
How to write an explanatory note? Sample Writing Explanatory Note

If you ever need to write an explanatory note, and as practice shows, there are such cases quite often, then do it correctly and correctly. Do not underestimate this document. A serious approach will help to avoid further misunderstandings and disciplinary measures. This article will help you with this. We learn about how to write an explanatory note, what are the types and requirements for it. In addition, this information will be useful to managers and individuals whose competence includes this issue.

Explanatory note to work.

What is an explanatory note?

In the general sense of the word, an explanatory note should be understood as a special business paper that is compiled to provide explanations on certain provisions of the main document (plan, report, draft) or gives a comment about the reasons for any fact, event or act.

A large number of variations and variations of this document can conditionally be divided into two groups.

Types of explanatory notes

How to write an explanatory note: a sample.

  1. Accompanying the main document or giving explanations on its individual provisions.
  2. Explanatory notes about any incident, actions, current situations and behavior of individual employees of the organization. This is the most common type of document drawn up by employees of the organization at the request of a direct or senior manager. They relate to relations arising in the process of labor and production activities. As a rule, an explanatory note is written to the director in connection with an emergency situation, violation of labor and (or) production discipline, disciplinary offenses and violations, etc. In these cases, the employer must request it from the employee (according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, article 193) , since it is considered by the legislator as a form of self-defense. Thus, an explanatory note (sample below) is an integral part of the process of disciplining an employee.

Issuing an explanatory note

For the first type of documentation, paperwork is a mandatory requirement; for the second, handwritten text on a standard sheet of A4 paper is acceptable. Everyone should know how to write an explanatory note and what to indicate in it, because in practice this is very common. No matter how exemplary an employee you are, situations are different and no one is safe from them. The structure of the explanatory note includes the following mandatory elements:

  • addressee details;
  • name of the document, type indication;
  • the title of the text (begins with the preposition "O (O) ...");
  • main text;
  • date of writing the document;
  • personal signature.

The explanatory note (a sample is given below) in the content part should reflect objective data on events and specific facts, give clear explanations. The main text reflects the personal position of the employee in the current situation, his attitude to the perfect misconduct and consequences. If the employee pleads guilty to the misconduct, then he can reflect this in the substantive part, indicating his repentance for the deed, and make a promise not to repeat this in the future. If he considers himself innocent, then there is the opportunity to express his point of view and provide his arguments and necessary evidence.

Explanatory note to the director.

Summing up, we can say that the explanatory note is an example of how an employee can protect himself in the presence of a controversial situation. Its explanations essentially contribute to an objective assessment by the employer of a certain fact and make it possible to identify all the circumstances of the offense and, if necessary, choose a fair measure of disciplinary sanction.

Employee Notification of Explanation

As already mentioned, the employer is required to request a written explanation from his employee before disciplinary action is taken (Article 193 of the Labor Code RF). In addition, the deadlines within which an explanation should be given - two working days. Based on the fact that the legislator allocates a certain time, the employer must document the date when he asked his employee to provide a note. There is no mandatory requirement for this, but from a practical point of view such a document would be useful. Firstly, this is the starting date, and secondly, documentary evidence that the rights of the employee were not violated. We give an example below to make it clear what should be indicated in it and how to write. An explanatory note is requested on the letterhead with the signature of the representative from the employer, whose competence to issue disciplinary sanctions. Typically, this is the leader or the person to whom this authority is delegated.

Notification Example

Deputy Chief Physician

Kukushkina R.R.

On providing a written explanation

In connection with your improper performance of labor duties, which were expressed in the absence at the workplace from 12/21/14 to 12/23/14, I ask you to provide a written explanation on this fact to the personnel department before 6:00 p.m. on January 26, 2014.

Head physician (signature) P.P. Sorokin

The notification was received on January 24, 2014

Deputy Chief Physician (signature) Kukushkin R.R.

Explanatory note: a sample to work.

It may well be that the employee refuses to receive and sign such a document, and the explanatory note for the work is written late, when it is no longer possible to apply the disciplinary measure and all the deadlines have passed. In this case, there may be the next way out - to hand over the notice to the commission, that is, in the presence of the immediate supervisor, a representative from the trade union, the legal adviser of the organization and other interested parties. If there was a refusal, then it is worthwhile to draw up an act with the signatures of everyone who was present. In this way you confirm compliance with the provisions of Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Explanatory note (sample) to work: example No. 1

The most common situations associated with absenteeism or being late for work.

Commander of the military unit 65487

Colonel Sidorov S.S.

From an employee of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, clerk

Volkova R.L.

Explanatory note

About being late for work on May 16, 2014

I, Volkov Roman Lvovich, were late for work for 4 hours on May 16, 2014. In essence, I can explain the following. This morning, during my trip to work in my own car, I witnessed an accident. In this regard, he was forced to testify to the traffic police. It took a lot of time. I enclose a copy of the protocol as evidence and a supporting note by the inspector of the traffic police Orlova P.P.

May 16, 2014 (signature) Volkov R.L.

how to write an explanatory note.

Example No. 2

To the director of the Parus store

Malinina M.M.

From the warehouse manager

Smorodintseva S.S.

Explanatory note

About being late for work on December 30, 2014

I, Smorodintseva Sofia Semenovna, on December 30, 2014, was late for work for 2 hours. The fact is that the day before I bought a new watch with an alarm clock. Having not fully understood the mechanism, I set the timer incorrectly and overslept for one hour. I acknowledge my mistake. I promise that from now on this will not happen again.

December 30, 2014 (signature) Smorodintseva S.S.

Error Explanatory Note: Example

This type of document is also found quite often.Errors can be of various kinds concerning practical activities paperwork, etc. In this case, the situation with the non-fulfillment of the work plan is considered.

To the director of Much Money LLC

Monetkina L.D.

From the main specialist R. Bozhkina

Explanatory note

About the failure to fulfill the plan for September 2014

I, Monetkina Lyudmila Denisovna, having analyzed the current situation related to the failure to fulfill the plan for concluding loan agreements, explain the following. The problem is related to the lack of employees, since two specialists were laid off in a month, and no one was hired to replace them. The two remaining employees cannot cope with the volume of work, although they work beyond the norm.

October 15, 2014 (signature) Monetkina L.D.

Drawing up an act of non-submission by an employee of an explanatory note

Explanatory Note: Example.

If, at the end of the established period, an explanatory note (example above) was not provided by the employee, then in accordance with the specified article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must draw up a special act. True, the legislator does not indicate which particular employee should do this, in what time frame and whether it is required to familiarize the employee with it. This is determined at the organization level, taking into account office work rules. The act is drawn up with the participation of a group of persons and confirms the events or facts established by them. Therefore, it is necessary to compile it collectively, it will be advisable to attract those employees who were present at the time the employee was handed a notice of the requirement to provide an explanatory note. It is written on a common form and may have the form presented below.

Sample Act



On the failure of the employee to provide a written explanation in connection with a disciplinary offense

Me, the head of the personnel department, Koroleva E.E., in the presence of the chief accountant Ivanova N.N. and economist Pevtsova R.I. This Act has been drafted as follows:

07/06/2014 accountant Petrova I.I. it was proposed in accordance with Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on July 9, 2014 to provide a written explanation of the disciplinary offense committed by her, which manifested itself in the absence at the workplace for 6 consecutive hours. Petrova I.I. She didn’t do this within the prescribed time, saying that she had already given an oral explanation and was not going to write anything else.

This act is made in duplicate.

/ signature / Koroleva E.E.

/ signature / Ivanova N.N.

/ signature / Pevtsov R.I.

A copy of the act received:

/ signature / Petrova I.I.

Do not regard the refusal to write an explanatory note as a new disciplinary offense, because this is the exclusive right of the employee, and not an obligation. And with this act, the employer only confirms that all the rules of the law have been complied with.

The difference between the explanatory note from the lecture and official

Explanatory Note: Sample.

Do not confuse these three concepts. We have already sorted out the first one. Knowing how to write an explanatory note, you can easily cope with the rest. Let's talk about them briefly. Memo is the opposite. The purpose of writing it is to inform the management of the current situation, situation, facts that have taken place, that is, to motivate you to take any action.

Memo involves the transfer of certain information on the "horizontal" branch of management, that is, from one manager to another, an employee of one department to an employee of another, etc. As a rule, they relate to material, technical, organizational, economic and other issues. In fact, this is business correspondence.

How to write an explanatory note (sample or example) can be easily found on the net. There is no single form, however, there are certain requirements that we have indicated. You can easily use and remake the above examples "for yourself".

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