
Being late for work: explanatory and other related documents.

One type of disciplinary offense is being late for work. The explanatory employee allows you to understand in detail the reasons for the commission of this misconduct.

Mandatory Rules

When applying for a new job, a person first of all gets acquainted with the rules of the internal routine. Some provisions of this document are reflected in one of the clauses of the employment contract. This refers to the mode of work and rest. But sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, people violate these rules, and any such act is fraught with consequences. One of the options for such a violation is being late for work. The explanatory in this case is compiled by the employee himself after this fact has been recorded. It must be provided to management within two days from the date of violation. Otherwise, an act of non-fulfillment of the task is drawn up. This is usually followed by a disciplinary sanction.

late for work explanatory

What relies on being late for work? An explanatory will help the manager make the right decision. After all, he is not obliged to take any measures regarding the current situation, but only has the right to do so.

Good reasons

To navigate this issue, you must first deal with what constitutes being late for work. The explanatory only contains the cause of the incident. And the action itself means coming to work later than the start of the shift according to the schedule or untimely return after a lunch break. It is clear that such behavior is completely unacceptable, but it all depends on the very reason that caused the employee to do so. Of course, such explanations as “the cat got sick”, “there was a strong wind” or “the canary died, went to the funeral” look ridiculous and implausible. Yes, the situations are different, but do not think that only stupid people live around. If you do not want to voice the real reason, then it is better to come up with something convincing in advance. You can even use some well-known blanks:

  1. The bus broke down (trolleybus or tram). In this case, it is necessary to clearly calculate that the lateness corresponds to the waiting period for the next transport.
  2. Accident on the road. The problem here is that this fact can be verified, because all major incidents are reported in local news.
  3. A faucet broke in the kitchen (or in the bathroom) and had to wait for the master. But here, too, the call is fixed by utilities.
  4. Problems with relatives. Grandma asked urgently to buy and bring medicine.
  5. Stuck in an elevator and forgot a cell phone at home.

There are hundreds of examples, but each of them needs to be well thought out.

Document structure

Whatever the reason for being late, an explanatory will still be needed. A sample of such a document is somewhat reminiscent of itself memo.

explanatory pattern

It is compiled arbitrarily, but there are some general rules:

  1. First, the details of the official to whom she is addressed are indicated in the upper right corner. The structural division, position and F. I. O. of the most guilty employee are immediately noted.
  2. A little lower in the center is the word "Explanatory."
  3. Next is the text itself, which sequentially sets out the date, time and reason for the misconduct. The information should be presented as fully as possible, but succinctly, so that everyone can understand what really happened. In this case, only business style is used. Such documents cannot be written in a joking manner.Here, mention may be made of supporting documents, if any. If, as a result of the employee’s being late at the workplace, some problems arise, then you can make your own suggestions on how to fix them.
  4. At the bottom left, put a number.
  5. The bottom right is the personal signature of the employee and its decryption.

This is how the explanatory is written approximately. You can create a sample yourself or ask for advice from a personnel officer.

Mandatory Actions

Everyone should know how to write an explanatory note. Being late for work is an action that needs clarification. Even if the delay was only 5 or 10 minutes, this does not mean that the leader should not have any complaints. After all, the rules are the same for everyone, and they must be followed. Of course, the best way to avoid problems is to warn your superiors. If a person is really stuck in a traffic jam or the necessary bus did not arrive on time, then the easiest way is to call the head and inform him of the likelihood of being late. Along with this, you can immediately apologize. This will make the manager look at the problem a little differently. Seeing the employee’s efforts and worries, he may not want to apply the most stringent measures to him. Arriving at work, you must immediately go to the chef, and inform him of his return. Do not wait for a personal call "to the carpet."

explanatory note late for work

During the conversation you need to stay calm and confident. The main thing to remember is that this is not truancy, but a combination of circumstances. Even if the head slightly raises his tone, there is no need to snap and be rude, because, in fact, he is partly right.

Possible consequences

I wonder what the Labor Code says about being late for work?

late for work labor code

Almost the entire eighth section is devoted to this question. Article 189 of Chapter 29 refers to the observance by all members of the collective of an approved work schedule. But the punishment is already mentioned in Chapter 30. It is called the "Discipline of Labor." It contains all the information related to this issue. Since untimely appearance at work is considered a violation of discipline, the possible consequences will be of the same nature. This is quite logical. Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a list of penalties that a manager may impose on an employee for such an offense. There are only three of them:

  1. Comment. It is used in cases where a person was late for the first time, and was short-lived.
  2. Rebuke. It is used as a punishment if the absence of an employee has led to undesirable problems for the team.
  3. Dismissal. This last resort applies only in the most extreme cases. Perhaps the delay was long or repeated repeatedly.

In any case, after receiving an explanation, the manager makes the final decision and reports it to the employee in the form of a separate order.

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