
Justice bodies: tasks, main directions of activity

The Ministry of Justice refers to the departments responsible for the development and implementation of legal regulation regarding the execution of criminal penalties, paperwork of various structures, ensuring compliance with the court order and the implementation of court decisions, and verification of registration stages for organizations.

What are the judicial authorities of the Russian Federation?

This is one of the most important structures involved in the organization of legal regulation in the country. justice authoritiesThe functions of this power unit are quite wide. Justice bodies are a law enforcement system that ensures the enforcement of court decisions and is of great importance in creating the proper prerequisites for the functioning of many state structures. They are identical to the judiciary and apply the sanctions prescribed by law regarding unlawful acts of legal entities or individuals.

History of Justice

The Ministry of Justice was established on September 8, 1802 on the basis of the Supreme Court of Appeal of the Russian Empire (criminal and public affairs). In the same year, the post of Minister of Justice was first introduced, which gave the right to act on the basis of the instructions of the Attorney General. Finally, the justice authorities completed the formation process in 1811.

The formation of the department of this department took place in 1803. At the same time, the unit received the right to draft laws and did so until the creation of the State Council. Further, the justice authorities checked the activities of all courts in the Russian Empire, except for naval and church ones.

Minister of Justice powers of the prosecutor general Chief Senate. In the process of the Supreme Court, he acted as the prosecutor, and since 1864 the functions of the minister were replenished with the duties of the Head of the prosecutor's office. In addition, the official was involved in the removal, establishment and change of office in the courts.

By 1870, the Government of the Russian Empire decided to transfer to the judiciary the observance of the land order and supervision.

functions of justice

The functioning of the Ministry of Justice

The functions of the Russian justice authorities include:

  • checking modern bills for the absence of contradictions to the Constitution and previously existing laws;
  • interpretation of regulatory documents from a legal point of view;
  • registration and legalization of public departments and formations;
  • work of control over notaries;
  • control of courts, prosecutors;
  • improving the legal knowledge of citizens of the country.

Composition of the Ministry of Justice

The system of justice bodies is a structured system of government agencies of the Russian government that regulate the work of the executive order and carry out control in all areas subordinate to justice.

justice system

This structure includes:

  • Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Registration Service.
  • FSIN;
  • UFSSP;
  • territorial bodies of justice.

All these departments carry out the instructions and orders prescribed by them on the part of the government in interaction with each other.

The main tasks of the Ministry of Justice

Tasks of the justice authorities:

  • implementation of the country's policies within the framework of justice;
  • verification of the observance of human rights and the power as a whole;
  • enforcement of intellectual property rights;
  • supervision of the functioning of the judiciary;
  • verification of the implementation of court decisions and acts;
  • monitoring the implementation of criminal penalties.

The work of the Ministry of Justice is controlled by the President of Russia.

powers of justice

What rights are within the scope of the Ministry of Justice?

The powers of the judiciary:

  • Awareness of the President and the Government of Russia on draft laws;
  • development of a schedule for the functioning of the justice authorities and forecasting of its results, including the activities of subordinate structures and state structures that are subordinate;
  • compliance with and enforcement of the Constitution, laws, international agreements of Russia in areas controlled by the justice authorities;
  • introduction of legal acts regarding the work of all subordinate authorities;
  • development of measures to improve the performance of the Ministry of Justice;
  • legal due diligence of laws;
  • registration of state documents explaining rights, freedoms and duties of citizens RF;
  • legal audit of legal acts of all regions of the Russian Federation for consistency with the Federal Law and the Constitution;
  • keeping records of all legal documentation of Russian regions;
  • approval of forms of registration registers of the functioning of the notarial apparatus;
  • determining the procedure for creating and managing registries; it regulates the maintenance of these documents by regional lawyers;
  • monitoring the work of forensic institutions of the Ministry of Justice;
  • summing up the results of activity and functioning results, creating ways to improve them;
  • monitoring compliance with the conclusions of departments subordinate to the justice authorities, the laws of the Russian state;
  • organization and conduct of inspections by territorial bodies of justice;
  • Fulfillment of other requirements in the prescribed form.

Powers of the Minister of Justice

The head of the Ministry of Justice is the Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, who is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation (he also appoints deputies). The head of justice is directly responsible for the implementation of all received orders, as well as the implementation of state policy.judicial authorities of the russian federation

His powers include:

  • distribution of duties between deputy ministers, separation of powers among officials;
  • approval of regulations on the functional branches of the Ministry;
  • approval of the annual work schedule and predicted indicators of the functioning of state structures, preparation of reports on their work;
  • submitting for consideration of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation and demonstrating directly to the head of state draft provisions on subordinate structures, their regulation, the possible number and salary of workers in this area;
  • approval of the list of branches of the main department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation, its regional departments and institutions;
  • approval of the position and dismissal of officials of the main department, if this does not contradict the Federal Law;
  • introducing into the State Duma draft concepts on state bodies subordinate to the department;
  • the abolition of legal documentation standards contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation and legislation;
  • implementation of justice planning;
  • publishing of new legal acts, including documents developed collectively with the leadership of other federal structures;
  • assignment to employees of the FSIN of the first special ranks for service;
  • the formation of scientific, expert and consulting departments;
  • other powers established for the minister by the higher authorities.

Federal Penitentiary Service

Based on Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1314 of October 13, 2004, the Federal Penitentiary Service represents the national state structure of the executive authorities that carry out law enforcement actions, and controls the observance of the prescribed procedure for the execution of criminal penalties. As for the convicts, this service takes a number of measures to detain detainees who are under guard and checks the activities of the accused.

Tasks of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation:

  • the execution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of criminal penalties and the arrest of people who are suspected or accused of involvement in illegal actions;
  • monitoring the actions of convicts who received conditional sentences;
  • protection of the rights and freedoms of detained accused;
  • Compliance with the order in organizations where prisoners are detained in pre-trial detention centers; monitoring the safety of both the detainees themselves and the workers in this area of ​​activity;
  • transportation of the accused to the required place of stay;
  • the fulfillment of all necessary conditions for the detention of prisoners, in accordance with the rules of international law and the Federal Law of Russia;
  • assistance to convicts for social adaptation;
  • regulation of the activities of territorial centers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation and subordinate institutions.

The main powers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation:

  • ensuring order and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in pre-trial detention centers and places of deprivation of liberty;
  • transportation of convicts to places where they will stay all the time assigned to them by the court;
  • preparation of documents that are needed in order to submit a petition for review of the case, and the implementation of a legal examination;
  • interaction with all territorial institutions of the FSIN in the country, monitoring their work;
  • creation, liquidation and differentiation of structures that fulfill the prescribed criminal penalties.

Notary as a structure

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation is engaged in the structuring, control and regulation of many areas of public activity, including notarial.

A notary is a government agency that performs the functions of safeguarding the rights and needs of citizens and legal organizations of the Russian Federation.

Notary bodies of justice certify transactions that, according to the established legislation, must have a notarial form (testament, power of attorney). They also issue a certificate of the right to state registration of property, certify copies of documents, signatures and translations.

Who are notaries?

Notaries are engaged in the above activities in our country. The place of their work is the notarial bodies of justice.

notarial bodies of justice

In the course of its activities, a notary must be incorruptible and fair, be guided exclusively by the laws of the Russian Federation, the Constitution and other legal acts.

He must notify the requesting clients of the subsequent outcome in the process of notarial work. The notary is ordered to keep secret the information known to him as a result of the performance of his duties. He is forced to refuse to cooperate with persons if such is contrary to the law. An individually practicing notary assumes personal responsibility if his actions led to damage.

Chamber of notaries - what is it?

A public organization that includes specialists who have membership in a college of notaries and practice individually is called the notary chamber.

The Notary Chamber is considered a legal structure based on self-government. She represents and defends the interests of the members of her organization, helping them to successfully promote private affairs, internships for people who want to become notaries, conducts continuing education and much more. The members of the chamber pay a fee for its financial support and functioning and transmit information about their notarial processes.

Forensic examination

Forensic examination is a procedure based on the legislation of the Russian Federation and includes a number of studies and drawing up conclusions by an expert on the tasks that were set before the appointment of the examination.

In insoluble situations, when professional help is needed and there are doubts about certain legal cases, a person turns to the center of forensic examination. There are a lot of similar organizations in Russia.

forensic center

The forensic examination center performs its service in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In addition, the department is guided by Federal Law No. 73 and the Instruction for the organization of the work of forensic examinations in state expert departments of the Ministry of Justice system.

Thus, the judicial authorities of the Russian Federation carry out a colossal list of instructions that they must implement in various fields of activity in accordance with the legislation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation with the help of territorial branches.

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