
Maternity leave: what is meant by it? How many weeks go on maternity leave? Registration procedure and calculation of its duration

Pregnancy is both a period full of joyful and exciting expectation, and the time of the appearance of certain difficulties associated with the new state of the future mother and the need to say goodbye to work for some time. Well, if your boss completely falls into your position and lets you go with friendly parting words, and if he sees this as a threat to the normal functioning of the company and tries to somehow prevent you? To know your rights, you need to be savvy by law, and the first thing that any woman who plans to become a mother should be interested in is how many weeks go on maternity leave.

how many weeks go on maternity leave

Confusion in terms

To begin with, the concept of “maternity leave” does not officially exist. This is the colloquial form that women usually designate as a time entirely dedicated to bearing and raising a child. But in fact, this one term hides two different meanings:

- maternity leave;

- leave to care for a child up to 3 years.

During the time that the newly mummy is on the specified holidays, the state accrues her benefits, which are also often called incorrectly “maternity”.

We may have made an insignificant derogation, but if you turn to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - the main regulatory document that governs these aspects, for the answer to the question "when they go on maternity leave", then you simply won't find familiar words. Now, knowing how a well-known concept is correctly deciphered, there will be no problems finding the right information.

When can I go on maternity leave, what week of pregnancy?

In recent days, you have become heavier, feel awkward and sluggish, your head does not leave thoughts of blue or pink vests and sliders, all your free time you are busy arranging a cozy nest for the unborn baby. And it’s not at all until work.

when they go on maternity leaveMost likely, you should go on maternity leave. Therefore, ask your gynecologist, what is your pregnancy period, or rather how many weeks? They go on maternity leave, but it would be more correct to say - they issue maternity leave from 30 weeks or from 28 if the pregnancy is multiple. And these are not just numbers, but facts justified by doctors. If you are planning to go on maternity leave later than 30 weeks, think about whether to do so? After all, from this time it is time to begin to gather strength, sleep more, spend a lot of time in the fresh air, and not at the computer, on time and eat right. Thus, the body is better prepared for childbirth, and this in itself is hard work. Therefore, it is important how many weeks future moms go on maternity leave. It may well be that leaving the maternity hospital directly from production, you will not do much trouble, but is it worth risking the life and health of two people, even if in return they promise career growth and an increase?

When do they go on maternity leave ahead of schedule?

Each woman undergoes pregnancy individually. Someone feels lightness and an unusual surge of strength all 40 weeks and therefore is ready to work until the birth. Someone, on the contrary, is very tired, feels unwell, suffers an exacerbation of chronic diseases. In this situation, of course, not up to labor feats.

how many weeks are decreesDuring pregnancy, the first place should be the well-being of the mother and a healthy, full-term baby.Therefore, if you feel the need to go on vacation earlier than permitted by law, and you have medical indications, do not be afraid to ask a doctor or boss to meet them, and it doesn’t matter how many weeks other women go on maternity leave.

If you feel unwell, consult a physician, neurologist, cardiologist (depending on the nature of the complaints). The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe treatment and issue a sick leave, which will allow you to leave the service legally. In case of problems with bearing the pregnancy itself, your gynecologist will come to your aid and send you to the hospital, where they will also write you disability certificate.

If you just want to say goodbye to working days as soon as possible and completely immerse yourself in pleasant chores, then you should refer to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It says that a pregnant woman can take annual paid leave ahead of schedule, regardless of how long she has been working in this organization, and she cannot be denied this.

If your annual vacation is 4 weeks, you can write an application to postpone it and leave to rest a month ahead of the deadline set for you to go on maternity leave. That is, from the 26th week of pregnancy (from 24th, if it is multiple), you have a chance to no longer waste energy on work, but to rest and enjoy the expectation.

Maternity leave: how to apply?

Like any woman taking care of herself and her future offspring, from the very beginning of pregnancy you regularly attend antenatal clinics. And now it is time to go on maternity leave (in which week it would be better to do this, we wrote above).

what maternity weekIn consultation, when you approach the 30th week of your “interesting situation”, you will be given a certificate of incapacity for work, which indicates the DA (estimated date of delivery), and a certificate stating that you are registered as expected - up to 12 weeks, according to which one-time assistance is provided (543.67 rubles).

These documents must be submitted to the personnel department of your organization. They are attached to your vacation application.

How is maternity leave calculated?

The duration of maternity leave may vary in different cases. The terms and reasons for which they differ are determined by medical indications and are fixed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

So, in the case of a one-year pregnancy and normal childbirth, the leave will last 140 days, with the onset of complications (for example, delivery by Caesarean section) - 156 days, a multiple pregnancy gives the right to a woman in labor for a leave of 194 days.

maternity leave later than 30 weeksFor this period, a woman is paid a benefit, which is calculated on the basis of the average wage.

Leave to care for a child up to three years

At the end of maternity leave, you immediately need to take a leave to care for a child up to three years. It should only be taken into account that the allowance is granted only until the child reaches one and a half years and in the amount of 40% of the average wage (but not less than 2718.35 rubles if you have 1 child, and 5436.67 rubles if there are two or more of them .)

If, for some reason, the mother intends to return to work earlier, the papa or another family member can take a vacation for herself and he will be entitled to the same payments.

And one more thing: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation guarantees the preservation of your workplace for you while you are busy with the truly most important thing - educate and take care of your children.

Now we have shared with you information about how many weeks go on maternity leave, how it is executed and what its duration depends on.

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