
How to get free land from the state. How to get land for free: legal schemes

Housing issues have always been acute in our country. If in Soviet times, having worked at the enterprise from 3 to 10 years, it was quite possible to get a free apartment, but now it is almost impossible. And in order to earn a sufficient amount to buy our own housing, many of us will have to work all our lives, and, possibly, the necessary amount will be collected by old age. Then it will be possible to purchase your own housing, if the next monetary reform does not occur.

How to get land from the state for free

But all is not so sad. Theoretically, every person with Russian citizenship can receive land from the state for free. And on this earth to build the house of your dreams.

How to get land for free? Legal schemes

In various regions there may be some features of such legal schemes, but in general they are the same throughout the Russian Federation. It’s easier to get land in some places, but harder in some places. Let's see what options are:

  1. You can win the auction with local authorities, having previously submitted an application for a free site.
  2. A more risky, but still possible option is the self-capture of no man's land and the construction of a house on it.
  3. There are several categories of citizens who have the full right to free provision of land from the state. But there is a queue for each of these categories, and the next question arises - how long will it take?

Before using any of these schemes, you need to find out which one is suitable in a particular selected region. One scheme may work in your area, and another may not. You can find out how to get free land from the state in the right area in local authorities. Now in more detail about each of these options.

How to get land for free. Tips

How to win an auction with local authorities on land?

Can I get land from the state for free? The answer to this question is yes. To do this, you need to win an auction for the land plot you like. The procedure is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to find a plot of land for which no one claims. In other words, it should not be processed by anyone, it should not have a cadastral passport. Also, it should not have burdens, i.e. belong to the state. You can find out this from the land surveyor and get a certificate from him, which indicates that this site does not have any buildings. Obtaining land from the state in this case is quite possible. Similar information about the desired site can be obtained on the public cadastral map of Russia (it is available on the Internet).
  2. Next, find out the area and area of ​​the site you like. You go to the municipality (local authority) of the region and in the division of land distribution write a request to allocate land to you. The statement must indicate for what purpose it was needed.
  3. From there you will be sent to the geodesy department. There you order cartography and a cadastral passport of the site from specialists. This is not free, but still cheaper than buying land at market value.
  4. After the cadastral passport is ready, a publication is published in the local newspaper stating that this land plot has been put up for auction, and anyone can buy it. Usually no one claims to it, and you redeem the desired land for next to nothing. But still, sometimes there are other comers. In a similar situation, bidding begins, and at the auction the value of the allotment may increase.There are cases that previously unnecessary land increases in value above market. Then you can refuse it and try to do the same manipulations with another site.
  5. If you won the auction, then this plot is leased to you for the duration of the construction of a residential building, but this time is limited. If the construction lasts longer than the allotted time, then the cost of renting the land will be doubled.
  6. But finally, the house was built and put into operation. Now you have the right to redeem this plot for 2.5% of the cadastral value. This, of course, is not completely free, but even affordable for people with minimal incomes.
  7. If you are lucky and you bought the land you need almost for a penny, then you take a conclusion and documents for the sale of land and again go to the local authorities to draw up the final ownership.

How to get land for free

It is clear that finding an unoccupied allotment is easier away from large cities and main roads, but there are such sites in areas with developed infrastructure. How to get land from the state for free - the above scheme will tell you. Depending on the region, it may vary slightly. For example, it is possible to conclude a lease agreement for your chosen site. Such an agreement is also concluded at the local administration, but most likely then the land will still need to be registered in justice authorities. Then get a building permit and only after that finally redeem the land and register property on it.

How to get land from the state for free, many families are interested, especially with a small income. There is another scheme to achieve the desired, but it is more risky. Consider this option.

Self-capture of land and construction of a house on it

In various regions of the Russian Federation there are vacant land plots. Moreover, this land has been empty for a long time, and no one claims to it. You can try to arbitrarily capture this site and build a residential building on it. I repeat, this option is very risky.

If for a certain period of time (it can vary from three to ten years in different regions and even more), no one needs this site except you, and nobody disputed your right to it, then you can contact the local administration and, as it should his property. To do this, you will first need to get the go-ahead from the local authorities. A commission will be collected and your application will be considered. Further, the commission will decide on the ownership of this site on a free basis, and only after that it is possible to make a geodetic survey and obtain a cadastral passport.

Receiving land from the state

What is the risk of land capture?

Perhaps in a few years the owner of the land or his heir will appear. Then you have to sue, and perhaps the court will not be in your favor. In addition, it may, for some other reason, the local authorities refuse to take ownership of the land, for example, if it is intended for agricultural work, so this scheme may not always work.

There are other options, how to get land from the state for free, for example, a long-term lease. This option is more reliable than the previous one.

Long Term Lease

In many regions of Russia there are special programs according to which people can rent land from the state for individual housing construction (IZHS). Such a lease is given for 49 years, then, if necessary, it is extended. Thus, it can be used by several generations. This option may well be suitable for citizens who think how to legally and free obtain a piece of land from the state.

For example, such a program exists in the Leningrad Region (LO). People who have lived in a local government for 10 years or more have the right to draw up a long-term lease for a land plot in the local government.Moreover, the cost of such a lease is quite small - about 300 rubles a year.

Provision of land from the state

Who can get land for free?

Theoretically, any citizen of the Russian Federation can get a land plot without any large cash investments almost for free. You will only need to pay for the execution of certain documents, for example, for a cadastral passport. But only for each of the preferential categories there is a turn, and how soon it will fit - no one knows. But you need to try, especially if the issue of housing is acute. How to get free land in Russia and who has the right to it?

What categories of citizens are eligible for free land?

  1. Families with disabled children.
  2. Large families.
  3. Young families.
  4. Heroes of the Soviet Union, Socialist Labor and the Russian Federation.
  5. Full holders of the Order of Glory and Labor Glory.
  6. Participants and disabled WWII.
  7. Persons holding the award "Resident of the besieged Leningrad".
  8. Family members of a deceased disabled person or a participant in the Second World War who were dependent on him and were disabled.
  9. Any citizens who are registered with the local administration as urgently in need of housing, if they have been living in this region for at least 5 years. In some regions, this period is increasing. For example, in LO you need to live at least 10 years.
  10. Young specialists with higher and secondary education who work in the specialty in the field of healthcare, education, culture and agriculture, if they work in rural areas, have the right to obtain land in the settlement where they work. Age limit - up to 35 years.
  11. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have been working and living in rural areas for at least 5 years can receive a land allotment in the same locality.
  12. People of retirement age, living in rural areas for at least 5 years, who have a local residence permit.
  13. Military service contractors.

The list may be shorter or longer - it all depends on the region in which you would like to get a site. So, for example, in the Novosibirsk region there are much more categories of beneficiaries than in the Leningrad region.

Can I get land from the state for free?

How to get land for free to a young family?

Our state supports young families. A young family is considered to be in which both spouses have not yet reached the age of 35 at the time of registration of land in the property. In particular, such concern for a new unit of society is reflected in the law, which allows the family to receive a land allotment for individual housing construction. Now specifically about how to get free land from the state to a young family.

  1. A young family should need to improve their living conditions, that is, for one member in the place where the family currently lives, there should be one person square meters less than what is required by the federal standard. So, for example, for each in a family of three or more, at least 18 sq. M. m
  2. The fact that the family needs to improve their living conditions must be documented. Need to collect help.
  3. With these certificates, you go to the local municipality, where the family will be put on a waiting list for the provision of land for private housing.
  4. Waiting for a call. See the provided site. It will be possible to register it after the start of construction.
  5. You only have to pay for paperwork. All communications should be made at the expense of the city budget.

We looked at several options for getting land for free. The tips in this article should help.

Among other things, a young family can receive a subsidy to improve housing conditions, but this is another topic.

How to get land for free.

What to look for?

When deciding how to get land from the state for free, you first need to pay attention to the presence of communications in an accessible vicinity.

  • Is there a convenient access to the site.
  • The availability of electricity nearby.
  • Where to bring water and gas.
  • Is there a centralized sewage system, etc.

If all the communications necessary for a comfortable life are not near, then it is worth considering: is it necessary to take such a site, since it is very expensive to bring it all on your own. It may turn out to be cheaper to buy the same plot, but with all the lines available.

In addition, it is important to have developed infrastructure in the area where you intend to acquire land: there were shops, a pharmacy, a kindergarten, a school, a clinic and a hospital nearby. It is desirable that there is good transport links, and there are no landfills, burials of radioactive and chemical wastes nearby, etc.

All these recommendations will help answer the question of how to get land from the state for free.

How to get a plot of land in Ukraine for free?

Now let us briefly dwell on how the procedure for obtaining a site goes through our closest territorial neighbors. Is it possible to obtain a free land plot in Ukraine for free?

According to the Land Code of Ukraine, this is possible, but patience is needed, because it is a long paperwork.

First you need to contact the local government or executive authority with a statement on the provision of unoccupied land allotment. The size of the site for individual housing construction cannot be more than 0.1 ha.

The application must be accompanied by a graphic image of the desired site and mark its location. The submitted application is considered within a month. After this period, you must receive written permission to develop your project or a refusal in which the reason is indicated.

After obtaining permission, you need to contact a licensed land survey office. You conclude an agreement with her, which sets out the terms and conditions for the development of your land management project, which is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Further, an endorsed project must be submitted to a commission dealing with issues of coordination of land management documentation. The decision is made within three weeks.

How to get land from the state for free

After that, the commission your approved project falls under the mandatory state examination. As soon as the positive conclusion of the examination is received, the local government or executive authority will make a decision on the provision of land ownership in favor of the petitioner. As you can see, it is possible to get land in Ukraine for free; all that is required is patience.

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