science developed, and in the 16th century in the Netherlands, and later in England, people involved in bridge and road construction began to be called "civil engineers."

The first educational institution, which trained specialists in road and bridge construction, appeared in France in 1720. The need for engineers grew, and in 1747 a Paris school opened, which trained the so-called civil engineers. In 1795, schools of road and bridge construction, as well as a polytechnic, still opened. And this was the beginning of the development of engineering education not only in France. At the same time, similar schools are opening in other countries.

Over several centuries, their improvement and transformation from engineering schools to engineering institutes took place. And in the XIX and XX centuries, technical universities began to be created on their basis. And today they train ITR workers. The concept of “ITR workers” is the name of a group of highly qualified specialists who perform the functions of organizers and managers of production processes in many areas of production

Development of the engineering profession in Russia

Russia has always been famous for its craftsmen, who were spoken of as people with golden hands. Thanks to its “left-handed people”, even under Ivan the Terrible, the Russian army had the best artillery and strong fortifications.

Peter I paid great attention to the development of engineering areas of activity in Russia. Under him, the best representatives of the young nobility were selected and sent to study abroad. And later they began to open their own educational institutions, where they trained engineers.

In the sixteenth century, Russian specialists in weapons and the construction of fortifications in the army were also called rods. But in 1703, Feofan Prokopovich first applied the term "engineer."And under Peter I, this name was already used on an ongoing basis.

The concept of IT workers is

Who is an ITR worker

An engineer and technical worker (ITR) has long been considered one of the most prestigious professions. Yes, and today, good engineers in price.

Not everyone can go through a difficult stage of training, consisting of specific subjects such as sopromat or theoretical mechanics, which are filled with many formulas and drawings. But those who have achieved a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge, who own the thinking of the analyst, subsequently become good specialists.

The category of engineering workers refers to the type of profession "man – technician", since engineers work with equipment. Objections may arise here. After all, drivers, turners, seamstresses work with technology. And this is true. But there is a small but. Although all of the above professions are of the same type, the equipment for a technician and a second group plays a different role. For the driver, turner and seamstress, technology is a tool of production. That is, with the help of technology, they get the result of labor.

For engineering workers, it is a subject of labor, that is, with the help of their knowledge, skills and inventive talent, they transform and improve technology.
In addition, engineering and technical workers play the role of organizers and managers of production processes in enterprises.

Division into groups of engineers

There are many engineering professions that are in demand in various industries. Engineering workers are specialists who take part in creating the benefits of the material plan needed by society. This can be both food and goods for daily consumption, and complex machines, and mechanisms for the military, aviation or space industry.

Depending on the type of activity, as well as the specific tasks facing the engineers, they can be combined into four groups.

  1. Constructors. They are engaged in the development of design documentation (development of drawings).
  2. Technologists. Develop technological documentation (description of technological processes).
  3. Economists. They carry out calculations of the cost of materials and work, and also analyze the economic activity of the enterprise.
  4. The organizers. They solve the organizational issues of production.

Who are ITR workers?

Qualification of engineers

Engineering and technical workers (ITR workers) - this is a transcript abbreviations. The list of posts that they can occupy depends not only on the availability of higher education, but also on their skill level. It can be conditionally combined into four groups:

  1. Specialists who do not have higher education, but have a high level of professionalism.
  2. Workers with secondary technical education.
  3. Professionals with higher education and highly qualified.
  4. Workers with the highest qualifications who are awarded a degree or title.

Depending on qualifications, each employee is assigned a rank for which wages are already being paid, but we will talk about this a little lower.

If a specialist is highly qualified, knows and does an excellent job, but does not have the proper education, then he can be assigned the 9-12th qualification level. The same group of categories is assigned to employees who have received higher education, but do not yet have the necessary professionalism.

Specialists with higher education, sufficiently high qualifications, are assigned the 13-15th qualification rank.

ITR workers who are directly involved in the organization of the production process, as well as occupy senior positions in the enterprise, are assigned 16-18 categories of qualification.

Category of engineers

The main functional responsibilities of engineering

Those specialists who are related to ITR workers have a number of functional responsibilities, the implementation of which ensures the efficiency of the enterprise.

One of the most important functions of an engineer is the development of more modern production and technological processes and their introduction into production. An ITR employee establishes the order of the work, as well as its order, necessary to achieve the desired result. Also, modern engineers are developing methods for monitoring the quality of work performed, are engaged in technical documentation.

An important functional duty of an engineer is to work in the field of new technologies, their development and implementation.

Monitoring the condition of production equipment, its maintenance and adjustment, as well as ensuring smooth operation are also the direct responsibility of an engineering and technical worker at the enterprise.

Engineering and technical worker

The process of standardization of labor of engineers

Rationing the labor of ITR workers plays an important role in solving many production issues. This includes the structural improvement of managerial personnel, as well as the system of their work. Improving the efficiency of labor of engineers and technicians leads to minimizing the costs of their maintenance.

The difficulties in rationing the activities of engineers and technicians are determined by the fact that their labor process consists in mental work, and in fact it cannot be measured and observed.

Based on this, it can be determined that the main task of the standardization process is to identify the amount of labor costs when performing certain work and the required number of specialists for its implementation.

The amount of labor costs is used in order to determine the volume and degree of difficulty of the task and assign it to specialists of the necessary qualifications. In this case, the payment will correspond to the quantity and quality of the labor invested.

Workers in engineering (the decryption was given above) are the higher paid employees of any enterprise. Therefore, the determination of their quantitative composition is necessary for the correct ratio with other groups working at the enterprise and the creation of an effective managerial apparatus.

Remuneration and bonuses for IT workers

The remuneration of engineers and engineers depends on the level of qualification and labor efficiency, as well as the conditions in which work is performed. Most often, the enterprise administration sets the salary corresponding to the specialist’s qualification level.

Also, rates may depend on the profitability of the company. Recently, more and more often they use the system of floating salaries, which provides for their monthly review. This stimulates both productivity and quality of work.

In collective agreements of enterprises, a bonus point for employees working on it is mandatory. The bonus to ITR employees is provided for the effective fulfillment of specified tasks and is paid monthly. But its size should be at the level of 50% of the official salary.

Labor protection of engineers

Labor Protection Engineering

Labor protection at each enterprise, no matter in which sphere it conducts its activity, much attention is paid. This is a whole system of diverse activities aimed at preserving the health and life of its employees in the performance of their duties.

Typically, managers and responsible for labor protection are the heads of enterprises, departments at the enterprise or others, most often ITR workers, specialists.

Each employee of the enterprise uses a number of instructions in his work, one of which is the instruction on labor protection. Engineering workers are no exception. The labor protection of engineers and technicians has its own nuances, depending on the field of activity of the specialist.

ITR decryption workers

The role of engineering workers in the development of modern civilization

Engineering workers are the driving force of mankind. Thanks to their appearance, industry and technology began to develop, work turned into less labor-intensive and more efficient. Improved and working conditions.

As a result of engineering creativity, a technical civilization was created on the planet. And today we are not surprised at all the innovations that, thanks to engineers, have accumulated natural sciences. They boldly invade the unknown and begin to study it. As a result, new directions arise, for example, nanotechnology and much more, which changes people's lives for the better.

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