
Allocation of land plots to large families. Benefits for large families

Each individual or legal entity may, for a fee, acquire a land plot that is in municipal or state ownership. But in some cases, the legislation provides for benefits according to which land should be allocated free of charge.


Article 34 of the Land Code specifies cases in which plots for the management of subsidiary plots may be provided free of charge. It also describes how land plots are allocated to large families for construction. To get the allotment, you must contact the local authorities, which are located at the place of residence of citizens entitled to such benefits.Allocation of land to large families

All the rest can apply for land intended for the construction of residential buildings, only by winning organized auctions. It is also spelled out in the Land Code.

Representative large families must contact the authorities involved in the allocation of plots. He must indicate for what purposes he needs land, write the desired location and area.

Preferential categories

Families with many children include those in which three or more minor children are brought up. True, the law also provides for exceptions regarding the age of the oldest child. For example, if children are from 18 to 23 years old and they are studying full-time in an educational institution or are called up for military service, then the family can still get a piece of land for free. Single parents who have a specified number of kids can also claim land. It can be both fathers and mothers. No exception is made for full families. Also, free guardians may apply for the provision of land, the education of which has more than three children.

At the same time, it is important that parents are citizens of Russia and have lived in the country for more than 5 years. The indicated privileges are provided to large families in the event that they do not own another allotment of land.

It is worth noting that this category of citizens can safely use their other rights. For example, they may be given soft loans, interest-free loans for construction or the purchase of building materials. They are also entitled to a 30% discount when paying for water, gas, sewage and electricity. When organizing a farm, they are granted land tax benefits. In addition, they are entitled to interest-free loans or material assistance for the development of the economy.

Submission Procedure

In order to be eligible for land, it is not enough to be a large parent. It is necessary to apply for a land plot. For large families, the law allows you to get an allotment for farming, gardening or construction without participating in auctions.Benefits for large families

But for this it is necessary to write a statement to the appropriate authorities involved in the distribution of land, and attach to it all the required papers. Documents are considered for two weeks. But local authorities are given 30 days to make a decision. When the relevant authority approves the allocation of the land, the applicant will be sent a written response to the home address. First, the beneficiary is queued, he is assigned the serial number of the applicant in this direction. During the year, the decision must be implemented.

Required documents

Free land plots to large families are allocated according to the relevant application. But for the local government to take it into consideration, it is necessary to attach a certain list of papers to it.Land for large families law

In order for a large family to queue for the allocation of land, it is necessary to provide originals and copies of such documents:

  • passport of the applicant and spouse (if the citizen who applies is married) and copies of all pages;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • certificate of marriage or its dissolution;
  • certificate of a large family;
  • extract from the register of property rights (USRP);
  • a document confirming residence for more than 5 years in your region / city - the usual certificate of family composition indicating the date of registration.

If you live at the last address for less than 5 years, you will still have to take the appropriate paper in the passport office to which you belonged at the previous place of registration.

It is worth noting that the extract from the Unified State Register will indicate everything that you own. This may be apartments, land and other property. Each spouse should personally take the indicated extract. The legislation provides that the allocation of land to large families is carried out only once. If you already have one allotment, then you will most likely be denied the provision of additional space.

Features of land registration by adoptive parents and guardians

Get a land plot for a large familyIn addition to the above documents, you may need other papers. So, if you are a large family with adopted children, then an appropriate court decision is necessary. An exception is when such parents are immediately recorded on the birth certificate. When registering custody of babies, it is necessary to provide the appropriate act of the authorized body on the appointment of a guardian or guardian.

Otherwise, the issue of land to large families is carried out according to the same procedure.

What sites are allocated

When applying for land allocation, many are interested in what allotment they can count on. But it is impossible to say in advance which particular site they can get. The legislation establishes the maximum size of land owned by the state. It is 0.15 ha. If the site is allocated from those owned by municipalities, then its size is established by the relevant acts of local self-government. In some regions, the size of the plot may depend on how many people are in the family at the time of application.

A number of areas in which it is not possible to provide the maximum allowable size of the plot, compensate for this with special subsidies. Their size is set by local regional councils. For example, in the Volgograd region the size of the specified subsidy is 200 thousand rubles.

Clearance process

Free land for large familiesIn each region there is a list of sites that are allocated for implementation. The benefits provided to large families allow them to choose the most suitable part of the land for them and apply for it. It is necessary to attach to it all the documents listed above and wait for the results of the review.

If all the papers are in order, then within a month you should receive a letter stating that it was decided to form the allotment. This means that the procedure will begin for the withdrawal of a separate area for you from the fund, from which land is allocated to large families.

To do this, the applicant himself is obliged to organize and pay for a topographic survey of the area and get a diagram of the land laid to him. Usually the procedure lasts about 2 weeks, but can last for a month. The same amount of time will still be needed in order to approve the scheme in the management of architecture.

Only after this begins work on land surveying.They are also held at the expense of a large family for a month. With their results, you can already go to the Cadastral Chamber of your region and register the land. After 20 days, a representative of a large family will receive a document - a cadastral passport. It serves as the basis for signing a ten-year lease agreement, which must be registered without fail at the Federal Registration Service, and the legislation provides for another 20 days.

Do not forget that for the construction of land is provided to large families. The law provides that as soon as the construction of the house is completed, you can get a certificate confirming ownership of it. On the basis of this document, the land itself is also transferred to the ownership of a large family.

Possible problems

Large families of Moscow landDespite the fact that the legislation spells out the procedure for the allocation, registration and transfer of ownership of allotments, in practice large families face many difficulties.

For example, activists sometimes check how land plots are allocated to large families in Moscow. They also monitor the state of affairs in other regions. For example, the All-Russian Popular Front in 2015 surveyed 1.7 thousand large families, applying for a plot of land in 83 regions. Only 8% were satisfied with what local authorities were able to give them.

Most of the respondents noted that there are no communications in the allocated areas, and there is no developed infrastructure near them. Some complained about the proximity of objects hazardous to health, for example, the location of the site near high-voltage lines.

Expected Improvements

Currently, activists plan to control how land is allocated to large families. They are going to monitor not only the procedure itself, but also whether the local authorities inform preferential categories of citizens about the opportunities provided to them.

Land allocation to large families

In addition, some legislative changes are planned. So, for example, the question is being considered that topographic work should be carried out at the expense of local authorities, and not those who want to get a land plot. A large family should ideally be provided with an allotted allotment, and not be forced to carry out work on its allocation at its own expense. In addition, local authorities may oblige to give only those sections to which all the necessary engineering communications are connected.

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