
New office rules

The rules of office work in federal executive bodies authorities do not extend to work with acts that contain state secrets. Based on the requirements, the authorized structure develops guidelines for filling out, maintaining, and storing papers. When approving the rules of office work, they are coordinated with the leadership of the state archive. office rules

Create Acts

The rules of clerical work in the federal executive bodies prescribe that these structures can use special forms, standard paper sheets in A5 or A4 format. The creation of acts in electronic form is allowed. Regardless of the form, the document must contain the required details, which are located in the prescribed manner. Forms are developed in accordance with their angular or longitudinal spelling. In the first case, the details are located in the upper corner to the left of the sheet. With the longitudinal method, they are placed in the center of the form on top. The rules of paperwork in paperwork allow the use of templates in the preparation of electronic acts. Indents should be provided on each sheet: at least 20 mm on the left, at least 10 mm on the right, and 20 mm on the top and bottom. Electronic templates and sample forms must be approved by the head of the executive federal authority.


The rules for paperwork in paperwork determine that the acts must be attended by:

  1. State emblem of Russia.
  2. The name of the structure constituting the act.
  3. The name of the structural unit.
  4. The name of the post of the authorized person making the document.
  5. Reference information about the structure.
  6. The name of the document type.
  7. Date of preparation.
  8. Registration number.
  9. Link to the data of the incoming act.
  10. Place of publication (compilation).
  11. A bar for restricting access to content.
  12. Destination.
  13. Vulture of approval.
  14. Resolution (instructions for the execution of the act).
  15. Text.
  16. Reference mark.
  17. Record about the application.
  18. Signature (note on electronic signature).
  19. Vulture on approval.
  20. Visa.
  21. Print location.
  22. Record of the artist.
  23. A note on the implementation of the act and sending it to business.
  24. Record of receipt of the document.
  25. Link to the act.

The composition of the details shall be established in accordance with the type and purpose of the act. The general rules of paperwork determine that the approval of the paper is certified by the visa of an authorized employee. This provision applies to internal acts of the structure. Coordination of documents drawn up in the federal executive institution with other state bodies is certified by signature stamp, protocol or letter. office management rules

Delivery, receipt and registration of acts

In the clerical work of executive federal bodies, the following papers are used:

  1. Inbox
  2. Sent.
  3. Internal

Sending and delivery of acts is carried out using telecommunications, mail, courier service. General rules of paperwork prescribe the initial processing of incoming papers. After it, registration and preliminary consideration of acts is carried out for further transfer to their management. Initial processing of securities includes verification of the correct delivery, availability of documentation and applications. Host specialists also sort certificates for and not subject to registration. The latter is carried out on the day of receipt, preparation (signing or approval) or on the next day (working day), unless otherwise specified by law.

Transfer to structural units

The rules for clerical work in federal authorities stipulate that acts after registration should be submitted to management for consideration. However, it is allowed to send securities to another official. This requires the publication of the relevant decision by the head. Documents or their copies with resolutions (instructions for execution) must be transferred to the responsible persons by the office management service. The original act is sent to structural subdivision, on which its implementation is entrusted. If several departments act as performers, the original is transferred to the responsible of them, while the others receive copies. If the authorized unit has access to an electronic copy, the original act may remain in the registration service, if this is specified in the relevant Regulations.

Submitting Acts

After signing by the head of the executive body or another authorized employee, the documents are transferred to the employees of the office department. The latter carry out their registration and dispatch. The rules of clerical work in executive bodies oblige employees to verify the correctness of compilation, completeness, and the conformity of the number of copies to the mailing list. Incorrectly completed acts must be returned to the units responsible for their implementation. If there are no violations in them, the papers must be sent on the day of their registration or on the next day (working day). The transfer of documents from one structural unit to another is done through the office department. paperwork instructions

Accounting Features

The basic rules of office work include the procedure for summarizing information on incoming, drawn up, sent acts. Analysis and systematization of information is carried out by the responsible department. Reports are provided to the head of the executive body in the manner specified by him. To record and search for acts in an electronic database, mandatory information about the acts is applied, in accordance with the appendix. It is allowed to use additional data.

Documentary Fund

It is formed from acts used in the work of the state structure. The executive federal body, in agreement with the archival department, develops and approves a list of papers created during its work, as well as the functioning of its subordinate institutions. Moreover, for each act, the storage period is indicated. The executive body is also developing album templates for unified forms, generated documents. The employees responsible for this activity coordinate it with the head of the structure. The rules of paperwork prescribe the formation of a nomenclature of acts. Responsible employees must ensure their safety, accounting and transfer to the archive.


The rules of paperwork include its formation in the tasks of the registering structural unit. Nomenclature:

  1. Compiled on the basis of the accounting information of the departments.
  2. Approved by the head of the executive federal body. In this case, preliminary coordination with the expert commission should be carried out. Approval is carried out no later than the end of the current period. The nomenclature comes into force from the beginning of next year (from January 1).
  3. Once every 5 years, it is approved by the State Archives Expert Check Commission. Acts of the Archival Fund created during the work are transferred to it for permanent storage.
  4. When changing the structure or functions of the federal authority authority should be agreed with the expert commission.

The names of sections of the nomenclature are the names of structural units. federal record keeping rules

Storage specifics

In the formation of cases, they are distributed depending on the duration of the content in the archive. There are categories of permanent and temporary storage.The rules of personnel management provide for a period of more than 10 years for papers on personnel. The temporary storage period may be less than the specified value. Cases from the date of their formation to their transfer to the archive or destruction are contained in the structural units at the place of compilation. Papers may be issued for temporary use to employees for a period established by the head of the institution. After the expiration of this period they are subject to return. Other government agencies issue acts in accordance with their written requests with the permission of the head of the executive federal body or his deputy. In exceptional cases, the removal of securities from permanent storage is allowed. At the same time, the rules of office-work to the federal authorities prescribe to leave a copy of papers certified in the prescribed manner, as well as an act on the reasons for the issuance of originals.


Cases of a temporary (more than 10 years) and permanent storage period shall be sent no earlier than a year, but no later than three years from the date of the end of their clerical service. Transfer of securities is carried out in accordance with the inventories. Cases whose temporary storage period is less than 10 years (inclusive) are not transferred to the archive. At the end of the specified period they are subject to destruction. The basis for the compilation of inventories is the nomenclature of cases.

Features of working with electronic acts

The rules of office management establish that the creation, processing and storage of information can be carried out in the information system of the state structure. In this case, electronic acts must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements applicable to paper acts. They must also have the required details, except for the State Emblem of Russia. The composition of electronic acts is determined by the list of documents, the design, storage and subsequent use of which is carried out exclusively in digital form when organizing the internal work of the structure. This list is being developed in accordance with the recommendations of the State Archive. The list of acts, the compilation, storage and subsequent use of which will be carried out in digital form, is approved by the head of the institution in agreement with the archival department.

Electronic Act Processing

Documents must be signed by a qualified enhanced digital signature of an authorized official. Sending and receiving electronic acts is carried out by the registration service of the institution. After the receipt of the document, the office management service must verify the validity of the digital signature. Electronic acts included in the information system are assigned registration and registration data. They provide document management. Among other things, it includes search, access, storage, control, use, etc. Registration of acts received on paper is carried out with the formation of an electronic copy. The nomenclature indicates that the case is being conducted in digital format. This is indicated in the heading or in the "Note" field. After implementation or dispatch, electronic acts shall be kept for the periods established for similar cases executed on paper. At the end of the period, information contained in digital form shall be destroyed. office rules in federal executive bodies


They are described in the relevant instructions. The paperwork rules serve as the basis for the development of guidelines and other local acts that govern the technology for working with papers within the institution. They define techniques, procedures for compiling, the procedure for working with data. Acting on the basis of government decree No. 477, the Rule of Record Keeping is specified for each state structure by precisely such local acts.

Development Features

When compiling the Methodological Recommendations, the current rules of the RF office work are taken into account. The officials responsible for the development should be guided by the Model Regulations and coordinate the project with the archival public institution. In accordance with GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007, any institution must determine and fix the internal rules of office work. Their goal should be the formation of a management system with reliable, authentic and usable acts that can support business activity over the necessary time period.

Content of recommendations

The structure of the text is not governed by regulations of intersectoral significance. Typically, recommendations include general provisions, topics sections, and annexes. In the first block determine:

  1. Scope of recommendations. For example: "The instruction applies to all documentation of the institution."
  2. Responsibility for non-compliance.
  3. The unit with the responsibility to ensure a uniform procedure for drawing up acts and working with them all other departments.
  4. The regulatory framework. rules for clerical work in federal authorities


Usually they begin with the rules of organizing paperwork. This section provides a classification of acts that are used in the implementation of information, administrative and other activities in the institution. The following paragraph identifies key paper requirements. Each office management rule is established by a separate paragraph. This also includes the procedure for sighting, coordination, signing. The rules are also set in this block:

  1. Registration and certification of copies (applications).
  2. Use and storage of stamps, forms, seals.
  3. Work with acts of persons responsible for their implementation.

Other items may be present in this section. For example, the content can be expanded to include the preparation of acts of a collegial structure, deputy heads, etc. In the section "Document Management" determine:

  1. The procedure in accordance with which the acceptance, processing and distribution of incoming acts is carried out.
  2. Rules of transportation and transfer from one unit to another.
  3. Key instances of the movement of acts.
  4. Rules for preparing and sending outgoing documentation.
  5. The procedure for recording the volume of acts.

Section "Registration" sets:

  1. Rules according to which incoming, internal and outgoing acts are assigned numbers.
  2. Methods, forms and deadlines for registration.
  3. The procedure for indexing acts.

In the section "Reference work" are fixed:

  1. The principles of the formation of a reference system in the institution.
  2. Description of file cabinets, databases and other sources.
  3. Technology for the implementation of information retrieval activities.

Section "Control over the execution of documents" defines:

  1. Types of acts that are subject to mandatory verification.
  2. The procedure in accordance with which documents are put under control.
  3. Rules for the implementation of inspections. Forms of cards, use of special marks and so on can be described here.
  4. Responsibilities of performers.
  5. Typical deadlines for the implementation of acts.
  6. The procedure for compiling control information.
  7. Rules in accordance with which the management will be informed of the checks performed. office management rules in executive bodies

The "Online storage" section includes information about:

  1. The procedure for the content of acts. It is installed both for the office management service, and for other structural units.
  2. Responsibility of specific officials for ensuring the safety of acts.
  3. The rules in accordance with which the formation of certain categories of documents in business is carried out.
  4. The procedure for the development and subsequent use of nomenclature.
  5. Rules of indexation and systematization of cases.

In the section "Preparation for delivery to the archive" are defined:

  1. The order of the examination.In particular, the technology of selecting documentation for subsequent storage and destruction is described.
  2. The procedure for preparing acts for archiving.
  3. Requirements for the design and description of the transferred cases.
  4. The procedure in accordance with which responsible persons transmit and accept acts.

Depending on the technology adopted, the specifics of the activity, working conditions, the composition of the sections can be supplemented and changed. So, for example, in the instruction, you can include blocks that determine the procedure for working with citizens' appeals, acts with a limited scope, technical support for training (shorthand, printing, sound recording, and so on).


They should include a maximum of reference and illustrative material. It must be systematized in accordance with the order of the sections. In the Appendices there are document flow schemes, examples of stamps and seals, sample forms, execution of certain types of acts, lists of controlled documentation, forms of its accounting, and so on.


The current official rules of office work allow for a clear procedure for working with acts of a different nature used in the executive bodies of the federal government, as well as in other state institutions. They establish key requirements for employees responsible for compiling and registering, receiving and sending papers. The rules also determine the procedure for working with electronic forms of documents, information databases. Each specific institution details them, developing local documents. As one of them is an instruction on paperwork. It should reflect the entire process of working with acts, technological operations located in a logical sequence. The instruction regulates the activities of not only the office service. Since the acts are moved between structural divisions, their employees should also be familiarized with the established procedure. The development of local regulatory documents is carried out by the office management service. At the same time, employees of the archival and legal departments participate in the process. The draft should be agreed and signed by the head of the institution. The boss issues an order in accordance with which the instruction comes into effect. In all structural units, it should be used as a normative act. Moreover, its provisions should be clearly and clearly formulated for employees. It is in accordance with its provisions and requirements that the institution will compile, register and circulate documents.

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