
The system of higher education in Russia: structure

One of the most significant areas of public life, on which the whole future of the people depends, is the system of higher education in Russia. Equally important are all its social institutions, academic disciplines, methods of presenting material and assimilating information, as well as the entire structure of building educational institutions, since the very direction of the intellectual and spiritual development of society depends on the coordinated work of each segment of this system.

higher education system in Russia


In developed countries, education has the most important state function, the implementation of which requires enormous human and material resources. The system of higher education in Russia, through multiple reorganizations and reforms, is trying to reach the world level. A certain matrix should be inherent in it, that is, a set of principles by which institutional formations are built and energy-information codes are checked.

This is how one can determine the daily functioning and gradual development that the higher education system in Russia is undergoing. The need for renewal should take place in harmony of all its elements, then the transformation will bring invaluable benefits. And rash breaking can create irreversible consequences and disasters that will stop the development of the higher education system in Russia.


In 2012, after the adoption of the Federal education law in the Russian Federation, both positive and negative sides of the policy were revealed, according to which the system of higher education in Russia was built. Discussion legislative initiative It was very stormy and controversial, because the hope of overcoming the difficult situation that brought domestic education in the last few decades was very high.

But the final edition was disappointing: the problems of the higher education system of Russia were not solved, moreover, they were supplemented by other, even more dangerous innovations. Attempts have been made to introduce Western bourgeois principles into our education, which are absolutely not inherent in the Russian mentality, which has been created for many centuries on the principles of collegiality and equality.

reforming the higher education system of Russia

The origins

The end of the 80s brought a huge mass of publications, which branded the Soviet system of higher education, of modern Russia, supposedly only harmful: it is "inefficiency" when a person is taught "superfluous" and "unjustified universality".

Against this background, fueling the collapse of the country, further destructive actions in the educational sphere began. Analyzing the modern reform of the higher education system in Russia, it is difficult not to admit that the result is much worse than it was. The Soviet model was more effective.


The poor quality of the old educational matrix is ​​a myth that is exposed in many articles by prominent scientists working in this field. For example, the most famous social scientist S. G. Kara-Murza writes that the Soviet school at all educational levels was arranged on a university basis, taught to think globally, solve complex diverse problems, and navigate situations.

The higher education system of modern Russia does not have such qualities. Thanks to the Soviet, in all respects ingenious, system, the country's vital activity already in the 1920s took a giant step forward, raising all sectors of the national economy, and this construction of society continued until the reforms of the 1980s.

changes in the system of higher education in Russia

Western model

The era of bourgeois revolutions and the modernization that followed them developed a completely different educational system. It is characterized as a “system of two corridors,” where very few graduate from universities - a very small percentage of the population who will be able to enter the state and managerial elite.

The rest of the population receives knowledge of the mosaic plan, which give people the ability only to a certain set of functions, very narrowly defined, and they either have no idea about other areas of knowledge, or it does not differ in either system or depth.

Western, and indeed many Russian elite circles have a definite goal: changes in the system of higher education in Russia should completely break the old matrix. The so-called Bologna system - an example of the presence of the "second corridor" - is currently replacing our university system, and this "double-corridor" has now become a reality for all the country's institutions. The prospect threatens with the complete absence of the most necessary, because there will be no one to make strategic decisions for the country, even the most important, since the elite-educational layer in society will not be present. two-tier system of higher education in Russia

How it happened: the first stage

The history of the development of the higher education system in Russia began many centuries ago, and at the beginning of the twentieth it was completely built up by the efforts of the most talented scientists, the country's greatest minds. This does not mean that the system could not be reformed - this happened repeatedly in the Soviet era, with the development of technical progress, literature, arts, the programs changed, the techniques improved. But it never took irreversible forms.

Domestic murder educational system post-perestroika years were held twice. At first she was starved to death in the 90s: chronic underfunding, multiple blows by both blunt and sharp media items on the very foundations of morality in Russian society, undermining respect for teaching ... This entailed the departure of many talented and highly qualified staff. The losses were irreparable, but the system was still alive. the history of the development of higher education in Russia


The second stage of reforms was carried out in the 2000s. Breaking has comprehended the very matrix of the Soviet educational process: the introduction of the USE, a two-tier system of higher education ... Russia will have to go through this, but it will never be the same again. Along with the advent of the "Bachelor-Master" levels, the criteria for evaluating knowledge changed to point-rating, and many other destructive innovations were carried out. According to experts, Russia has already passed the point of no return; it will not be able to recover even at positions thirty years ago. The quality of education fell below all grades, the level of graduates is not even worthy of criticism.

The modernization of the higher education system in Russia is not yet completed, the reconstruction is ongoing. Recently adopted laws, decrees, decrees, requirements, and targeted programs, which are also aimed at scrapping the entire educational system, and especially its upper level, give new impulses to irreversible transformations.

Until the early 90s, all universities were state institutions, which were governed by directives from the center. Now many non-governmental academies, universities and institutes do not know what and it is not clear how to teach more than ten million people. Management of the Russian higher education system has also failed.

Summary of the items: the main thing

Consider now what we have:

  1. The social status of the scientist and teacher has fallen. The level of respect of society to this kind of work, prestige, level of payment, social guarantees is extremely low.Today, even the most unskilled labor provides the best material benefits and the level of social status.
  2. The education system has become extremely bureaucratic, despite the disaster in the quality of education. The number of officials, managers of the industry is terribly overblown and every year it only increases. It is becoming increasingly difficult to defend dissertations, social elevators do not work, talented youths vegetate, changing their red diplomas to the red-yellow uniform of workers in fast-food eateries.
  3. The centralized system of higher professional education in Russia has been eliminated with all its standards and criteria. Instead of painstaking methodical work on the councils, which work out the forms of dividing the learning process by specialties, chaotic cutting of teaching hours at universities is not in the interests of future specialists and their needs for this or that knowledge. The creation and liquidation of individual universities also occur according to very strange criteria, which are lacking in adequacy.

modernization of the higher education system of Russia


The newly introduced means of admission to universities - the Unified State Examination - does not actually reflect the person’s knowledge and ability to think creatively, because it relies on a test and tabular format that can only verify the memory and training of the applicant. Logic, an insight into the essence of phenomena, into their essence the exam cannot reflect.

Moreover, these qualities in the process of exams are harmful, because they interfere with the implementation of a specific and clear task. It can be assumed how the innovation will affect the formation of the mental abilities of the student generation.

Two levels

The system of "undergraduate-graduate" is also implemented completely in vain. Previously, the specialty included five years of full-time education and six years - part-time. The Bologna system, which has been introduced into our universities, involves a four-year passage of all the material under the undergraduate programs. Basic courses are cut to a minimum, put in the programs of junior courses, as a result - are not acquired. Special and narrow-discipline disciplines intersperse with basic ones or are studied fragmentarily.

It turns out semi-specialists who do not think globally, moreover, are practically incapable of solving various problems. Master is in a similar situation. Specialization is carried out in specialized departments according to hastily constructed programs, as well as special courses taught by teachers of other departments. The chaos and discord in the heads of students is ensured, since there is no built-in training system. In addition, undergraduates far from always received a specialized basic education. What they have in their heads for knowledge after graduation can be imagined.

Points and Ratings

The point-rating system does not reflect the true performance of students. It must be said that this measure has not yet been fully legislated, but implemented everywhere. Moreover, each university decides all questions about scoring, because there is no single and centralized assessment of performance.

Each seminar should have a creative discussion of the material in the discussions, and this is replaced by a race for points, when each student seeks to say at least two words, so as not to leave without the numbers earned by this phrase. The creative component in learning is killed. Holding seminars is an empty formality.

Pre-university and postgraduate education

Specialized school education has been eliminated and replaced by specialization in classes. Soviet graduates of mathematical, physical and other specialized schools went to science. The profile class of an ordinary school and a tenth of that knowledge does not give: there is no that subtlety of the educational structure and that flight of thought that inspires any knowledge. The system of preschool education is also not provided by law, and therefore it can also be considered liquidated.And how much collective work has been put into creating this social institution! And how much good!

The reform of the higher education system in Russia led to the liquidation of doctoral education. The new law does not say anything about this step, but everyone is aware of the Hirsch index. Candidates and doctors are forced to equate their status with "PhD", which reigns everywhere in the scientific community abroad. This is a quantitative characteristic of productivity, based on the number of publications and citations of them. How much this translation will hit on the motivation of the work of our professors becomes clear almost immediately. They are not spoiled by the attention of society.

management of the higher education system of Russia


The crisis of education in the country is very difficult, and the adopted laws on reforms do not (and there are no prerequisites that will) bring the country out of this state. On the contrary, everything suggests that trends have become irreversible. Only the entire society as a whole, as well as scientific and teaching communities as its parts will be able to change this state of affairs and influence government policy in the field of education.

Russia must develop fully, return the status of a great power and a world leader. To do this, we need highly qualified specialists in a quantity sufficient for such a huge country. The Bologna system will not be able to provide this, and therefore it should immediately and without compromise abandon it.

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