
How to get a land plot for a large family: step-by-step instructions. Provision of land plots to large families

Since 2011, in the Russian Federation there has been state support for large families, which provides for the allocation of land for the development of a residential building. Land for large families is allocated in accordance with the law, which was signed by Dmitry Medvedev. These are the cells of society raising three or more children.

Land for a large family

Only 40% of the total number of applicants have exercised the right to provide land to young families, which is more than 300 thousand families. Many refuse the land allocated to them by the local administration. Why is this happening and what else can be obtained instead of land plots for large families? This will be discussed in this article.

The large family. Land plot. Turn

In order for a family with three or more minor children to stand in line for land allotment for the construction of a house or gardening and horticulture, as well as farming, it is necessary that all members of this family are citizens of the Russian Federation. In addition, an important condition for the provision of land for large families is the residence of one or both parents in the area where they plan to obtain a land plot for at least five years. The program is allowed to participate only once. Parents deprived of parental rights cannot receive such land. Families raising stepbrothers who have been adopted can also benefit from this program.

The plot is allocated once and free of charge, without prohibitions and restrictions, even if the family already has a land allotment. Each region may have its own nuances, which are determined by regional authorities.

Provision of land plots to large families

Who is not part of a large family?

The composition of a large family does not include children:

  • Being fully supported by the state.
  • Whose parents are deprived of parental rights.
  • Whose parents have restrictions on parental rights.
  • In relation to which the adoption procedure is canceled.

How is the allocation procedure?

First, the family representative needs to write a statement to the local administration, in which it is necessary to clarify the name of the village, where they want to get the site, for what needs and its approximate size. Attachment to the application are copies of passports, birth certificates or adoptions of all family members.

After this, the application is registered and within 10 days a decision is made on the registration of this family for the provision of land allotment. The family representative receives a special notice in his hands, which contains all the contact details of the persons responsible for the distribution and distribution of land in the region.

Further, in the land department of the local administration, according to the number of applications and depending on the availability of free municipal land, plots are formed. Local authorities are responsible for the cadastral registration of these plots, as well as for connecting them to communications and engineering networks (accessible access to the plot, electricity, water, gas, etc.).

After this, the family should be informed of the drawn up queue list and has the right to familiarize themselves with the location of the plots.Their issuance is carried out by drawing lots, of which the family representative is notified 14 days before its start. If a large family liked the land plot and was completely satisfied with it, then within 8 days an act on free allocation of land is prepared and presented to the representative. If the family refuses the allotment provided, she has the right to collect the necessary documents again and stand in line.

Land plots for large families

Documents for land

For large families, in order for land plots to be provided free of charge, it is necessary to contact the local state administration and write a statement there, to which the following documents must be attached:

  • Photocopies of passports of parents and children under 18 years of age, if they already have passports.
  • Copies of the birth certificates of each child living in the family (relatives and adopted, if any). For each adopted child you need to attach a document that confirms the fact of adoption. In addition, from the guardianship authorities it is necessary to provide a certificate stating that the adoption rights of each adopted child have not been revoked.
  • A photocopy of the marriage certificate if the family is complete.
  • An extract from the house book or other document confirming that this family lives at the place of registration.
  • Certificate that the parents are not deprived of parental rights. She is taken in the guardianship department.
  • Certificate of family composition.

How long is the decision to grant land?

After submitting the application and all necessary documents, within 30 days, the local administration makes a decision on the registration of this family or on a reasonable refusal in this procedure. In some regions, a decision is made in a shorter time: from 3 to 14 days.

Large family land line

Reasons for a large family to abandon plots

It often happens that the land for a large family seems to be allocated, but the family refuses it, despite the fact that it needs it. Why is this happening? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Land plots to large families are allocated in such remote places that there is no talk of any infrastructure. There are no roads, public transport does not go, schools, clinics and shops are not nearby, etc.
  2. Allotments are allocated in places unsuitable for living. This may be a marshland, the presence of landfills nearby, etc.
  3. Too laborious paperwork.
  4. Although land plots for large families are provided free of charge, you have to pay for paperwork. Sometimes this amount is not affordable for such a family.
  5. There is no money for housing on the site.

In fact, it turns out that local authorities allocate land plots for large families and seemingly carry out a program to improve housing conditions, while the real situation remains at the same level as it was.

But now there are regions that really care about large families. So, for example, in the Volgograd region there is a social movement called "Many children." In this region, large families after allocating a land for development receive cadastral passport services absolutely free. Thus, in the Volgograd region these families feel real state support.

Recently, the Russian government has been discussing the issue of providing an apartment for a large family instead of a land plot.

Instead of land plots for large families

Apartment instead of land

Officials understand that the problem of housing among large families still exists. Land for large families actually receive less than half of those standing in line. This problem needs to be solved, therefore, the Russian government is actively discussing the issue of allocating such families a municipal apartment instead of land. This bill has not yet entered into force, but it has already been assigned a number: 410040-6.Subject to approval, regional authorities will be responsible for its implementation. But here, too, not everything is as smooth as we would like. The main problems are as follows:

  • Local municipalities, as a rule, do not have money to build new municipal housing, and the funds available in the fund are sharply limited.
  • If all families without exception have the right to a land plot for a large family, which are such, then the right to provide them with an apartment is left to the regional authorities. They decide what to provide: land for construction or housing.
  • The family must necessarily be registered to improve housing conditions and desperately need it. Property status is not taken into account. According to the norm in the Russian Federation, the area per family member is 12 square meters. m

If the apartment will be provided to a large family, then it has no right to sell or donate it. In other words, it is impossible to privatize such an apartment, but the family has the right to use it indefinitely.

Obtaining land plots for large families

How will the procedure for obtaining an apartment instead of land be implemented?

In order for the family in need of improving living conditions to receive the desired square meters, it is necessary:

  • Collect all the necessary documents on the land for a large family.
  • Next, abandon the site and declare the desire to receive finished housing on social security.

What help can families with large families have in place of land?

At the discretion of local authorities, other types of assistance are allowed:

  • Social payments.
  • Assistance in obtaining a preferential mortgage loan.
  • Allocation of premises bypassing the main queue.
  • Supply of building materials for building a house at the expense of the local budget.

Land plots for large families

The bill is still under consideration, but many experts are already doubting its implementation in practice. The fact is that most regions have very limited local budgets, so they may not be able to withstand the burden placed upon them after this bill enters into force.

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