
Modular gas station - the best choice for the company

For entrepreneurs whose business is closely related to fuel, the issue of optimizing their costs and maximizing revenue remains relevant. And since everything is getting more expensive now, a modular gas station is the most profitable option. Let's take a closer look at this type of gas station.modular gas station

Modular gas station

A mobile gas station will help solve the problem of fuel storage. Due to this, it is gaining popularity among a large number of enterprises.

Modular filling stations are a tank that is capable of receiving, storing and dispensing fuel. The capacity can be of various volumes and is located on the ground. It includes a platform around the hatch, a compartment with a column, as well as a fuel drain system.

The main difference between modular gas stations is the lack of a common frame. The tank itself is used as it. Underneath is a bathtub designed to collect fuel. Very often, when draining from a tanker or refueling, the oil product spills and enters the intended container. Thanks to this design, gas stations have a lower cost.

At the request of the customer refueling can be equipped with additional features. These are means of controlling fuel residues and temperature, remote dispensing of petroleum products and automatic accounting control.

Container gas stations

These are small gas stations, which are made in the form of an integral product. They include a tank for storing petroleum products, a compartment with pumps and a generator.modular container gas station

The modular container gas station allows you to get rid of the following problems that arise when selling fuel and refueling your personal fleet:

  • Poor quality product at public gas stations.
  • Scam drivers, mechanics and maintenance staff.
  • The need to drive vehicles to the nearest gas station.
  • Transfusion from one container to another.
  • Extra time between buying and selling petroleum products.

Container filling stations are used for own needs if there is a minimum of 3 thousand liters of fuel in circulation. They will also be an excellent option in the field, temporary ports, construction sites and car service.

The scope of KAZS covers almost all major industries, from industrial enterprises to exploration.

Advantages over other types of gas stations

Container-type modular filling stations have the following features:

  1. Mobility.
  2. Simplicity in the preparation of the territory and in the maintenance of the station.
  3. Factory manufacturing.
  4. Ability to use both for commercial purposes and not.
  5. Thrift.
  6. Compactness and lack of staff.
  7. Independence from environmental factors and ambient temperature.
  8. Leakage protection.

modular gas station container type

The modular gas station can be easily and quickly delivered to anywhere. Transportation is carried out by ordinary freight transport. Upon delivery, the station is already fully equipped and can be immediately taken for work. Installation requires a prepared site that has a flat and solid surface.


A prerequisite for the manufacture and manufacture of mobile gas stations is compliance with the requirements and fire safety standards. The modular gas station is equipped with a double-walled tank, in which the necessary equipment is mounted.modular gas station production

The capacity may consist of several compartments in which different fuel will be stored. In accordance with safety standards, a leakage sensor with an alarm is built into the tank.Most often it is in the space between the walls.

The production of modular gas stations does not stand still. Products may be supplied with additional features. Stations are equipped with automatic fuel collection and drain systems that allow electronic metering. Now an entrepreneur can easily monitor each dose of fuels and lubricants and identify violations in the use of fuel.

Production material

Depending on weather conditions and climatic features, modular gas stations are made of various steel grades. Standard material - St3Sp5. it carbon steel ordinary quality, which has the necessary indicators of tensile, toughness and bending resistance. Also used structural low alloy steel 09G2S.

If a gas station will be used to store dangerous types of fuel, then the tank and the necessary equipment are made of stainless steel. Used brand AISI321 or domestic counterpart 12X18H10T.

Modular gas station from the manufacturer of gas stations

Enterprises specializing in the manufacture of gas stations accept applications for the production of mobile gas stations. Modification, as well as the configuration of a specific order, is considered individually.modular gas station from the gas station manufacturer

First, design work is performed. The price depends on the components, as well as the size. The exact cost is indicated only after clarifying all the nuances and completing the development of those tasks.

A modular gas station is a single system in which all modules are connected to each other. The package includes:

  1. Fuel dispenser. It can be located in a lockable compartment or on a special island.
  2. Pump. It is used for pumping fuel.
  3. Grounding
  4. Knot drain. It is equipped with a fire guard, crane and filter.
  5. Sensors for level, temperature, fuel density and space monitoring.
  6. Locking equipment.

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