
How to learn to speak beautifully: speech technique, exercises. Oratory

Talking beautifully is worth spending some of your time learning. An orator instantly arises in the head, each word of which hears a large number of people. In fact, everything is somewhat different. How to learn to speak beautifully is a question that should arouse lively interest in almost every person.

Variety of daily contacts

Each of us lives among people. A new day brings many contacts. Among them are communication with old acquaintances, work colleagues, family people and random people. Therefore, for many of us, the question of how to learn to speak beautifully is very important. If we are listened to and correctly understood, then we quickly get what we want.

These can be short dialogues regarding everyday topics:

  1. Shopping for bread at the store.
  2. Ordering to the waiter.
  3. Settlement with a courier.

Equally important is communication in the family, which is usually not given special importance. After all, such dialogues take place in a relaxed atmosphere. It is already more difficult to speak at a meeting in front of colleagues, telling them about the features of the new project. Therefore, the question of how to learn to speak beautifully worries almost everyone.

Which performances are most important

The most difficult thing for us is the performance at the workplace. Our career, that is, earnings and living standards, depends on meetings or important meetings. Equally important is the reputation and success among colleagues.

But how to make the performance interesting? You need to be able to attract the attention of listeners. But an interesting and relevant topic is not enough for this. How to learn to speak beautifully - excites many people who are building careers. It is very difficult to develop a good project. And just presenting it is unsuccessful. This is only possible because the presentation lacks communication skills.

In order for the subject of conversation to be interesting to listeners, you need to communicate competently and clearly. But for the most part, people talk differently. For some, it is common to experience difficulty communicating. As a result, the subject of the conversation is easy to lead to a dead end.

Behind themselves are able to captivate people who know how to express thoughts correctly. We must strive to learn how to present information to our interlocutors in color. This is also the oratory. The best helpers here are books.

how to learn to speak beautifully

Vocabulary expansion

To feel free to express thoughts, it is easy to find the right words, you should engage in self-study and enrichment of the vocabulary. For this purpose, you can use a handy tool like a TV. For this purpose alone, it is preferable to be alone at home. You just need to turn on the news broadcast and imitate the announcer. You should also withstand all pauses. As a result, vocabulary will increase, and speech will become more even.

When reading fiction, it will be possible to enrich speech with beautiful turns. These works must be written in Russian. And you should choose the creations of the great classics and contemporary authors. After any reading, the vocabulary will be replenished. And the meaning of unknown words can be found out using the explanatory dictionary or the Internet.

Getting rid of parasite words

Work should be done to eliminate unnecessary words from speech. The narrator may not notice them, but such moments are very unpleasant to the listeners. Oratory is to be expressed beautifully and correctly.But in the written statement of thoughts, parasite words are absent.

In order to clear speech, it’s very convenient to use a voice recorder that is now on any mobile phone. You need to record a conversation with a friend, and then listen to it. All unnecessary words should be identified and their number counted.

Since we learn to speak beautifully, we need to try to get rid of all unnecessary words. This is not easy to do. Work on yourself involves controlling every spoken word. Over time, you can make your speech correct.

Rid of fear of the public

Communication in front of an audience of unfamiliar listeners or with colleagues is often overshadowed by constraint, excitement, a feeling of constraint. But even at the celebration it is very difficult to say out loud congratulations. At a birthday, wedding, anniversary it is easy to experience the excitement, speaking to the guests. We learn to speak beautifully, so you need to think about your speech in advance, write it down on paper. This will allow her to remember and speak better to the public.

A person is often able to tell a lot about the subject of his activity. In this case, the formation of the vocabulary is carried out involuntarily and due to the daily repetition of similar phrases and terms.

speech technique

Simple exercise

This exercise requires a mirror. You need to stand in front of him and talk about the events that happened during the day. You need to talk only with yourself, therefore it is preferable to be at home alone.

It is preferable to record the performance on video. Thus, when viewing it, it will be possible to identify all unnecessary and repulsive gestures. After that, you should work on their elimination. After focused efforts, it will turn out to speak beautifully. Exercises aimed at improving communication skills do not require a lot of time. But you need to work regularly and purposefully.

Do not stick to extreme seriousness. You should think about how people will perceive the speaker's facial expressions. Facial expression should be moderately official and inclusive. Do not forget about the pleasant light smile. To achieve the result, you need to devote a few days to training at least.


The Importance of Speech Technique

The performance should sound beautiful. Without an improvement in the functioning of the speech apparatus, an increase in the level of speech culture is unthinkable. Listeners should not be annoyed by crumpled phrases, incoherent speech, or problems with the correct combination of words. The impression of such a speech, to put it mildly, is unpleasant. The meaning of what has been said is completely distorted, so listeners quickly lose interest in the speaker.

The technique of speech must be worked out, so you need to strengthen your voice and breathing. At the same time, developing good diction and correct pronunciation is of great importance.

Exercises for the development of breathing suggest its economical use. For this purpose, texts from fiction books can be used. Inhalations should be done after the end of the proposals. However, they should not be audible.

learn to speak beautifully

Sound pronunciation

Speech technique is significantly developed when performing a series of exercises. They are represented by various combinations of vowels. For example:

  1. and, o, s, y, e, a.
  2. uh, uh, uh, uh.
  3. ao, ay, ai, ay.
  4. eh, eh, eh, eh.
  5. oo, oo, oo, oo
  6. oh, oh, oh, oh

Performing exercises is to find the right voice source. It represents clear and pure sounds, the pronunciation of which does not require tension. The pace should be different. Performing the exercise, the voice should be lowered and raised. Since many of us need to speak beautifully and competently, it is preferable to spend time regularly performing simple tasks.

Exercises that improve the technique of speech should also be done with sonorous consonants n, m, b, l, which are combined with the vowels e, o, a, u, u, s. Examples:

  1. mi, ma, mo, me, mo, we.
  2. whether, lu, le, lo, l, la.
  3. nor, well, but, ne, us, on.
  4. mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmm.
  5. mmmimm, mmmamm, mmmmm.
  6. llllomm, lllymm, lllumm.
  7. lllmm, lllamm, lllamm.
  8. nnnomm, nnnumm, nnnumm.
  9. nnnimm, nnnamm, nnnamm.

how to speak beautifully and competently

Using tongue twisters

To improve the beauty of diction, you should remember the tongue twisters. First they must be read without a voice. It is only necessary to make the correct movements with the help of the tongue and lips. Then you need to say the exercise out loud. The pace should be chosen completely different. In this case, the text must be combined with proper breathing. That is, after reading the tongue twister you need to take an inaudible breath.


  1. Buy a pile of rush.
  2. There is a shock with a podrikopenok.
  3. Weaves a weaver cloth.
  4. My spoon is grooved.

what does it mean to speak beautifully

What does it mean to speak beautifully if you do not own your voice perfectly? For this, of course, you need to work hard. Exercise should be treated with due care. But the result will justify all the work. Indeed, it is really nice to talk beautifully at company meetings, corporate events, and just among acquaintances. You can’t make yourself concessions, you should treat rehearsals with due seriousness. If the exercise is not performed correctly, then it must be repeated until it starts to work out.

beautifully speak exercises

We hope this article turned out to be useful and interesting for you, and you have learned how to learn to speak beautifully.

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