
How to apply for a Sberbank credit card? How to apply for a Sberbank credit card online or through an ATM

Credit cards have long been recognized as the most convenient payment tool for purchases. It is sometimes much safer to use them, since you do not have to carry large amounts with you. An excellent solution is to get a credit card. We will talk further about how to apply for a Sberbank credit card.

Where to go and where to start?

How to apply for a Sberbank credit card

In order to apply for a card, it is best to come to the bank branch closest to the house. No need to be afraid that you have to wait a long time. Today, in all Sberbank branches a system is introduced, which is called the “electronic line-up”. Therefore, to visit the necessary specialist, just take a coupon and wait for a call. Thus, due to the electronic queue, customers are served much faster.

Benefits of using

The most important advantage of Sberbank credit cards is that money can be received at any time and almost anywhere.

You will never have to carry large amounts of cash with you, it’s enough just to have a plastic card with you and know its PIN code. Using the card, you can pay in a store or cafe, where there is the possibility of cashless payment.

When making any purchases, the available amount on the card will become less and less, but when paying off the debt the limit will be replenished again. This provides an excellent opportunity to reuse borrowed funds. This is another advantage.

When you receive a card, be sure to connect the Sberbank-Online services (this is an Internet bank that allows you to control your accounts around the clock, you can also make various transfers through it) and Mobile Bank (SMS informing on the card about transactions performed).

Thus, at any convenient time, if you have a mobile phone or computer, you can find out what state your account is in and also top up it from another card. You can also pay for various services, and in case of loss or theft of a card, immediately block it.

Debt repayment is carried out not only through bank cash desks, but also through any terminal. Therefore, you can replenish the card at any time and not be afraid to delay payment.

When making money transfers from a card, no commission is charged.

Credit Card Terms

Recently, Sberbank has canceled the payment of annual credit card services. Now they are provided free of charge, and no matter what status the card is.

In the event of a card debt, monthly payments are required.

Payments are determined depending on the amount, and the minimum is 5% of the debt.

The agreement on the card is in duplicate. The first is given to the client, and the second remains to the bank. It is better to deposit the required amount in advance, since the funds are not credited to the account immediately, but after some time. Just like in other banks, Sberbank credit cards have a grace period.

How to use the grace period?

In order not to have to pay interest for the money received, you can use the grace period. It is only 50 days.

You won’t have to pay interest during this period, but it only takes effect on condition of non-cash payment. When withdrawing cash through ATMs, the grace period will not apply.

Interest will not be accrued only when the entire amount is fully repaid during the grace period.If you do not have time to pay on time, then interest will be calculated on the balance of the debt on a monthly basis.

How to get a credit card?

How to apply for a Sberbank credit card through an ATM

So, let's talk about how to get a credit card and what is needed for this. To get a card you need to submit documents, as well as for a loan. These are: passport, work book (copy), income statement for the last six months. If you are a pensioner, then you can submit a certificate on calculating a pension from a pension fund. Among other things, it is worth saying that a copy of the work book is valid only for a month. Therefore, after receiving it, do not delay the visit to the bank.

Directly with a specialist, it is necessary to fill out a questionnaire for issuing a credit card. But, if you don’t have time to sit in the department and fill out a questionnaire, you can print it from the official website of the bank and come ready. The application is considered within three days, and the bank will notify you of the decision by the indicated phones.

Making a card online

How to apply for a Sberbank credit card online? Surely many asked such a question. But does everyone know the answer to it? To draw up a card via the Internet, you need to find the appropriate section on the bank's website and fill out an application. After consideration of the application and its preliminary approval, a specialist will call you and invite you to a meeting in the department. Next, you need to go through the standard procedure for filling out an application. And that’s all, in 10 working days, Sberbank’s credit card will already be yours.

But not every Internet user will be able to figure out how to apply for a Sberbank credit card online. And here, too, the situation is not hopeless. You can perform this operation at any ATM.

Issuing a card through an ATM

Sberbank credit card

How to apply for a Sberbank credit card through an ATM? And anyway - is this possible? To make such an operation, you must insert the card into the ATM and, for example, check the balance on the card. Then a button will appear on the screen called “Leave a request for a credit card”. You need to press it and enter your phone number twice. This is necessary in order to be sure that you entered the correct number and did not make a mistake. Then it remains only to wait. A specialist will call you and also invite you to a meeting.

Making a credit card by phone

How do I get a Sberbank credit card by phone? To do this, you need to contact the contact center of the bank and wait for a response from a specialist. It is required to communicate all the necessary data to the operator, and he, in turn, will transfer the information to the bank branch convenient for you, where you will immediately receive a card.

Instant credit card issuance

How to get a credit card of Sberbank "Momentum"? This type of card is issued only if the client has an already approved offer. That is, if you are a salary or pension client of Sberbank, after some time, commensurate with your income, the bank automatically approves you a certain credit limit.

To use it, you just need to contact the bank, and in a few minutes you will become the owner of an instant credit card. Its main advantage is that you do not need to wait 10 working days to receive it - it is issued immediately. Even if someone is thinking about how to get a Sberbank credit card for a pensioner, he can simply transfer his pension to Sberbank and wait for the approval of the limit.


After you become the happy owner of a credit card, you need to activate it. To do this, you need to insert the card into the ATM, enter the PIN code received in the envelope and check the card balance. If you immediately see the approved limit, then the card is active, and you can already use it. But in case a zero balance is shown, this means that the card is activated automatically during the day. Therefore, do not worry if the map is zero. Just the limit has not yet loaded.

How to recharge a card?

How to get a credit card from Sberbank to a pensioner

So, we already figured out how to apply for a Sberbank credit card. But how to replenish it after receiving?

Most customers ask this question very often. Let's try to figure it out together.

One of the most popular payment methods is a personal visit to a bank branch. Each branch of Sberbank has two rooms. In one, operations are performed that cannot be done at an ATM, and in the second there are ATMs.

Through these devices, you can make transfers from bank cards. Self-service devices are located not only in branches, but also in the city, so replenishment of the card should not cause difficulties.

You can also use other terminals. For example, having registered in the QIWI system and replenished the card in the desired terminal, you can make transfers within the site from your wallet. A negative feature of this method is that a high commission is taken, but sometimes it is easier to find such a terminal than an Sberbank ATM.

In some situations, if the terms of the contract are violated, Sberbank may block the card without notification. In this case, you need to call support and clarify the reason. But, despite some unpleasant moments, using the Sberbank card is very convenient, and it also opens up many new possibilities.

So, now you know how to apply for a Sberbank credit card, as well as all the nuances of its use, so now you can safely go to the bank and write a statement.

How to close a credit card?

How to get a credit card of Sberbank Momentum

If there is a loan debt or it has not yet been repaid, you should first pay everything to the penny. In order to avoid any error or problems that arise due to incorrect calculation, it is best to first find out the current account debt at the bank.

If a situation arises that there is more money than necessary on the card, then they can be withdrawn so that nothing more remains.

Now you should contact the cashier at the bank and fill out an application to close the card account. After the bank has reviewed your application, you will be warned about this by phone. When the account has already been closed, you need to contact the bank to make sure that it has really closed, and get the appropriate certificate. It is the only guarantee that you will not be contacted in the future and will not be asked to pay off unknown amounts.

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Reason for complaint
Gromov Andrey
It is convenient to use Sberbank, its branches are everywhere and there are many ATMs throughout the city. The main thing is to make the obligatory credit card payment on time so as not to overpay the extra interest. In addition, Sberbank cards are accepted at all stores.


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