
How to get maternity leave? Documents required for maternity leave

How to arrange maternity leave? This question is always asked by future mothers working officially in the workplace. With such a problem, you can always contact an accountant or try to independently study the standards and laws. This article will tell you how to get maternity leave. You will learn about the basic documents required for such a procedure. You can also figure out what to do in unusual situations.

how to get maternity leave

Before you make maternity leave ...

In the presented article, detailed rules of procedure will be described for you. However, before making maternity leave, the employee needs to know about this period of time. In labor legislation there is no such thing as maternity leave. Most often, this term is used in colloquial speech. What do people mean by this phrase?

Maternity leave is a period of time that is divided into two parts in labor law. The first is the so-called sick leave, or leave associated with the pregnancy of a woman and her birth. It is made out from 30 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman is expecting more than one child, then this happens earlier. The second part of the decree is a vacation in which child care is provided. It is usually made out two and a half months (70 calendar days) after natural birth. If the baby was born with the help of surgeons or with some complications, this interval increases by several days.

Vacation related to childbirth and pregnancy

How to issue maternity leave, or rather, the first part of it? To do this, you need to register with the antenatal clinic. After all, it is this organization that will provide you with the necessary documents, without which the employer will not be able to carry out the legal procedure.

Before you make maternity leave related to pregnancy and childbirth, you need to calculate the estimated date of birth of the baby. 70 days are taken from this moment. It is from the received number that your maternity leave begins. The incapacity for work of a woman, and accordingly the sick leave, ends two and a half months, or 70 days after the birth of the child. It is worth recalling that in case of cesarean section or complications this period can be several days longer.

how to arrange maternity leave

To issue the first part of the decree, you need to provide some documents to the accounting department or personnel department of your company. Among them will be a sick leave certificate, which will be issued to you in the antenatal clinic, as well as a statement. It is before making maternity leave that an employee needs to write an appeal to the employer.

How to prepare a document for registration of the above holidays?

Use the help of your accountant. The specialist will provide you with a sample, according to which you will need to write a statement. Remember that it is written in the name of the director. If you wish and the absence of certain standards in the organization, you can independently make an appeal. How to do it?

In the header of the application you indicate to whom the appeal is made and on whose behalf. Next, write the word "Statement." After that, state the essence of the matter: “I ask you to calculate and provide me with an exemption from work in connection with pregnancy and childbirth from such and such a date for such and such.” Immediately indicate the need to assign benefits that you must pay on the next payday. Put the date of compilation and signature below.

How to get a maternity leave for an employee

Leave in connection with childcare - the second part of the decree

How to arrange maternity leave, or rather, the second part of it? This period is called parental leave up to three years. The name of the term indicates that in the period before the child reaches the specified age, you can arrange your legal rest as you see fit. Some mothers want to sit at home with the baby for only six months. Others prefer to care for the crumbs up to a year and a half. Still others use the entire term.

how to arrange a maternity leave for grandmother

Holidays are made two and a few months after birth. However, if a woman wants to refuse him, then she will have to go to work immediately after the expiration of the period of incapacity for work. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the newly made mother can take advantage of her right at any time until the child is three years old. Before making maternity leave, the accountant or the personnel department must provide their application and the birth certificate of the baby. If this is not the first child of a woman, then a specialist may ask for documents for other children as well. In addition, the woman’s husband must take a certificate from his place of work that he is not going to use the leave to care for the baby, and also does not receive allowance in this regard.

How to draw up an application for the second part of the decree?

As last time, this document is written in the name of the director or manager. In the header you indicate his name and his data, that is, the person who is contacting. Below write the word "Statement". After this, state the request: “I ask you to calculate and provide me with legal leave regarding the upbringing of a child up to one and a half years, in this connection to assign a benefit”. Why up to a year and a half? This question arises in many women.

The thing is that it is up to this period that the employer will pay you the care allowance. When the deadline expires, you can write another statement in which you express a desire to either go to work or stay at home for up to three years. Be sure to put the date of compilation and signature in the document.

How to get a maternity leave for an accountant

How to arrange a maternity leave for grandmother?

There are situations when a mother cannot sit with her baby - she is forced to work or the reason is another circumstance. In this case, a grandmother or any family member selected by the parents can take a vacation. To do this, you will need all the same documents for the baby, including a statement to the employer. In addition, you need to provide certificates from the parents' place of work that they do not use vacation and do not receive benefits.

Another unusual, but very real situation ...

How to get a maternity leave for her husband? Everything is simple here. Your spouse’s employer must have known that your family was expecting a baby. Therefore, such a vacation will not come as a surprise to him. A man needs to prepare all the same documents, as described above.

It is worth saying that many grandparents are afraid that the employer will not provide them with such a vacation. This opinion is erroneous. The director does not have the right to refuse an employee. Also, the person for whom such a rest is issued is required to pay the appropriate allowance on a monthly basis. It is determined every year and may increase. Second child allowance higher than the first.

how to get a maternity leave for her husband


So, you have learned how to properly arrange maternity leave. Remember that there is no such thing in legislation. That is why it is worth calling this period correctly when contacting the employer. Otherwise, the director and accountant simply will not be able to understand what you want from them. This may result in delays in payments and the need to visit the organization again to reissue documents. Consult a specialist before collecting papers. Also, do not forget to request a sample vacation application. All the best to you!

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